@@ -20,13 +20,16 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:bot_toast/bot_toast.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
+import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
final headers = {"User-Agent": "ccore-for-flutter/0.0.1"};
class ServiceController extends GetxController {
- late final _dio = Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: '', headers: headers));
+ //late final _dio = Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: '', headers: headers));
+ var ip = "";
+ var url = "";
+ var client = http.Client();
var serviceMode = false.obs;
var coreStatus = RunningState.stoped.obs;
var serviceStatus = RunningState.stoped.obs;
@@ -41,19 +44,21 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
bool get isCanOperationCore =>
serviceStatus.value == RunningState.running && ![RunningState.starting, RunningState.stopping].contains(coreStatus.value);
bool get coreIsRuning => coreStatus.value == RunningState.running;
+ bool get serviceIsRuning => serviceStatus.value == RunningState.running;
Future<void> initConfig() async{
- _dio.options.baseUrl = '${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}';
+ url = "$ip:${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}";
+ controllers.config.setSerivcePort(controllers.config.config.value.servicePort);
Future<void> startTunService() async {
try {
while (true) {
- final data = await fetchInfo();
+ final data = await fetchInfo() ?? ClashServiceInfo.fromJson({'code': -1 , 'mode' : '' , 'status': '-1','version' : '-1'});
if( data.mode != 'service-mode')
if (serviceStatus.value == RunningState.running) {
@@ -75,41 +80,32 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
Future<void> isService() async {
- //controllers.global.updateMsg("判断是不是 service-mode");
- //serviceStatus.value = RunningState.starting;
- if (Platform.isLinux) {
- await fixBinaryExecutePermissions(Files.assetsClashService);
- await fixBinaryExecutePermissions(Files.assetsClashCore);
- }
try {
- final data = await fetchInfo();
+ final data = await fetchInfo() ?? ClashServiceInfo.fromJson({'code': -1 , 'mode' : '' , 'status': '-1','version' : '-1'});
if(data.mode == 'service-mode'){
serviceMode.value = true;
- //await serviceModeSwitch(false);
+ } else {
+ serviceMode.value = false;
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("用户模式");
} catch (_) {
- //serviceStatus.value = RunningState.running;
Future<void> startService() async {
- //controllers.global.updateMsg("开启服务");
serviceStatus.value = RunningState.starting;
- if (Platform.isLinux) {
- await fixBinaryExecutePermissions(Files.assetsClashService);
- await fixBinaryExecutePermissions(Files.assetsClashCore);
- }
- // bool isAvailable = await isPortAvailable(controllers.config.servicePort.value);
- // if (!isAvailable) {
- // controllers.global.updateMsg("端口${controllers.config.servicePort.value}被占用,启动服务失败。");
- // serviceStatus.value = RunningState.error;
- // return; // 端口被占用,返回失败
- // }
try {
final data = await fetchInfo();
+ if(data == null){
+ await startUserModeService();
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("开启用户服务");
+ return;
+ }
serviceMode.value = data.mode == 'service-mode';
} catch (e) {
@@ -129,38 +125,58 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
Future<void> startUserModeService() async {
+ serviceStatus.value = RunningState.stopping;
serviceMode.value = false;
+ final timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30); // 设置超时时间为30秒
+ final checkInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
+ var startTime = DateTime.now();
try {
+ final isRun = await controllers.global.onIsProcessRunning(Files.assetsClashService.path);
+ if(isRun == true){
+ await isService();
+ serviceStatus.value = RunningState.running;
+ return;
+ }
int? exitCode;
clashServiceProcess = await Process.start(Files.assetsClashService.path, ['-port','${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}','user-mode'], mode: ProcessStartMode.inheritStdio);
clashServiceProcess!.exitCode.then((code) => exitCode = code);
- while (true) {
