@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import 'package:get/get.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
+// 大部分翻译来自:
+// https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash-dashboard/blob/master/src/i18n/en_US.ts
+class I18n extends Translations {
+ static const List<Locale> locales = [
+ Locale('zh', 'CN'),
+ Locale('en', 'US'),
+ ];
+ static const List<String> localeSwitchs = [
+ "中文",
+ "English",
+ ];
+ @override
+ Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
+ 'en_US': {
+ "clash_core_version": " Core Version",
+ // tray
+ "tray_restart_clash_core": "Restart Core",
+ "tray_show": "Show",
+ "tray_copy_command_line_proxy": "Copy command line proxy",
+ "tray_about": "About",
+ "tray_exit": "Exit",
+ // modal
+ "model_ok": "Ok",
+ "model_cancel": "Cancel",
+ "model_delete": "Delete",
+ // sidebar
+ "sidebar_proxies": "Proxies",
+ "sidebar_profiles": "Profiles",
+ "sidebar_logs": "Logs",
+ "sidebar_rules": "Rules",
+ "sidebar_settings": "Setting",
+ "sidebar_connections": "Connections",
+ "sidebar_version": "Version",
+ // setting
+ "setting_title": "Settings",
+ "setting_start_at_login": "Start at login",
+ "setting_language": "Language",
+ "setting_set_as_system_proxy": "Set as system proxy",
+ "setting_allow_connect_from_lan": "Allow connect from Lan",
+ "setting_proxy_mode": "Mode",
+ "setting_socks5_proxy_port": "Socks5 proxy port",
+ "setting_http_proxy_port": "HTTP proxy port",
+ "setting_mixed_proxy_port": "Mixed proxy port",
+ "setting_external_controller": "External controller",
+ "setting_service_open": "Open Service",
+ "setting_mode_global": "Global",
+ "setting_mode_rules": "Rules",
+ "setting_mode_direct": "Direct",
+ "setting_mode_script": "Script",
+ // proxie
+ "proxie_title": 'Proxies',
+ "proxie_group_title": "Policy Group",
+ "proxie_provider_title": "Providers",
+ "proxie_provider_update_time": "Last updated at",
+ "proxie_expand": "Expand",
+ "proxie_collapse": "Collapse",
+ "proxie_speed_test": "Speed Test",
+ "proxie_break_connections": "Close connections which include the group",
+ // rule
+ "rule_title": "Rules",
+ "rule_provider_title": "Providers",
+ "rule_provider_update_time": "Last updated at",
+ "rule_rule_count": "Rule count",
+ // connection
+ "connection_title": "Connections",
+ "connection_keep_closed": "Keep closed connections",
+ "connection_total": "(total: upload @upload download @download)",
+ "connection_filter": "filter",
+ "connection_close_all_title": "Warning",
+ "connection_close_all_content": "This would close all connections",
+ "connection_columns_host": "Host",
+ "connection_columns_network": "Network",
+ "connection_columns_process": "Type",
+ "connection_columns_type": "Chains",
+ "connection_columns_chains": "Process",
+ "connection_columns_rule": "Rule",
+ "connection_columns_time": "Time",
+ "connection_columns_speed": "Speed",
+ "connection_columns_upload": "Upload",
+ "connection_columns_download": "Download",
+ "connection_columns_source_ip": "Source IP",
+ "connection_info_title": "Connection",
+ "connection_info_id": "ID",
+ "connection_info_host": "Host",
+ "connection_info_empty": "Empty",
+ "connection_info_dst_ip": "IP",
+ "connection_info_src_ip": "Source",
+ "connection_info_upload": "Upload",
+ "connection_info_download": "Download",
+ "connection_info_network": "Network",
+ "connection_info_process": "Process",
+ "connection_info_process_path": "Path",
+ "connection_info_inbound": "Inbound",
+ "connection_info_rule": "Rule",
+ "connection_info_chains": "Chains",
+ "connection_info_status": "Status",
+ "connection_info_opening": "Open",
+ "connection_info_closed": "Closed",
+ "connection_info_close_connection": "Close",
+ // profile
+ "profile_title": "Profiles",
+ "profile_update_interval": "Update interval",
+ "profile_update_interval_min": "Not less than one minute!",
+ "profile_update_interval_error": "Please enter the correct time!",
+ "profile_hour": "Hour",
+ "profile_columens_config_name": "Config name",
+ "profile_columens_url": "URL",
+ "profile_columens_update_time": "Update time",
+ "profile_columens_traffic": "Used/Total",
+ "profile_columens_expire": "Expiration",
+ "profile_columens_open_config_folder": "Open config folder",
+ "profile_columens_add_config": "Add config",
+ "profile_config_add": "Add",
+ "profile_config_edit": "Edit",
+ "profile_config_ext_error": "Make sure the file suffix is .yaml",
