@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
+import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/main.dart';
import 'package:dart_json_mapper/dart_json_mapper.dart';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:proxy_manager/proxy_manager.dart';
import 'package:tray_manager/tray_manager.dart';
import '../bean/clash_config_entity.dart';
+import '../data/model/NodeMode.dart';
late NativeLibrary clashFFI;
//android 或者ios
@@ -38,6 +40,9 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
final yamlConfigs = RxSet<FileSystemEntity>();
final currentYaml = 'config.yaml'.obs;
final proxyStatus = RxMap<String, int>();
+ final proxyYamlCurrent = "".obs;
+ final proxyYaml = 'proxy.yaml'.obs;
// action
static const ACTION_SET_SYSTEM_PROXY = "assr";
@@ -78,9 +83,9 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
_clashDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
final _ = SpUtil.getData('yaml', defValue: currentYaml.value);
- initializedHttpPort = SpUtil.getData('http-port', defValue: 12346);
- initializedSockPort = SpUtil.getData('socks-port', defValue: 12347);
- initializedMixedPort = SpUtil.getData('mixed-port', defValue: 12348);
+ initializedHttpPort = SpUtil.getData('http-port', defValue: 7899);
+ initializedSockPort = SpUtil.getData('socks-port', defValue: 7877);
+ initializedMixedPort = SpUtil.getData('mixed-port', defValue: 7811);
currentYaml.value = _;
final clashConfigPath = p.join(_clashDirectory.path, "clash");
@@ -100,6 +105,23 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
if (!mmdbF.existsSync()) {
await mmdbF.writeAsBytes(mmdb.buffer.asInt8List());
+ final countryGeoIP= p.join(_clashDirectory.path, 'geoip.dat');
+ final geoip = await rootBundle.load('assets/tp/clash/geoip.dat');
+ // write to clash dir
+ final geoipF = File(countryGeoIP);
+ if (!geoipF.existsSync()) {
+ await geoipF.writeAsBytes(geoip.buffer.asInt8List());
+ }
+ final countryGeoSite= p.join(_clashDirectory.path, 'geosite.dat');
+ final geoSite = await rootBundle.load('assets/tp/clash/geoip.dat');
+ // write to clash dir
+ final geoSiteF = File(countryGeoSite);
+ if (!geoSiteF.existsSync()) {
+ await geoSiteF.writeAsBytes(geoSite.buffer.asInt8List());
+ }
final config = await rootBundle.load('assets/tp/clash/config.yaml');
// write to clash dir
final configF = File(clashConf);
@@ -169,6 +191,78 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
// malloc.free(configPtr);
+ Future<void> chageProxyConfig() async {
+ final clashConf = p.join(_clashDirectory.path, proxyYaml.value);
+ final f = File(clashConf);
+ if (f.existsSync() && await changeYaml(f)) {
+ // set subscription
+ // await SpUtil.setData('profile_$name', url);
+ // await reload();
+ }
+ }
+ String generateRules() {
+ return '''
+ - MATCH,proxy
+ ''';
+ }
+ Future<void> makeClash(List<NodeMode> nodeModes) async {
+ var proxies = nodeModes.map(nodeToYaml).toList();
+ var config = '''
+port: 7891
+socks-port: 7890
+redir-port: 7893
+allow-lan: true
+mode: rule
+log-level: info
+ipv6: false
+unified-delay: false
+geodata-mode: true
+tcp-concurrent: false
+find-process-mode: strict
+global-client-fingerprint: chrome
+ - name: proxy
+ type: select
+ proxies:
+ ${nodeModes.map((node) => '- ${node.name}').join('\n ')}
+ ''';
+ proxyYamlCurrent.value = config;
+ final clashConf = p.join(_clashDirectory.path, proxyYaml.value);
+ final configF = File(clashConf);
+ await configF.writeAsBytes(utf8.encode(config));
+ }
+ String nodeToYaml(NodeMode node) {
+ const prefix = ' '; // 两个空格的缩进
+ switch (node.type) {
+ case 'trojan':
+ return '''$prefix- { name: ${node.name}, type: ${node.type}, server: ${node.host}, port: ${node.port}, password: ${node.passwd}, udp: 1 }''';
+ case 'shadowsocks':
+ return '''$prefix- { name: ${node.name}, type: ss, server: ${node.host}, port: ${node.port}, password: ${node.passwd}, cipher: ${node.method}, udp: 1 }''';
+ case 'v2ray':
+ final type = (node.vless == 1) ? 'vless' : 'vmess';
+ if (type == 'vless') {