- await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));
- if (exitCode == 101) {
- BotToast.showText(text: 'clash-service exit with code: $exitCode,After 10 seconds, try to restart');
- log.error('After 10 seconds, try to restart');
- await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 10));
- await startUserModeService();
- break;
- } else if (exitCode != null) {
- serviceStatus.value = RunningState.error;
- break;
- }
+ while (DateTime.now().difference(startTime) < timeout) {
try {
- await _dio.post('/info');
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("等待内核启动..");
+ final ret = await fetchInfo();
+ if(ret != null){
+ if(ret.code == 0){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- } catch (_) {}
+ } catch (_) {
+ // 如果fetchHello失败,等待200毫秒后重试
+ await Future.delayed(checkInterval);
+ }
+ }
+ // 检查是否超时
+ if (DateTime.now().difference(startTime) >= timeout) {
+ // 如果超时,更新状态并抛出异常
+ coreStatus.value = RunningState.error;
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("内核启动超时,重新点击加速后尝试。");
+ return; // 提前退出函数
+ await fetchStartInit();
+ serviceStatus.value = RunningState.running;
} catch (e) {
serviceStatus.value = RunningState.error;
- BotToast.showText(text: e.toString());
+ //BotToast.showText(text: e.toString());
+ print(e.toString());
Future<void> stopService() async {
serviceStatus.value = RunningState.stopping;
- if (coreStatus.value == RunningState.running) await stopClashCore();
+ if (coreStatus.value == RunningState.running) await fetchStop();
if (!serviceMode.value) {
if (clashServiceProcess != null) {
@@ -177,7 +193,7 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
try {
- await _dio.post('/info');
+ await client.post(Uri.http(url,'info'),headers: headers);
} catch (_) {}
@@ -188,41 +204,155 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
try {
- await _dio.post('/info');
+ await client.post(Uri.http(url,'info'),headers: headers);
} catch (e) {
- Future<ClashServiceInfo> fetchInfo() async {
- final res = await _dio.post('/info');
- return ClashServiceInfo.fromJson(res.data);
+ Future<ClashServiceInfo?> fetchInfo() async {
+ try {
+ final res = await client.post(Uri.http(url,'info'),headers: headers);
+ var jsonResponse =
+ jsonDecode(res.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
+ return ClashServiceInfo.fromJson(jsonResponse);
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ return null;
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
+ return null;
+ }
+ return null;
IOWebSocketChannel fetchLogWs() {
return IOWebSocketChannel.connect(Uri.parse('ws://${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}/logs'), headers: headers);
- Future<void> fetchStart(String name) async {
- await fetchStop();
- final res = await _dio.post<String>('/start', data: {
- "args": ['-d', Paths.config.path, '-f', path.join(Paths.config.path, name)]
+ Future<void> fetchStartInit() async {
+ controllers.config.config.value.selected = 'init_proxy.yaml';
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核---${controllers.config.config.value.selected}");
+ if( controllers.config.config.value.selected == 'init_proxy.yaml'){
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核初始化");
+ } else {
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核");
+ }
+ await fetchStop();
+ try{
+ var ut = Uri.http(url,'start');
+ final body = json.encode({
+ "args": [
+ '-d',
+ Paths.config.path,
+ '-f',
+ path.join(Paths.config.path, controllers.config.config.value.selected)
+ ]
- if (json.decode(res.data!)["code"] != 0) throw json.decode(res.data!)["msg"];
+ final res = await client.post(ut,body: body,headers: headers);
+ var jsonResponse =
+ jsonDecode(res.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
+ if (jsonResponse["code"] != 0) {
+ coreStatus.value = RunningState.error;
+ throw jsonResponse["msg"];
+ }
+ coreStatus.value = RunningState.running;
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
+ }
+ Future<void> fetchStart() async {
+ controllers.config.config.value.selected = 'proxy.yaml';
