@@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
-import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/bean/proxie.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/common/LogHelper.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/common/SharedPreferencesUtil.dart';
-import 'package:naiyouwl/app/common/constants.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/controller/controllers.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/data/model/NodeMode.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/network/api_service.dart';
-import 'package:naiyouwl/app/network/dio_client.dart';
-import 'package:naiyouwl/app/utils/shell.dart';
import 'package:naiyouwl/app/utils/system_proxy.dart';
-import 'package:naiyouwl/app/utils/utils.dart';
import 'package:proxy_manager/proxy_manager.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:tray_manager/tray_manager.dart';
@@ -21,11 +15,16 @@ import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:wl_base_help/wl_base_help.dart';
import '../clash/service/clash_service.dart';
+import '../common/constants.dart';
import '../const/const.dart';
+import '../data/model/UserMode.dart';
+import '../network/dio_client.dart';
+import '../utils/shell.dart';
+import '../utils/utils.dart';
class GlobalController extends GetxController {
final proxyManager = ProxyManager();
- bool systemProxy = false;
+ var systemProxy = false.obs;
late BuildContext context;
final List<String> modes = ['rule', 'global'];
final List<String> routeModes = ['sys', 'tun'];
@@ -44,16 +43,9 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
final _wlBaseHelpPlugin = WlBaseHelp();
var sysInfo = ''.obs;
var sysVersion = kVersion.obs;
+ var connectStatus = false.obs;
final selectedNode = Rx<NodeMode?>(null);
- // // 策略组
- // var proxieGroups = <ProxieProxiesItem>[].obs;
- // // 代理集
- // var proxieProviders = <ProxieProviderItem>[].obs;
- // // 代理
- // var proxieProxies = <ProxieProxiesItem>[].obs;
- // // 所有节点
- // var allProxies = <String, ProxieProxiesItem>{}.obs;
final List<String> groupInternalTypes = ['DIRECT', 'REJECT', 'GLOBAL'];
final List<String> groupTypes = [
@@ -62,150 +54,90 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
Future<void> init(BuildContext context) async {
this.context = context;
- // if(Platform.isWindows){
- // createConsole();
- // hideConsole();
- // }
+ await controllers.config.initConfig();
+ await controllers.cc_service.initConfig();
+ sysInfo.value = await platformState();
await SharedPreferencesUtil().delete("last_successful_url");
- // init plugins
await controllers.tray.initTray();
+ await controllers.cc_service.isCanOperationService();
void updateMsg(String msg) {
msgStatus.value = msg;
Future<void> updateMode(String route) async {
- if(allowStatusUpdate){
- return;
- }
+ if(allowStatusUpdate) return;
modesSelect.value = route;
- final coreStatus = controllers.service.coreStatus.value;
- if( coreStatus == RunningState.running){
- controllers.core.fetchConfigUpdate({'mode': modesSelect.value});
- }
+ await controllers.core.fetchConfigUpdate({
+ "mode": modesSelect.value
+ });
+ await controllers.global.swift(selectedNode.value?.name ?? "");
void updateUserInfo(User user) {
- // 更新用户信息
- if (user != null) {
- // 可以根据需要更新相关的用户信息字段
- // 例如:
- // username.value = user.username;
- // email.value = user.email;
- // 等等...
