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兔姬桑 преди 4 години
променени са 100 файла, в които са добавени 2 реда и са изтрити 3879 реда
  1. 1 1
  2. 0 0
  3. 0 0
  4. 0 0
  5. 0 0
  6. 0 0
  7. 1 0
  8. 0 0
  9. 0 0
  10. 0 6
  11. 0 0
  12. 0 0
  13. 0 0
  14. 0 21
  15. 0 1
  16. 0 18
  17. 0 1
  18. 0 2
  19. 0 1
  20. 0 10
  21. 0 1
  22. 0 4
  23. 0 1
  24. 0 4
  25. 0 1
  26. 0 6
  27. 0 1
  28. 0 20
  29. 0 1
  30. 0 111
  31. 0 1
  32. 0 87
  33. 0 0
  34. 0 166
  35. 0 0
  36. 0 89
  37. 0 0
  38. 0 129
  39. 0 0
  40. 0 141
  41. 0 0
  42. 0 179
  43. 0 0
  44. 0 101
  45. 0 0
  46. 0 99
  47. 0 0
  48. 0 49
  49. 0 1
  50. 0 286
  51. 0 0
  52. 0 165
  53. 0 0
  54. 0 353
  55. 0 0
  56. 0 313
  57. 0 0
  58. 0 2
  59. 0 1
  60. 0 19
  61. 0 1
  62. 0 20
  63. 0 1
  64. 0 2
  65. 0 1
  66. 0 260
  67. 0 0
  68. 0 170
  69. 0 0
  70. 0 375
  71. 0 0
  72. 0 204
  73. 0 0
  74. 0 27
  75. 0 1
  76. 0 22
  77. 0 1
  78. 0 58
  79. 0 1
  80. 0 6
  81. 0 1
  82. 0 3
  83. 0 1
  84. 0 14
  85. 0 1
  86. 0 12
  87. 0 1
  88. 0 76
  89. 0 1
  90. 0 10
  91. 0 1
  92. 0 20
  93. 0 1
  94. 0 116
  95. 0 0
  96. 0 0
  97. 0 0
  98. 0 71
  99. 0 1
  100. 0 7

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 return [
     'name'   => 'ProxyPanel',
-    'number' => '2.5.b',
+    'number' => '2.5.0',

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/errors.css → public/assets/css/examples/errors.css

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/errors.min.css → public/assets/css/examples/errors.min.css

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/invoice.css → public/assets/css/examples/invoice.css

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/invoice.min.css → public/assets/css/examples/invoice.min.css

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/login-v3.css → public/assets/css/examples/login-v3.css

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.page-login-v3:before{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;content:'';width:100%;height:100%;background-position:center top;background-size:cover;z-index:-1;background:#3e8ef7;background-image:url("");background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #3e8ef7 0%, #0b69e3 100%);background-repeat:repeat-x}.page-login-v3 .panel{width:400px;margin-bottom:45px;background:#fff;border-radius:0.286rem}.page-login-v3 .panel .brand-text{margin-top:12px}.page-login-v3 form{margin:0 0 30px}.page-login-v3 form .form-material.floating + .page-login-v3 form .form-material.floating{margin-top:30px}.page-login-v3 form .form-material label{color:#a3afb7;font-weight:300}@media (max-width: 479.98px){.page-login-v3 .panel{width:330px;padding:10px}}@media screen and (max-height: 575px){.g-recaptcha .h-captcha{-webkit-transform:scale(0.81);transform:scale(0.81);-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;transform-origin:0 0}}.geetest_holder.geetest_wind{min-width:245px !important}

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/maintenance.css → public/assets/css/examples/maintenance.css

+ 0 - 0
public/assets/examples/css/pages/maintenance.min.css → public/assets/css/examples/maintenance.min.css

