config.dart 12 KB

  1. import 'dart:io';
  2. import 'dart:convert';
  3. import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
  4. import 'package:get/get.dart';
  5. import 'package:naiyouwl/app/bean/config.dart';
  6. import 'package:naiyouwl/app/const/const.dart';
  7. import 'package:naiyouwl/app/controller/controllers.dart';
  8. import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
  9. import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
  10. import 'package:flutter_emoji/flutter_emoji.dart';
  11. import '../data/model/NodeMode.dart';
  12. final Map<String, dynamic> _defaultConfig = {
  13. 'selected': 'example.yaml',
  14. 'updateInterval': 86400,
  15. 'updateSubsAtStart': false,
  16. 'setSystemProxy': false,
  17. 'startAtLogin': false,
  18. 'breakConnections': false,
  19. 'language': 'zh_CN',
  20. 'port': 9899,
  21. 'subs': [],
  22. };
  23. class ConfigController extends GetxController {
  24. late final dio;
  25. var config = Config.fromJson(_defaultConfig).obs;
  26. var clashCoreApiAddress = ''.obs;
  27. var clashCoreApiSecret = ''.obs;
  28. var clashCoreDns = ''.obs;
  29. var clashCoreTunEnable = false.obs;
  30. var servicePort = 9899.obs;
  31. var mixedPort = 9788.obs;
  32. var ApiAddressPort = 9799.obs;
  33. Future<void> initConfig() async {
  34. // var port = await getFreePort();
  35. //dio.addSentry();
  36. dio = Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: clashCoreApiAddress.value));
  37. if (!await Paths.config.exists()) await Paths.config.create(recursive: true);
  38. if (!await Files.configCountryMmdb.exists()) await Files.assetsCountryMmdb.copy(Files.configCountryMmdb.path);
  39. if (!await Files.configGeoIP.exists()) await Files.assetsGeoIP.copy(Files.configGeoIP.path);
  40. if (!await Files.configGeosite.exists()) await Files.assetsGeosite.copy(Files.configGeosite.path);
  41. if (Platform.isWindows && !await Files.configWintun.exists()) await Files.assetsWintun.copy(Files.configWintun.path);
  42. final locale = Get.deviceLocale!;
  43. _defaultConfig['language'] = '${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}';
  44. if (await Files.configConfig.exists()) {
  45. final local = json.decode(await Files.configConfig.readAsString());
  46. config.value = Config.fromJson({..._defaultConfig, ...local});
  47. } else {
  48. config.value = Config.fromJson(_defaultConfig);
  49. }
  50. // bool bg = await isPortOccupied(config.value.servicePort);
  51. // if(bg) {
  52. // config.value.servicePort = await getFreePort();
  53. // }
  54. if (config.value.subs.isEmpty) {
  55. if (!await Files.configExample.exists()) {
  56. await Files.assetsExample.copy(Files.configExample.path);
  57. }
  58. config.value.subs.add(ConfigSub(name: 'example.yaml', url: '', updateTime: 0));
  59. config.value.selected = 'example.yaml';
  60. }
  61. await save();
  62. await makeInitConfig();
  63. }
  64. String nodeToYaml(NodeMode node) {
  65. switch (node.type) {
  66. case 'trojan':
  67. return ''' - { name: ${}, type: ${node.type}, server: ${}, port: ${node.port}, password: ${node.passwd}, udp: 1 }''';
  68. case 'shadowsocks':
  69. return ''' - { name: ${}, type: ss, server: ${}, port: ${node.port}, password: ${node.passwd}, cipher: ${node.method}, udp: 1 }''';
  70. case 'v2ray':
  71. final type = (node.vless == 1) ? 'vless' : 'vmess';
  72. if (type == 'vless') {
  73. return ''' - { name: ${}, type: $type, server: ${}, port: ${node.port}, uuid: ${node.uuid}, alterId: ${node.v2AlterId}, udp: 1, flow: xtls-rprx-vision, servername: ${node.v2Sni}, tls: true, reality-opts: { public-key: ${node.vlessPulkey} } }''';
  74. } else {
  75. return ''' - { name: ${}, type: $type, server: ${}, port: ${node.port}, uuid: ${node.uuid}, alterId: ${node.v2AlterId}, cipher: ${node.method}, udp: 1 }''';
  76. }
  77. default:
  78. return '';
  79. }
  80. }
  81. //
  82. Future<void> makeInitConfig() async{
  83. var mode =;
  84. var initconfig = '''
  85. mixed-port: ${mixedPort.value}
  86. allow-lan: true
  87. bind-address: '*'
  88. mode: $mode
  89. log-level: info
  90. external-controller: '${ApiAddressPort.value}'