- // 如果需要持久化存储用户信息,可以考虑使用 SharedPreferences
- // SharedPreferencesUtil.setString('username', user.username);
- // 更新UI或其他相关状态
- update();
- }
+ update();
- Future<void> updateRoute(String route) async {
- if(allowStatusUpdate){
- return;
- }
- // if(route == "tun"){
- // final res = await showNormalDialog( context,content: '启用网卡模式需要管理员',title: '提示', cancelText: '取消', enterText: '确认安装');
- // if (res != true) return;
- // controllers.service.serviceModeSwitch(true);
- // }
+ Future<void> updateRoute(String route) async {
+ if(allowStatusUpdate) return;
routeModesSelect.value = route;
Future<void> fetchNodes() async {
nodeModes.value = await ApiService().getNode("/api/client/v4/nodes?vless=1");
- //await makeProxy();
- // if(controllers.service.coreStatus.value == RunningState.stoped){
- // await controllers.service.reloadClashCore();
- // }
- // if (controllers.service.coreStatus.value != RunningState.running) return;
- // await controllers.core.updateVersion();
- // await updateDate();
- //
Future<void> updateNode() async {
NodeMode? targetNode;
if (selectedNode.value == null) {
targetNode = await findNodeWithMinUsers(nodeModes);
+ selectedNode.value = targetNode;
} else {
targetNode = selectedNode.value;
if (targetNode != null){
await swift(targetNode.name ?? "");
Future<void> showConsole() async {
await _wlBaseHelpPlugin.showConsole();
Future<void> hideConsole() async {
await _wlBaseHelpPlugin.hideConsole();
- Future<void> startSysMode() async {
- await makeProxy();
- //await updateDate();
- }
- Future<void> startTunMode() async {
- await makeProxy();
- }
Future<void> swift(String name) async {
var g = "proxy";
- if(modesSelect.value == "global")
- {
+ if(modesSelect.value == "global") {
g = "GLOBAL";
await controllers.core.fetchSetProxieGroup(g, name);
final conn = await controllers.core.fetchConnection();
- if(conn == null) { return; }
+ if(conn == null) return;
for (final it in conn.connections) {
if (it.chains.contains(name)) controllers.core.fetchCloseConnections(it.id);
- }catch (e) {
+ } catch (e) {
- }
- Future<void> makeTestProxy() async {
- final clashService = ClashService();
- if (!await Paths.config.exists()) await Paths.config.create(recursive: true);
- await clashService.saveConfigToFile(path.join(Paths.config.path, 'proxyfino.yaml'), nodeModes);
+ // 创建代理配置文件
Future<void> makeProxy() async {
- await controllers.config.makeClashConfig(nodeModes);
- // await controllers.service.reloadClashCore();
+ // final clashService = ClashService();
+ //if (!await Paths.config.exists()) await Paths.config.create(recursive: true);
+ await controllers.service.saveConfigToFile(path.join(Paths.config.path, Files.makeProxyConfig.path), nodeModes);
Future<NodeMode> findNodeWithMinUsers(List<NodeMode> nodes) async {
return nodes
@@ -214,13 +146,6 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
- Future<SystemProxyConfig> getSysProxy() async{
- return await SystemProxy.instance.get();
- }
Future<void> TunProxySwitch(bool open) async {
tunProxySwitchIng.value = true;
routeModesSelect.value = open ? "tun": "sys";
@@ -228,119 +153,24 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
tunProxySwitchIng.value = false;
Future<void> systemProxySwitch(bool open) async {
systemProxySwitchIng.value = true;
- //await SystemProxy.instance.set(open ? controllers.core.proxyConfig : SystemProxyConfig());
- await controllers.config.setSystemProxy(open);
- if(open)
- {
- await openProxy();
- } else {
- await closeProxy();
- }
systemProxySwitchIng.value = false;
- // Future<dynamic> _updateProxie() async {
- // final proxie = await controllers.core.fetchProxie();
- // final global = proxie.proxies["GLOBAL"]!;
- // proxieGroups.value = global.all!
- // .where((it) => !groupInternalTypes.contains(it) && groupTypes.contains(proxie.proxies[it]!.type))
- // .map((it) => proxie.proxies[it]!)
- // .toList();
- // proxieProxies.value = global.all!
- // .where((it) => !groupInternalTypes.contains(it) && !groupTypes.contains(proxie.proxies[it]!.type))
- // .map((it) => proxie.proxies[it]!)