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 6

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-.toast-example {
-  position: static;
-  margin: 10px 0 30px; }
-  .toast-example.padding-0 {
-    margin-bottom: 30px; }
-  .toast-example > div {
-    width: auto;
-    padding-top: 10px;
-    padding-bottom: 10px;
-    margin-bottom: 0; }
-.position-example {
-  position: relative;
-  height: 330px;
-  margin-bottom: 20px; }
-  .position-example > div {
-    position: absolute;
-    width: 100%;
-    padding: 20px; }
-  .position-example > .btn-block + .btn-block {
-    margin-top: 215px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.toast-example{position:static;margin:10px 0 30px}.toast-example.padding-0{margin-bottom:30px}.toast-example>div{width:auto;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;margin-bottom:0}.position-example{position:relative;height:330px;margin-bottom:20px}.position-example>div{position:absolute;width:100%;padding:20px}.position-example>.btn-block+.btn-block{margin-top:215px}

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-.example .animation-example {
-  display: inline-block;
-  cursor: pointer; }
-.animation-delay-example button {
-  -webkit-animation-name: fade-scale-02;
-  animation-name: fade-scale-02;
-  -webkit-animation-duration: .5s;
-  animation-duration: .5s;
-  -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
-  animation-timing-function: ease-out;
-  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
-  animation-fill-mode: both; }
-.touch .animation-delay-example:not(.hover) button,
-.animation-delay-example:not(:hover) button {
-  -webkit-animation-name: none;
-  animation-name: none; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.example .animation-example{display:inline-block;cursor:pointer}.animation-delay-example button{-webkit-animation-name:fade-scale-02;animation-name:fade-scale-02;-webkit-animation-duration:.5s;animation-duration:.5s;-webkit-animation-timing-function:ease-out;animation-timing-function:ease-out;-webkit-animation-fill-mode:both;animation-fill-mode:both}.animation-delay-example:not(:hover) button,.touch .animation-delay-example:not(.hover) button{-webkit-animation-name:none;animation-name:none}

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-.example {
-  margin: 0; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-.lightbox-block {
-  max-width: 600px;
-  padding: 15px 20px;
-  margin: 40px auto;
-  overflow: auto;
-  background: #fff;
-  border-radius: 3px; }
-.example img {
-  margin-bottom: 5px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.lightbox-block{max-width:600px;padding:15px 20px;margin:40px auto;overflow:auto;background:#fff;border-radius:3px}.example img{margin-bottom:5px}

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-.page-content .blocks > li {
-  margin-bottom: 30px; }
-  .page-content .blocks > li > .card {
-    margin-bottom: 0; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.page-content .blocks>li{margin-bottom:30px}.page-content .blocks>li>.card{margin-bottom:0}

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-.rating-hint {
-  display: inline;
-  margin-left: 10px;
-  vertical-align: sub; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.example {
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 10px;
-  border: 1px solid #e4eaec; }
-  .example .scrollable-horizontal .scrollable-content {
-    width: 1400px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.example{position:relative;padding:10px;border:1px solid #e4eaec}.example .scrollable-horizontal .scrollable-content{width:1400px}

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-.toast-example {
-  position: static;
-  margin: 10px 0 30px; }
-  .toast-example.padding-0 {
-    margin-bottom: 30px; }
-  .toast-example > div {
-    width: auto;
-    max-width: 300px;
-    margin-bottom: 0; }
-.position-example {
-  position: relative;
-  height: 330px;
-  margin-bottom: 20px; }
-  .position-example > div {
-    position: absolute;
-    width: 100%;
-    padding: 20px; }
-  .position-example > .btn-block + .btn-block {
-    margin-top: 215px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.toast-example{position:static;margin:10px 0 30px}.toast-example.padding-0{margin-bottom:30px}.toast-example>div{width:auto;max-width:300px;margin-bottom:0}.position-example{position:relative;height:330px;margin-bottom:20px}.position-example>div{position:absolute;width:100%;padding:20px}.position-example>.btn-block+.btn-block{margin-top:215px}