  91. unified-delay: false
  92. geodata-mode: true
  93. tcp-concurrent: false
  94. find-process-mode: strict
  95. global-client-fingerprint: chrome
  96. proxies:
  97. rules:
  100. ''';
  101. await Files.makeInitProxyConfig.writeAsString(initconfig);
  102. config.value.selected = 'init_proxy.yaml';
  103. await readClashCoreApi();
  104. }
  105. Future<void> makeClashConfig(List<NodeMode> nodes) async{
  106. // if( Files.makeProxyConfig.existsSync()){
  107. // Files.makeProxyConfig.deleteSync(recursive: true);
  108. // }
  109. //await portDetection();
  110. var stack = "system";
  111. if( Platform.isWindows){
  112. stack = "gvisor";
  113. }
  114. var dnsPort = 53;
  115. if(clashCoreTunEnable.value == true)
  116. {
  117. dnsPort = 53;
  118. }
  119. var dnsEnab = true;
  120. if(clashCoreTunEnable.value == true){
  121. dnsEnab = true;
  122. }
  123. var mode =;
  124. var proxies =;
  125. var proxyGroups = '''
  126. proxy-groups:
  127. - name: proxy
  128. type: select
  129. proxies:
  130. - ${ =>'\n - ')}
  131. ''';
  132. var rules = '''
  133. rules:
  135. - MATCH,proxy
  136. ''';
  137. //
  138. var initconfig = '''
  139. mixed-port: ${mixedPort.value}
  140. allow-lan: true
  141. bind-address: '*'
  142. mode: $mode
  143. log-level: info
  144. external-controller: '${ApiAddressPort.value}'
  145. unified-delay: false
  146. geodata-mode: true
  147. tcp-concurrent: false
  148. find-process-mode: strict
  149. global-client-fingerprint: chrome
  150. dns:
  151. enable: $dnsEnab
  152. listen: :$dnsPort
  153. ipv6: false
  154. enhanced-mode: redir-host
  155. # fake-ip-range:
  156. # fake-ip-filter:
  157. # - '*'
  158. # - '+.lan'
  159. default-nameserver:
  160. -
  161. -
  162. nameserver:
  163. - 'tls://'
  164. - ''
  165. proxy-server-nameserver:
  166. - tls://
  167. nameserver-policy:
  168. "geosite:cn": [tls://]
  169. tun:
  170. enable: ${clashCoreTunEnable.value}
  171. stack: $stack
  172. # stack: gvisor
  173. dns-hijack:
  174. - # when `fake-ip-range` is, should hijack
  175. auto-route: true # auto set global route for Windows
  176. # It is recommended to use `interface-name`
  177. auto-detect-interface: true # auto detect interface, conflict with `interface-name`
  178. proxies:
  179. ${proxies.join('\n')}
  180. $proxyGroups
  181. $rules
  182. ''';
  183. await Files.makeProxyConfig.writeAsString(initconfig);
  184. config.value.selected = 'proxy.yaml';
  185. await readClashCoreApi();
  186. }
  187. Future<void> save() async {
  188. await Files.configConfig.writeAsString(json.encode(config.toJson()));
  189. }
  190. Future<void> readClashCoreApi() async {
  191. final configStr = await File(path.join(Paths.config.path, config.value.selected)).readAsString();
  192. //print("config ---- $configStr");
  193. // final emoji = EmojiParser();
  194. // final b = emoji.unemojify(_config);
  195. final configJson = loadYaml(configStr.replaceAll(EmojiParser.REGEX_EMOJI, 'emoji'));
  196. // print(_json["external-controller"]);
  197. //
  198. // final _extControl = RegExp(r'''(?<!#\s*)external-controller:\s+['"]?([^'"]+?)['"]?\s''').firstMatch(_config)?.group(1);
  199. // final _secret = RegExp(r'''(?<!#\s*)secret:\s+['"]?([^'"]+?)['"]?\s''').firstMatch(_config)?.group(1);
  200. clashCoreApiAddress.value = configJson["external-controller"] ?? '';
  201. print("clash api address ${clashCoreApiAddress.value}");
  202. clashCoreApiSecret.value = (configJson["secret"] ?? '');
  203. mixedPort.value = (configJson["mixed-port"] ?? 9788);
  204. clashCoreTunEnable.value = configJson["tun"]?["enable"] == true;
  205. clashCoreDns.value = '';
  206. if (configJson["dns"]?["enable"] == true && (configJson["dns"]["listen"] ?? '').isNotEmpty) {
  207. final dns = (configJson["dns"]["listen"] as String).split(":");
  208. final ip = dns[0];
  209. final port = dns[1];
  210. if (port == '53') {
  211. clashCoreDns.value = ip == '' ? '' : ip;
  212. }
  213. }
  214. }
  215. Future<void> setSerivcePort(int port) async {
  216. config.value.servicePort = port;
  217. await save();
  218. config.refresh();
  219. }