- // .toList();
- // if (controllers.core.config.value.mode == 'global') proxieGroups.insert(0, global);
- // }
- //
- // Future<dynamic> _updateProxieProvider() async {
- // proxieProviders.value = (await controllers.core.fetchProxieProvider()).providers.values.where((it) => it.vehicleType != 'Compatible').toList();
- // for (final it in proxieProviders) {
- // it.proxies.sort((a, b) {
- // if (a.delay == 0) return 1;
- // if (b.delay == 0) return -1;
- // return a.delay - b.delay;
- // });
- // }
- // }
- // Future<void> updateDate() async {
- // //LogHelper().d('controller.proxie.updateDate()');
- // try
- // {
- // await controllers.core.updateConfig();
- // await _updateProxie();
- // await _updateProxieProvider();
- // allProxies.clear();
- // for (final provide in proxieProviders) {
- // for (final it in provide.proxies) {
- // allProxies[it.name] = it;
- // }
- // }
- // for (final it in proxieProxies) {
- // allProxies[it.name] = it;
- // //LogHelper().d('controller.proxieProxies');
- // }
- // for (final it in proxieGroups) {
- // allProxies[it.name] = it;
- // //LogHelper().d('controller.proxieGroups');
- // }
- // proxieGroups.refresh();
- // proxieProxies.refresh();
- // proxieProviders.refresh();
- // allProxies.refresh();
- // } catch (e){
- // LogHelper().d("updateDate -- ${e.toString()}");
- // }
- //
- // }
- // Future<void> handleSetProxieGroup(ProxieProxiesItem proxie, String value) async {
- // if (proxie.now == value) return;
- // await controllers.core.fetchSetProxieGroup(proxie.name, value);
- // await updateDate();
- // if (controllers.config.config.value.breakConnections) {
- // final conn = await controllers.core.fetchConnection();
- // for (final it in conn.connections) {
- // if (it.chains.contains(proxie.name)) controllers.core.fetchCloseConnections(it.id);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //
- // Future<void> handleSetSelectProxieGroup(NodeMode proxie, String value) async {
- // if (proxie.name == value) return;
- // await controllers.core.fetchSetProxieGroup(proxie.name ?? "", value);
- // await updateDate();
- // final conn = await controllers.core.fetchConnection();
- // for (final it in conn.connections) {
- // if (it.chains.contains(proxie.name)) controllers.core.fetchCloseConnections(it.id);
- // }
- // }
void watchExit() {
- // watch process kill
- // ref https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/12170
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
- // windows not support https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28603
- // for macos 任务管理器退出进程
ProcessSignal.sigterm.watch().listen((_) {
stdout.writeln('exit: sigterm');
- // for macos, windows ctrl+c
ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().listen((_) {
stdout.writeln('exit: sigint');
void selectNode(NodeMode node) {
nodeId.value = node.id ?? 0;
controllers.global.selectedNode.value = node;
@@ -349,46 +179,19 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
Future<void> _storeSelectedNode(NodeMode node) async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
- // 为简化起见,我们只存储node的ID,但您可以根据需要存储更多信息
prefs.setInt('selectedNodeId', node.id ?? -1);
await loadSelectedNode();
Future<void> loadSelectedNode() async {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final selectedNodeId = prefs.getInt('selectedNodeId');
if (selectedNodeId != null) {
- //selectedIndex.value = nodeModes.indexWhere((item) => item.id == selectedNodeId);
selectedNode.value = nodeModes.firstWhere((node) => node.id == selectedNodeId);
- void initRegularlyUpdate() {
- Future.delayed(const Duration(minutes: 5)).then((_) async {
- for (final it in controllers.config.config.value.subs) {
- try {
- if (it.url == null || it.url!.isEmpty) continue;
- if (((DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000) - (it.updateTime ?? 0)) < controllers.config.config.value.updateInterval) continue;
- final chenged = await controllers.config.updateSub(it);
- if (!chenged) continue;
- if (it.name != controllers.config.config.value.selected) continue;