+ 0 - 111

@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-/* fullcalendar Custom style
-.fc td.fc-widget-header {
-  padding-top: 20px;
-  padding-bottom: 20px;
-  border-width: 0px;
-  font-size: 14px;
-  text-transform: uppercase; }
-.fc td.fc-widget-content {
-  border-width: 1px 0 0; }
-.fc td.fc-day.fc-widget-content + .fc-widget-content {
-  border-left-width: 1px; }
-.fc .fc-row {
-  border-width: 0; }
-.fc table > thead > tr > th {
-  border-width: 0;
-  font-weight: 100; }
-.fc .fc-toolbar h2 {
-  display: inline-block;
-  font-size: 20px;
-  vertical-align: sub; }
-.fc .fc-axis.fc-time {
-  text-transform: uppercase; }
-.fc .fc-toolbar {
-  position: relative; }
-.fc-button.fc-prev-button, .fc-button.fc-next-button {
-  outline: none;
-  box-shadow: none;
-  background-image: none;
-  background-color: transparent;
-  border: 0px solid transparent; }
-.fc-button.fc-month-button, .fc-button.fc-agendaWeek-button, .fc-button.fc-agendaDay-button {
-  height: auto;
-  padding: 8px 14px;
-  font-size: 14px;
-  box-shadow: none;
-  background-image: none;
-  text-transform: capitalize;
-  background-color: #f6f8f8;
-  border-color: #e4eaec;
-  outline: none; }
-.fc-button.fc-state-active, .fc-button.fc-state-hover {
-  background-color: #fff; }
-.fc-unthemed .fc-today {
-  background-color: #f4f7f8; }
-.fc-toolbar .fc-right {
-  position: absolute;
-  right: 0;
-  top: 0; }
-.fc-agendaWeek-view .fc-event, .fc-agendaDay-view .fc-event {
-  border-radius: 3px; }
-.fc-row.fc-widget-header {
-  border-color: transparent; }
-.calendar-container {
-  overflow: hidden;
-  padding: 30px; }
-.panel-heading {
-  border-width: 0;
-  padding-top: 10px; }
-.panel-body {
-  padding-top: 10px; }
-.page-main {
-  background-color: #fff; }
-.calendar-list .list-group-item {
-  cursor: pointer; }
-.fc-event {
-  border-radius: 10px;
-  background-color: #3e8ef7;
-  border-color: #3e8ef7; }
-.fc-day-grid-event .fc-content {
-  line-height: 1em;
-  padding: 2px 10px; }
-.fc-highlight {
-  background: #f3f7f9; }
-.bootstrap-touchspin .input-group-btn-vertical i {
-  left: 3px; }
-@media (max-width: 991.98px) {
-  .fc-toolbar {
-    margin-bottom: 60px; }
-    .fc-toolbar .fc-center {
-      white-space: nowrap; }
-    .fc-toolbar .fc-right {
-      top: 50px; }
-  .fc-button.fc-prev-button {
-    padding-left: 0; }
-  .fc-button.fc-next-button {
-    padding-right: 0; } }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-.fc td.fc-widget-header{padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;border-width:0;font-size:14px;text-transform:uppercase}.fc td.fc-widget-content{border-width:1px 0 0}.fc td.fc-day.fc-widget-content+.fc-widget-content{border-left-width:1px}.fc .fc-row{border-width:0}.fc table>thead>tr>th{border-width:0;font-weight:100}.fc .fc-toolbar h2{display:inline-block;font-size:20px;vertical-align:sub}.fc .fc-axis.fc-time{text-transform:uppercase}.fc .fc-toolbar{position:relative}.fc-button.fc-next-button,.fc-button.fc-prev-button{outline:0;box-shadow:none;background-image:none;background-color:transparent;border:0 solid transparent}.fc-button.fc-agendaDay-button,.fc-button.fc-agendaWeek-button,.fc-button.fc-month-button{height:auto;padding:8px 14px;font-size:14px;box-shadow:none;background-image:none;text-transform:capitalize;background-color:#f6f8f8;border-color:#e4eaec;outline:0}.fc-button.fc-state-active,.fc-button.fc-state-hover{background-color:#fff}.fc-unthemed .fc-today{background-color:#f4f7f8}.fc-toolbar .fc-right{position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.fc-agendaDay-view .fc-event,.fc-agendaWeek-view .fc-event{border-radius:3px}.fc-row.fc-widget-header{border-color:transparent}.calendar-container{overflow:hidden;padding:30px}.panel-heading{border-width:0;padding-top:10px}.panel-body{padding-top:10px}.page-main{background-color:#fff}.calendar-list .list-group-item{cursor:pointer}.fc-event{border-radius:10px;background-color:#3e8ef7;border-color:#3e8ef7}.fc-day-grid-event .fc-content{line-height:1em;padding:2px 10px}.fc-highlight{background:#f3f7f9}.bootstrap-touchspin .input-group-btn-vertical i{left:3px}@media (max-width:991.98px){.fc-toolbar{margin-bottom:60px}.fc-toolbar .fc-center{white-space:nowrap}.fc-toolbar .fc-right{top:50px}.fc-button.fc-prev-button{padding-left:0}.fc-button.fc-next-button{padding-right:0}}