+ "profile_config_already_exists": "Config: @name already exists",
+ "profile_config_no_change": "Config no change",
+ "profile_config_update_error": "Update config: @name Error\nMsg: @msg",
+ "profile_config_keep_one": "Keep at least one config file",
+ "profile_config_mode_title": "Warning",
+ "profile_config_mode_content": "Delete: @name config, disk files will be deleted!",
+ "profile_config_mode_file_name": "name",
+ "profile_config_mode_file_name_hint": "config.yaml",
+ "profile_config_mode_url": "url",
+ "profile_config_mode_url_hint": "The local config can be left blank",
+ },
+ 'zh_CN': {
+ "clash_core_version": "内核版本",
+ // tray
+ "tray_restart_clash_core": "重启Core",
+ "tray_show": "显示",
+ "tray_copy_command_line_proxy": "复制命令行代理",
+ "tray_about": "关于",
+ "tray_exit": "退出",
+ // modal
+ "model_ok": "确 定",
+ "model_cancel": "取 消",
+ "model_delete": "删 除",
+ // sidebar
+ "sidebar_proxies": "代理",
+ "sidebar_profiles": "配置",
+ "sidebar_logs": "日志",
+ "sidebar_rules": "规则",
+ "sidebar_settings": "设置",
+ "sidebar_connections": "连接",
+ // setting
+ "setting_title": "设置",
+ "setting_start_at_login": "开机时启动",
+ "setting_language": "语言",
+ "setting_set_as_system_proxy": "设置为系统代理",
+ "setting_allow_connect_from_lan": "允许来自局域网的连接",
+ "setting_proxy_mode": "代理模式",
+ "setting_socks5_proxy_port": "Socks5 代理端口",
+ "setting_http_proxy_port": "HTTP 代理端口",
+ "setting_mixed_proxy_port": "混合代理端口",
+ "setting_external_controller": "外部控制设置",
+ "setting_service_open": "开启服务",
+ "setting_mode_global": "全局",
+ "setting_mode_rules": "局部",
+ "setting_mode_direct": "直连",
+ "setting_mode_script": "脚本",
+ // proxie
+ "proxie_title": '代理',
+ "proxie_group_title": "策略组",
+ "proxie_provider_title": "代理集",
+ "proxie_provider_update_time": "最后更新于",
+ "proxie_expand": "展开",
+ "proxie_collapse": "收起",
+ "proxie_speed_test": "测速",
+ "proxie_break_connections": "切换时打断包含策略组的连接",
+ // rule
+ "rule_title": "规则",
+ "rule_provider_title": "规则集",
+ "rule_provider_update_time": "最后更新于",
+ "rule_rule_count": "规则条数",
+ // connection
+ "connection_title": "连接",
+ "connection_keep_closed": "保留关闭连接",
+ "connection_total": "(总量:上传 @upload 下载 @download)",
+ "connection_filter": "过滤",
+ "connection_close_all_title": "警告",
+ "connection_close_all_content": "将会关闭所有连接",
+ "connection_columns_host": "域名",
+ "connection_columns_network": "网络",
+ "connection_columns_process": "进程",
+ "connection_columns_type": "类型",
+ "connection_columns_chains": "节点链",
+ "connection_columns_rule": "规则",
+ "connection_columns_time": "连接时间",
+ "connection_columns_speed": "速率",
+ "connection_columns_upload": "上传",
+ "connection_columns_download": "下载",
+ "connection_columns_source_ip": "来源 IP",
+ "connection_info_title": "连接信息",
+ "connection_info_id": "ID",
+ "connection_info_host": "域名",
+ "connection_info_empty": "空",
+ "connection_info_dst_ip": "IP",
+ "connection_info_src_ip": "来源",
+ "connection_info_upload": "上传",
+ "connection_info_download": "下载",
+ "connection_info_network": "网络",
+ "connection_info_process": "进程",
+ "connection_info_process_path": "路径",
+ "connection_info_inbound": "入口",
+ "connection_info_rule": "规则",
+ "connection_info_chains": "代理",
+ "connection_info_status": "状态",
+ "connection_info_opening": "连接中",
+ "connection_info_closed": "已关闭",
+ "connection_info_close_connection": "关闭连接",
+ // profile
+ "profile_title": "配置",
+ "profile_update_interval": "更新间隔",
+ "profile_update_interval_min": "时间不可小于一分钟!",
+ "profile_update_interval_error": "请输入正确的时间!",
+ "profile_hour": "小时",
+ "profile_columens_config_name": "配置文件名称",
+ "profile_columens_url": "链接",
+ "profile_columens_update_time": "更新时间",
+ "profile_columens_traffic": "已用/总量",
+ "profile_columens_expire": "过期时间",
+ "profile_columens_open_config_folder": "打开配置文件夹",
+ "profile_columens_add_config": "添加配置",
+ "profile_config_add": "添加",
+ "profile_config_edit": "编辑",
+ "profile_config_ext_error": "请确保文件后缀名为.yaml",
+ "profile_config_already_exists": "配置文件:@name 已存在",
+ "profile_config_no_change": "配置无变化",
+ "profile_config_update_error": "更新配置:@name 失败\nMsg: @msg",
+ "profile_config_keep_one": "请至少保留一个配置文件",
+ "profile_config_mode_title": "警告",
+ "profile_config_mode_content": "删除:@name 配置,磁盘内文件会同时删除!",
+ "profile_config_mode_file_name": "文件名",
+ "profile_config_mode_file_name_hint": "config.yaml",
+ "profile_config_mode_url": "地址",
+ "profile_config_mode_url_hint": "本地配置可留空",
+ }
+ };