+ return '''$prefix- { name: ${node.name}, type: $type, server: ${node.host}, port: ${node.port}, uuid: ${node.uuid}, alterId: ${node.v2AlterId}, udp: 1, flow: xtls-rprx-vision, servername: www.amazon.com, tls: true, reality-opts: { public-key: ${node.vlessPulkey} } }''';
+ } else {
+ return '''$prefix- { name: ${node.name}, type: $type, server: ${node.host}, port: ${node.port}, uuid: ${node.uuid}, alterId: ${node.v2AlterId}, cipher: ${node.method}, udp: 1 }''';
+ }
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
Future<void> reload() async {
// get configs
@@ -185,31 +279,31 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
// await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
// }
// get traffic
- Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (t) {
- final trafficPtr = clashFFI.get_traffic().cast<Utf8>();
- final traffic = trafficPtr.toDartString();
- if (kDebugMode) {
- debugPrint(traffic);
- }
- try {
- final trafficJson = jsonDecode(traffic);
- uploadRate.value = trafficJson['Up'].toDouble() / 1024; // KB
- downRate.value = trafficJson['Down'].toDouble() / 1024; // KB
- // fix: 只有KDE不会导致Tray自动消失
- // final desktop = Platform.environment['XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'];
- // updateTray();
- } catch (e) {
- Get.printError(info: '$e');
- }
- // malloc.free(trafficPtr);
- });
- // system proxy
- // listen port
+ // Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (t) {
+ // final trafficPtr = clashFFI.get_traffic().cast<Utf8>();
+ // final traffic = trafficPtr.toDartString();
+ // if (kDebugMode) {
+ // debugPrint(traffic);
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // final trafficJson = jsonDecode(traffic);
+ // uploadRate.value = trafficJson['Up'].toDouble() / 1024; // KB
+ // downRate.value = trafficJson['Down'].toDouble() / 1024; // KB
+ // // fix: 只有KDE不会导致Tray自动消失
+ // // final desktop = Platform.environment['XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'];
+ // // updateTray();
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // Get.printError(info: '$e');
+ // }
+ // // malloc.free(trafficPtr);
+ // });
+ // // system proxy
+ // // listen port
await reload();
- checkPort();
- if (isSystemProxy()) {
- setSystemProxy();
- }
+ // checkPort();
+ // if (isSystemProxy()) {
+ // setSystemProxy();
+ // }
@@ -357,7 +451,7 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
void getProxies() {
final proxiesPtr = clashFFI.get_proxies().cast<Utf8>();
proxies.value = json.decode(proxiesPtr.toDartString());
- // malloc.free(proxiesPtr);
bool isSystemProxy() {
@@ -514,7 +608,45 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
return false;
+ Future<bool> addProfile(String name, String url) async {
+ final configName = '$name.yaml';
+ final newProfilePath = join(_clashDirectory.path, configName);
+ try {
+ final uri = Uri.tryParse(url);
+ if (uri == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final resp = await Dio(BaseOptions(
+ headers: {'User-Agent': 'clash.meta'},
+ sendTimeout: 15000,
+ receiveTimeout: 15000))
+ .downloadUri(uri, newProfilePath, onReceiveProgress: (i, t) {
+ Get.printInfo(info: "$i/$t");
+ });
+ return resp.statusCode == 200;
+ } catch (e) {
+ //BrnToast.show("Error: ${e}", Get.context!);
+ } finally {
+ final f = File(newProfilePath);
+ if (f.existsSync() && await changeYaml(f)) {
+ // set subscription
+ await SpUtil.setData('profile_$name', url);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ Future<bool> deleteProfile(FileSystemEntity config) async {
+ if (config.existsSync()) {
+ config.deleteSync();
+ await SpUtil.remove('profile_${basename(config.path)}');
+ reload();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
Future<bool> changeYaml(FileSystemEntity config) async {
try {
@@ -536,6 +668,19 @@ class ClashService extends GetxService with TrayListener {
return ret == 0;
+ bool isHideWindowWhenStart() {
+ return SpUtil.getData('boot_window_hide', defValue: false);
+ }
+ void handleSignal() {
+ StreamSubscription? subTerm;
+ subTerm = ProcessSignal.sigterm.watch().listen((event) {
+ subTerm?.cancel();
+ // _clashProcess?.kill();
+ });
+ }
Future<String> convertConfig(String content) async {