+ 0 - 87

@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-.app-contacts .page-content-actions .btn-group {
-  margin-left: -6px; }
-.app-contacts .page-content-actions .btn-pure.btn-default {
-  color: #a3afb7; }
-  .app-contacts .page-content-actions .btn-pure.btn-default.active, .app-contacts .page-content-actions .btn-pure.btn-default:focus, .app-contacts .page-content-actions .btn-pure.btn-default:hover {
-    color: #76838f; }
-.app-contacts table > thead > tr > th,
-.app-contacts table > tbody > tr > th,
-.app-contacts table > thead > tr > td,
-.app-contacts table > tbody > tr > td {
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  white-space: nowrap; }
-.app-contacts table .avatar {
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  margin-right: 10px; }
-.app-contacts .slidePanel-actions {
-  float: none;
-  position: absolute;
-  top: 15px;
-  right: 20px; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel-actions .btn-pure {
-    color: #ccd5db; }
-    .app-contacts .slidePanel-actions .btn-pure.active, .app-contacts .slidePanel-actions .btn-pure:focus, .app-contacts .slidePanel-actions .btn-pure:hover {
-      color: #fff; }
-.app-contacts .slidePanel-header {
-  width: 100%;
-  height: 350px;
-  text-align: center;
-  overflow: inherit; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .avatar {
-    width: 100px; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .name {
-    font-size: 20px; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .edit {
-    position: absolute;
-    bottom: -26px;
-    right: 20px; }
-    .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .edit .wb-close {
-      display: none; }
-    .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .edit.active .wb-close {
-      display: inline-block; }
-    .app-contacts .slidePanel-header .edit.active .wb-pencil {
-      display: none; }
-.app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info {
-  margin: 30px 0; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info td {
-    padding: 15px 0; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info .info-label {
-    width: 120px; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info .form-group {
-    display: none;
-    margin: 0; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info.active span {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-contacts .slidePanel .user-info.active .form-group {
-    display: block; }
-@media (max-width: 767.98px) {
-  .app-contacts .responsive-hide .tablesaw-cell-label {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-contacts table > thead > tr > th,
-  .app-contacts table > tbody > tr > th,
-  .app-contacts table > thead > tr > td,
-  .app-contacts table > tbody > tr > td {
-    padding-left: 30px;
-    padding-right: 30px;
-    text-align: left; }
-  .app-contacts .page-content-actions .actions-right {
-    float: none;
-    display: block; }
-    .app-contacts .page-content-actions .actions-right .dropdown-toggle {
-      border-color: #e4eaec; } }
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-  .app-contacts .page-header .page-header-actions {
-    margin-top: 20px;
-    position: relative;
-    top: 0;
-    right: 0;
-    -webkit-transform: none;
-            transform: none; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 166