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核---${controllers.config.config.value.selected}");
+ if( controllers.config.config.value.selected == 'init_proxy.yaml'){
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核初始化");
+ } else {
+ controllers.global.updateMsg("启动内核");
+ }
+ await fetchStop();
+ try{
+ var ut = Uri.http(url,'start');
+ final res = await client.post(ut,body: {"args": ['-d', Paths.config.path, '-f', path.join(Paths.config.path, controllers.config.config.value.selected)]},headers: headers);
+ var jsonResponse =
+ jsonDecode(res.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
+ if (jsonResponse["code"] != 0) throw jsonResponse["msg"];
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
+ }
+ }
+ Future<void> fetchSetProxy() async {
+ try {
+ var ut = Uri.http(url,'on');
+ final body = json.encode({
+ "http_port" : controllers.config.mixedPort.value,
+ "https_port" : controllers.config.mixedPort.value,
+ "socks_port" :controllers.config.mixedPort.value,
+ "bypass": ",,,,,, localhost, *.local, *.crashlytics.com, seed-sequoia.siri.apple.com, sequoia.apple.com,xd.apple.com",
+ "dns_ip": "",
+ "dns_type":"",
+ "address":""
+ });
+ await client.post(ut,body: body,headers: headers);
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
+ }
+ }
+ Future<void> fetchSetProxyStop() async {
+ try {
+ var ut = Uri.http(url,'off');
+ final body = json.encode({
+ "bypass": "",
+ "dns_ip":""
+ });
+ await client.post(ut,body:body,headers: headers);
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
+ }
+ }
Future<void> fetchStop() async {
try {
- await _dio.post('/stop');
- } catch (e) {
- return;
+ var ut = Uri.http(url,'stop');
+ await client.post(ut,headers:headers);
+ } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
+ // 处理客户端异常,例如没有网络连接
+ print('Client Exception: ${e.message}');
+ } on Exception catch (e) {
+ // 处理其他类型的异常
+ print('Exception: $e');
Future<void> install() async {
- final res = await runAsAdmin(Files.assetsClashService.path, ["-port","${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}","stop", "uninstall", "install", "start"]);
await initConfig();
+ final res = await runAsAdmin(Files.assetsClashService.path, ["-port","${controllers.config.config.value.servicePort}","stop", "uninstall", "install", "start"]);
log.debug('install', res.stdout, res.stderr);
if (res.exitCode != 0) throw res.stderr;
await waitServiceStart();
@@ -246,12 +376,11 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
await startService();
- await startClashCore();
+ //await startClashCore();
serviceMode.value = false;
- await startClashCore();
- //await startClashCore();
Future<bool> isPortAvailable(int port) async {
try {
@@ -271,16 +400,7 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
final checkInterval = const Duration(milliseconds: 200);
var startTime = DateTime.now();
await controllers.config.readClashCoreApi();
- // bool isAvailable = await isPortAvailable(controllers.config.mixedPort.value);
- // if (!isAvailable) {
- // controllers.global.updateMsg("端口 被占用,启动内核失败,等待几秒后重新测试。");
- // return false; // 端口被占用,返回失败
- // }
- // isAvailable = await isPortAvailable(controllers.config.ApiAddressPort.value);
- // if (!isAvailable) {
- // controllers.global.updateMsg("端口 被占用,启动内核失败,等待几秒后重新测试。");
- // return false; // 端口被占用,返回失败
- // }
try {
@@ -292,7 +412,7 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
coreStatus.value = RunningState.starting;
if(serviceMode.value == true){
- await fetchStart(controllers.config.config.value.selected);
+ await fetchStart();
@@ -332,7 +452,6 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
await controllers.core.updateConfig();
coreStatus.value = RunningState.running;
controllers.global.updateMsg("内核状态:${coreStatus.value == RunningState.running} ");
- controllers.global.updateDate();
return true;
} catch (e) {
log.error("core -- $e");
@@ -390,6 +509,8 @@ class ServiceController extends GetxController {
await controllers.core.changeConfig(path.join(Paths.config.path, controllers.config.config.value.selected));
Future<void> reloadClashCore() async {