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- // Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- // kanged from https://github.com/golang/mobile/blob/c713f31d574bb632a93f169b2cc99c9e753fef0e/app/android.go#L89
- package main
- // #include <time.h>
- import "C"
- import "time"
- func init() {
- var currentT C.time_t
- var currentTM C.struct_tm
- C.time(¤tT)
- C.localtime_r(¤tT, ¤tTM)
- tzOffset := int(currentTM.tm_gmtoff)
- tz := C.GoString(currentTM.tm_zone)
- time.Local = time.FixedZone(tz, tzOffset)
- }