@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-.app-documents .form-group .dropdown-toggle {
-  height: 46px;
-  padding-left: 20px;
-  border-color: #e4eaec;
-  border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;
-  background-color: #fff; }
-.app-documents .form-group .filter-option {
-  text-overflow: ellipsis;
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  float: none !important; }
-.app-documents .form-group .input-search-btn {
-  z-index: 4;
-  font-size: 20px; }
-  .app-documents .form-group .input-search-btn + .form-control {
-    height: 46px;
-    border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
-    padding: 8px 48px 8px 13px; }
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-  margin-top: 25px;
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-  margin-top: 25px;
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-  background-color: #fff;
-  border-radius: 0.286rem; }
-  .app-documents .articles .blocks > li {
-    margin-bottom: 50px; }
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-    font-size: 25px;
-    position: absolute;
-    left: 0;
-    top: 0; }
-  .app-documents .articles-item a {
-    color: #76838f; }
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-  margin-bottom: 25px; }
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-    margin-bottom: 30px; }
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-  padding: 30px;
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-  .app-documents .category .icon-wrap > .icon {
-    font-size: 65px; }
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-  display: block;
-  clear: both;
-  content: ""; }
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-  top: 86px; }
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-  width: 260px;
-  padding: 20px 15px;
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-    margin-bottom: 0; }
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-      display: none; }
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-      display: block;
-      padding: 10px 15px;
-      color: #76838f;
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-      overflow: hidden;
-      text-overflow: ellipsis;
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-      color: #3e8ef7;
-      background-color: #f3f7f9; }
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-        position: relative;
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-            flex: 100%;
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-          padding-left: 25px;
-          width: 100%;
-          margin: 1px 0; }
-    .app-documents .article-sidebar .list-group-item .list-group-item > a {
-      padding-left: 25px; }
-.app-documents .article-content {
-  margin-left: 30px;
-  width: calc(100% - 290px);
-  padding: 20px 30px; }
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-    margin-bottom: 22px; }
-    .app-documents .article-content section h4 {
-      border-top: 80px solid transparent;
-      margin-top: -80px; }
-    .app-documents .article-content section:first-child {
-      margin-top: -80px; }
-      .app-documents .article-content section:first-child h4 {
-        margin-top: 0; }
-.app-documents .article-footer {
-  font-size: 24px;
-  padding: 30px;
-  border-radius: 0.286rem;
-  background-color: #f3f7f9; }
-  .app-documents .article-footer::after {
-    display: block;
-    clear: both;
-    content: ""; }
-.app-documents .article-footer-actions {
-  float: right; }
-@media (max-width: 767.98px) {
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-    width: 200px; }
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-    width: 100%;
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-    position: relative;
-    top: 0; } }
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 89

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 129

@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-.app-location #map {
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-      transition: 0.4s ease-in-out all;
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-      display: inline-block; }
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-      .app-location #map .in-map-markers .friend-icon:hover::before {
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 141

@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
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-    margin-right: 6px; }
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-            transform: none; }
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-    float: none;
-    display: block; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 179

@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-.app-media .page-content-actions .checkbox-custom {
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-        color: #a3afb7;
-        margin-left: 1px; }
-.app-media .slidePanel-header {
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-  .app-media .slidePanel .media-header .tags {
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-    display: block !important;
-    padding-left: 60px; }
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-            transform: none; }
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-    float: none;
-    display: block;
-    margin-top: 20px; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 101

@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-.app-message .page {
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-      width: 1px;
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-      content: ' ';
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-      background: #3e8ef7; }
-    .app-message-list .list-group .list-group-item .media-time {
-      color: #a3afb7; }
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-      color: #76838f; }
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-    padding: 0; }
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-      width: 60px;
-      margin-top: -10px; }
-    .app-message-chats .chats .time {
-      color: #a3afb7;
-      font-size: 12px;
-      text-align: center;
-      margin: 40px 0; }
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-      height: 36px;
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-      position: absolute;
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-        display: none; }
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-    position: absolute;
-    bottom: 30px;
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-      padding: 1px 4px; } }
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-  .app-message .page {
-    height: calc(100% - 66px); } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 99

@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
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-    min-width: 540px; }
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-.app-projects .projects-sort-label {
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-      color: white; }
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-      color: #526069; }
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+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 286

@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
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-.app-taskboard .slidePanel .task-section {
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-    display: block; }
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-  display: none; }
-.app-taskboard .slidePanel .task-main.is-edit .task-main-editor {
-  display: block; }
-.app-taskboard .slidePanel .task-main-editor {
-  display: none; }
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-      visibility: visible !important; }
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-        text-decoration: line-through; }
-    .taskboard-list .list-group-item > .list-group-item-title {
-      margin-left: 30px;
-      white-space: normal; }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 165