- // restart clash core
- await controllers.service.reloadClashCore();
- await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 20));
- } catch (_) {}
- }
- initRegularlyUpdate();
- });
- }
- /// 打开代理
Future<void> openProxy() async {
int? port = controllers.config.mixedPort.value;
if (port == 0) {
port = null;
@@ -403,69 +206,27 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
port = port ?? mixedPort ?? 0;
if (port != 0) {
- if(Platform.isWindows){
- String loa = '127.*;10.*;172.16.*;172.17.*;172.18.*;172.19.*;172.20.*;172.21.*;172.22.*;172.23.*;172.24.*;172.25.*;172.26.*;172.27.*;172.28.*;172.29.*;172.30.*;172.31.*;192.168.*';
- int? exitCode;
- // Process sysproxy = await Process.start(Files.assetsSysProxyWin.path,,mode: ProcessStartMode.inheritStdio);
- // sysproxy.exitCode.then((code) => exitCode = code);
- try {
- var result = await Process.run(
- Files.assetsSysProxyWin.path,
- ['global','$port',loa],
- runInShell: true,
- );
- LogHelper().d(result.stderr);
- LogHelper().d(result.stdout);
- } on ProcessException catch (e) {
- //.e('Failed to start $coreName: ${e.message}');
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.http,
- "",
- port,
- );
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.https,
- "",
- port,
- );
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.socks,
- "",
- port,
- );
- }
- } else {
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.http,
- "",
- port,
- );
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.https,
- "",
- port,
- );
+ await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
+ ProxyTypes.http,
+ "",
+ port,
+ );
+ await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
+ ProxyTypes.https,
+ "",
+ port,
+ );
+ await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
+ ProxyTypes.socks,
+ "",
+ port,
+ );
- await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
- ProxyTypes.socks,
- "",
- port,
- );
- systemProxy = true;
- }
- //
- // port = port ?? mixedPort ?? 0;
- // if (port != 0) {
- // }
socksPort = socksPort ?? mixedPort ?? 0;
if (socksPort != 0) {
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
await proxyManager.setAsSystemProxy(
@@ -473,57 +234,48 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
- systemProxy = true;
- }
- /// 关闭代理
+ systemProxy.value = true;
+ }
Future<void> closeProxy() async {
- //
- if (Platform.isWindows) {
- try {
- var result = await Process.run(
- Files.assetsSysProxyWin.path,
- ['set','1','','',''],
- runInShell: true,
- );
- LogHelper().d(result.stderr);
- LogHelper().d(result.stdout);
- } on ProcessException catch (e) {
- //.e('Failed to start $coreName: ${e.message}');
- throw Exception('Failed to start sysproxy: ${e.message}');
- }
- proxyManager.cleanSystemProxy();
- }
- systemProxy = false;
+ await proxyManager.cleanSystemProxy();
+ systemProxy.value = false;
Future<void> stopAllCore() async {
await systemProxySwitch(false);
await controllers.service.stopClashCore();
} else if(Platform.isMacOS) {
- await controllers.cc_service.fetchStop();
+ if (controllers.cc_service.serviceIsRuning) {
+ await controllers.cc_service.fetchStop();
+ } else {
+ await controllers.service.stopClashCore();
+ }
- if(!controllers.service.serviceMode.value){{
+ if(!controllers.service.serviceMode.value){
- await onKillProcess(path.basename(Files.assetsCCore.path));
+ await onKillProcess(path.basename(Files.assetsClashService.path));
await killProcess(path.basename(Files.assetsCCore.path));
- }}
+ await killProcess(path.basename(Files.assetsClashService.path));
+ }
await killProcess(path.basename(Files.assetsClashService.path));
Future<void> handleExit() async {
await stopAllCore();
await trayManager.destroy();
await windowManager.destroy();
- // exit(0);
void handleApiError(dynamic error) {
if (error is AppException) {
LogHelper().d('API error with status code: ${error.statusCode}');
@@ -533,14 +285,12 @@ class GlobalController extends GetxController {
LogHelper().d('Other error: $error');
errorMsg.value = error.toString();
void dispose() {
- //controllers.protocol.dispose();