  220. Future<void> setLanguage(String language) async {
  221. config.value.language = language;
  222. await save();
  223. config.refresh();
  224. }
  225. Future<void> setSystemProxy(bool open) async {
  226. config.value.setSystemProxy = open;
  227. await save();
  228. config.refresh();
  229. }
  230. Future<void> setUpdateInterval(int value) async {
  231. config.value.updateInterval = value;
  232. await save();
  233. config.refresh();
  234. }
  235. Future<void> setUpdateSubsAtStart(bool value) async {
  236. config.value.updateSubsAtStart = value;
  237. await save();
  238. config.refresh();
  239. }
  240. Future<void> setSelectd(String selected) async {
  241. config.value.selected = selected;
  242. await save();
  243. config.refresh();
  244. }
  245. Future<bool> updateSub(ConfigSub sub) async {
  246. if ((sub.url ?? '').isEmpty) return false;
  247. final res = await dio.get(sub.url!);
  248. final subInfo = res.headers['subscription-userinfo'];
  249. final file = File(path.join(Paths.config.path,;
  250. final oldConfig = await file.exists() ? await file.readAsString() : '';
  251. final changed = oldConfig !=;
  252. if (changed) await file.writeAsString(;
  253. sub.updateTime = ~/ 1000;
  254. = null;
  255. if (subInfo != null) {
  256. // final info = Map.fromEntries(
  257. // subInfo.first.split(RegExp(r';\s*')).where((s) => s.isNotEmpty).map((e) => e.split('=')).map((e) => MapEntry(e[0], int.parse(e[1]))));
  258. final entries = subInfo.first.split(RegExp(r';\s*'))
  259. .where((s) => s.isNotEmpty)
  260. .map((e) => e.split('='))
  261. .toList();
  262. final info = <String, dynamic>{};
  263. for (var entry in entries) {
  264. info[entry[0]] = int.parse(entry[1]);
  265. }
  266. = ConfigSubInfo.fromJson(info);
  267. }
  268. await setSub(, sub);
  269. return changed;
  270. }
  271. Future<void> setSub(String subName, ConfigSub sub) async {
  272. final idx = config.value.subs.indexWhere((it) => == subName);
  273. config.value.subs[idx] = sub;
  274. if (subName != {
  275. final file = File(path.join(Paths.config.path, subName));
  276. if (await file.exists()) await file.rename(path.join(Paths.config.path,;
  277. }
  278. await save();
  279. config.refresh();
  280. }
  281. Future<void> addSub(ConfigSub sub) async {
  282. config.value.subs.add(sub);
  283. final file = File(path.join(Paths.config.path,;
  284. if (!await file.exists()) await file.create();
  285. await save();
  286. config.refresh();
  287. }
  288. Future<void> deleteSub(String subName) async {
  289. final file = File(path.join(Paths.config.path, subName));
  290. if (await file.exists()) await file.delete();
  291. config.value.subs.removeWhere((it) => == subName);
  292. await save();
  293. config.refresh();
  294. }
  295. Future<void> setBreakConnections(bool value) async {
  296. config.value.breakConnections = value;
  297. await save();
  298. config.refresh();
  299. }
  300. Future<void> portDetection() async {
  301. bool isOk = await isPortOccupied(mixedPort.value);
  302. if(isOk){
  303. mixedPort.value = await getFreePort();
  304. }
  305. //await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); // 等待5秒
  306. isOk = await isPortOccupied(ApiAddressPort.value);
  307. if(isOk){
  308. ApiAddressPort.value = await getFreePort();
  309. }
  310. //await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); // 等待5秒
  311. if(!controllers.service.isRunning){
  312. isOk = await isPortOccupied(servicePort.value);
  313. if(isOk){
  314. servicePort.value = await getFreePort();
  315. }
  316. }
  317. }
  318. Future<int> getFreePort() async {
  319. var server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
  320. int port = server.port;
  321. await server.close();
  322. return port;
  323. }
  324. Future<bool> isPortOccupied(int port) async {
  325. bool isOccupied = false;
  326. ServerSocket? server;
  327. try {
  328. server = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, port);
  329. } catch (e) {
  330. isOccupied = true;
  331. } finally {
  332. await server?.close();
  333. }
  334. return isOccupied;
  335. }
  336. }