@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 353

@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
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-  width: 15%;
-  padding-left: 0 !important; }
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-    font-size: 13px; }
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-    display: none; }
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-  background-color: transparent;
-  position: relative; }
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-    width: 60%; }
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-    top: 50%;
-    left: 64%;
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-            transform: translateY(-50%); }
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-  position: relative; }
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-    border-radius: 50%;
-    margin-right: 6px; }
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-  position: absolute;
-  right: -76px;
-  top: 50%;
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-          transform: translateY(-50%); }
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-    background-color: transparent; }
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-    color: #666;
-    font-size: 16px;
-    transition: all .3s; }
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-      opacity: 0.8; }
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-  top: 0;
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-          transform: translate(-50%, -100%); }
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-    display: none; }
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-  max-height: 150px; }
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-  margin-bottom: 5px; }
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-      display: block; }
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-        display: none; }
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-    color: #666;
-    transition: all .3s; }
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-      opacity: 0.8; }
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-    margin-right: 20px; }
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-      cursor: pointer; }
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-    margin-left: 10px; }
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-  top: 30px;
-  right: 20px; }
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-  padding: 0 15px; }
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-  margin-bottom: 30px; }
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-    margin-bottom: 15px; }
-    .app-work .step-info > div:last-of-type {
-      border: 0; }
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-  padding: 0;
-  text-align: center; }
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-  font-size: 42px;
-  line-height: 42px; }
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-  display: inline-block; }
-.app-work .step-title,
-.app-work .step-title + p {
-  color: #76838f;
-  font-size: 14px; }
-.app-work .line-chart,
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-  width: 100%;
-  overflow-x: auto; }
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-  .app-work .bar-chart .chart-header {
-    padding: 0 20px;
-    margin-bottom: 20px; }
-  .app-work .line-chart h3,
-  .app-work .bar-chart h3 {
-    font-size: 14px;
-    float: left;
-    margin: 0;
-    padding: 10px 0; }
-  .app-work .line-chart .btn-group,
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-    float: right; }
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-    .app-work .bar-chart .btn-group button {
-      border-color: #e4eaec;
-      border-radius: 16px;
-      padding: 5px 23px; }
-  .app-work .line-chart .chart-color,
-  .app-work .bar-chart .chart-color {
-    clear: both;
-    text-align: center;
-    padding-top: 15px; }
-    .app-work .line-chart .chart-color span:first-child,
-    .app-work .bar-chart .chart-color span:first-child {
-      margin-right: 40px; }
-    .app-work .line-chart .chart-color i,
-    .app-work .bar-chart .chart-color i {
-      display: inline-block;
-      width: 12px;
-      height: 12px;
-      border-radius: 50%; }
-    .app-work .line-chart .chart-color p,
-    .app-work .bar-chart .chart-color p {
-      display: inline-block; }
-.app-work .line-chart {
-  margin-bottom: 30px; }
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-    min-width: 480px; }
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-  .app-work .line-chart .ct-series-a .ct-point {
-    stroke: #11c26d; }
-  .app-work .line-chart .ct-series-b .ct-line,
-  .app-work .line-chart .ct-series-b .ct-point {
-    stroke: #0bb2d4; }
-  .app-work .line-chart .chartist-tooltip {
-    padding: 10px 25px; }
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-      content: "";
-      display: block;
-      width: 0px;
-      height: 0px;
-      position: absolute;
-      top: 100%;
-      left: 50%;
-      -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
-              transform: translateX(-50%);
-      border-bottom: 0;
-      border-right: 8px solid transparent;
-      border-left: 8px solid transparent;
-      border-top: 8px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); }
-.app-work .bar-chart .member-chart {
-  min-width: 500px; }
-.app-work .bar-chart .ct-series-b .ct-bar {
-  stroke: #11c26d; }
-.app-work .ct-point-content {
-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 4px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
-  pointer-events: none; }
-.app-work .ct-series .ct-bar-fill {
-  stroke: #f3f7f9;
-  stroke-width: 20px; }
-.app-work .slidePanel-footer {
-  padding: 35px 0;
-  margin-bottom: 20px; }
-  .app-work .slidePanel-footer button {
-    width: 30px;
-    height: 30px;
-    padding: 8px; }
-  .app-work .slidePanel-footer > span {
-    margin-left: 20px; }
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-    float: none; }
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-    padding: 19px 10px;
-    margin: 0; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table thead th:first-of-type {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .work-status {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .subject {
-    width: 45%; }
-    .app-work .panel-body .table .subject .table-content .badge {
-      display: inline; } }
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-  .app-work .panel-body .table thead th:nth-of-type(3) {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .work-progress {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .members {
-    width: 40%; } }
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-  .app-work .panel-body .table thead th:nth-of-type(4) {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .members {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .subject {
-    width: 88%; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .actions .btn {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .actions .table-content {
-    margin-left: 0;
-    text-align: center;
-    display: block; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .wb-plus {
-    display: none; }
-  .app-work .panel-body .table .wb-menu {
-    margin-right: 0; } }
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-    float: none; }
-    .app-work .panel-search-form .form-control {
-      width: 94%; }
-    .app-work .panel-search-form .icon {
-      left: 97%; }
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-    float: none;
-    text-align: center; } }
-@media (max-width: 991.98px) {
-  .app-work .step-info > div:nth-of-type(2) {
-    border: 0; } }
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-  .app-work .panel-info li {
-    margin-right: 20px; } }
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-  .app-work .step-numbers {
-    display: block; } }
-@media (max-width: 355px) {
-  .app-work .panel-info li {
-    margin-right: 2px; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 313

@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-.ct-chart {
-  height: 240px; }
-@media (min-width: 992px) {
-  .ct-chart {
-    height: 320px; } }
-@media (min-width: 768px) {
-  .ct-chart {
-    height: 280px; } }
-#exampleSimplePie.ct-chart .ct-label {
-  font-size: 16px;
-  color: #fff;
-  fill: #fff; }
-#exampleLineAnimation {
-  height: 300px;
-  background-color: #453d3f; }
-.ct-chart.ct-golden-section {
-  position: relative;
-  display: block;
-  width: 100%; }
-  .ct-chart.ct-golden-section:before {
-    display: block;
-    float: left;
-    width: 0;
-    height: 0;
-    /*padding-bottom: 61.804697157%*/
-    padding-bottom: 0;
-    content: ""; }
-  .ct-chart.ct-golden-section:after {
-    display: table;
-    clear: both;
-    content: ""; }
-  .ct-chart.ct-golden-section > svg {
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 0;
-    left: 0;
-    display: block; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-label,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-label.ct-horizontal {
-  display: block;
-  width: 100%;
-  height: 100%;
-  /*font-size: .75rem;*/
-  font-size: 13px;
-  color: #94878a;
-  text-align: left;
-  fill: #94878a; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-label.ct-vertical {
-  display: block;
-  width: 100%;
-  height: 100%;
-  /*font-size: .75rem;*/
-  font-size: 13px;
-  color: #94878a;
-  text-align: right;
-  fill: #94878a; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-grid {
-  stroke: #53494b;
-  stroke-width: 1px;
-  stroke-dasharray: 3px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-point {
-  stroke-width: 10px;
-  stroke-linecap: round; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-line {
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 4px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-area {
-  stroke: none;
-  fill-opacity: .1; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-bar {
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 10px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 60px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #d70206; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #d70206; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-point {
-  stroke-width: 10px;
-  stroke-linecap: square; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-a .ct-line {
-  -webkit-animation: dashoffset 1s linear infinite;
-  animation: dashoffset 1s linear infinite;
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 4px;
-  stroke-dasharray: 5px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #f05b4f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-b .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #f05b4f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #f4c63d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-c .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #f4c63d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #d17905; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-d .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #d17905; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #453d3f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-e .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #453d3f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #59922b; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-f .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #59922b; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #0544d3; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-g .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #0544d3; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #6b0392; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-h .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #6b0392; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #f05b4f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-i .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #f05b4f; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #dda458; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-j .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #dda458; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #eacf7d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-k .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #eacf7d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #86797d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-l .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #86797d; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #b2c326; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-m .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #b2c326; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #6188e2; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-n .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #6188e2; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-bar,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-line,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-point,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-slice.ct-donut {
-  stroke: #a748ca; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-area,
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-series.ct-series-o .ct-slice:not(.ct-donut) {
-  fill: #a748ca; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-point {
-  -webkit-animation: bouncing-stroke .5s ease infinite;
-  animation: bouncing-stroke .5s ease infinite; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-line {
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 3px; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-point {
-  -webkit-animation: exploding-stroke 1s ease-out infinite;
-  animation: exploding-stroke 1s ease-out infinite; }
-#exampleLineAnimation .ct-line {
-  fill: none;
-  stroke-width: 2px;
-  stroke-dasharray: 40px 3px; }
-#behavior-with-jquery .ct-point {
-  stroke-width: 20px;
-  stroke-linecap: round; }
-@-webkit-keyframes dashoffset {
-  0% {
-    stroke-dashoffset: 0; }
-  100% {
-    stroke-dashoffset: -20px; } }
-@keyframes dashoffset {
-  0% {
-    stroke-dashoffset: 0; }
-  100% {
-    stroke-dashoffset: -20px; } }
-@-webkit-keyframes bouncing-stroke {
-  0% {
-    stroke-width: 5px; }
-  50% {
-    stroke-width: 10px; }
-  100% {
-    stroke-width: 5px; } }
-@keyframes bouncing-stroke {
-  0% {
-    stroke-width: 5px; }
-  50% {
-    stroke-width: 10px; }
-  100% {
-    stroke-width: 5px; } }
-@-webkit-keyframes exploding-stroke {
-  0% {
-    opacity: 1;
-    stroke-width: 2px; }
-  100% {
-    opacity: 0;
-    stroke-width: 20px; } }
-@keyframes exploding-stroke {
-  0% {
-    opacity: 1;
-    stroke-width: 2px; }
-  100% {
-    opacity: 0;
-    stroke-width: 20px; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-.max-width {
-  max-width: 400px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#exampleFlotVisitors {
-  height: 300px; }
-#exampleFlotVisitorsOverview {
-  height: 120px; }
-.legend td {
-  padding: 3px; }
-@media (max-width: 586px) {
-  .example-responsive {
-    padding-bottom: 10px; } }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#exampleFlotCurve,#exampleFlotFullBg,#exampleFlotHorizontalBar,#exampleFlotMix,#exampleFlotPie,#exampleFlotRealtime,#exampleFlotStackBar,#exampleFlotVisitors{height:300px}#exampleFlotVisitorsOverview{height:120px}.legend td{padding:3px}@media (max-width:586px){.example-responsive{padding-bottom:10px}}

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#examplePie {
-  max-width: 350px; }
-.pie-progress {
-  max-width: 150px;
-  margin: 0 auto; }
-  .pie-progress svg {
-    width: 100%; }
-.pie-progress-xs {
-  max-width: 50px; }
-.pie-progress-sm {
-  max-width: 100px; }
-.pie-progress-lg {
-  max-width: 200px; }
-.example.inline-block {
-  margin-right: 30px; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#examplePie{max-width:350px}.pie-progress{max-width:150px;margin:0 auto}.pie-progress svg{width:100%}.pie-progress-xs{max-width:50px}.pie-progress-sm{max-width:100px}.pie-progress-lg{max-width:200px}.example.inline-block{margin-right:30px}

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-.table > tbody > tr > td {
-  vertical-align: middle; }

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 260

@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-.product-filters {
-  float: right !important; }
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-    width: 80px;
-    border-radius: 20px;
-    text-align: center;
-    line-height: 20px;
-    font-weight: 400;
-    color: #76838f; }
-    .product-filters > li > a:hover {
-      color: #76838f; }
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-  text-transform: uppercase;
-  color: #37474f; }
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-  text-transform: capitalize; }
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-  stroke: none; }
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-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 60px; }
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-  display: block;
-  padding-top: 10px;
-  font-size: 14px;
-  color: #76838f; }
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-  fill-opacity: 0.8; }
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-  opacity: 0;
-  transition: all .3s; }
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-  opacity: 1; }
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-  fill: #a57afa; }
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-  stroke: #a57afa;
-  stroke-width: 1px; }
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-  stroke: #9463f7;
-  stroke-width: 12px;
-  cursor: pointer; }
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-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 6px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
-  pointer-events: none; }
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-  fill: #28c0de; }
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-  stroke: #28c0de;
-  stroke-width: 1px; }
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-  stroke: #0bb2d4;
-  stroke-width: 12px;
-  cursor: pointer; }
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-  stroke-width: 6px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
-  pointer-events: none; }
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-  padding: 10px 15px;
-  border-radius: 1000px; }
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-  padding: 80px 30px 30px; }
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-    font-size: 36px; }
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-    height: 60px;
-    width: 200px;
-    margin: 10px auto; }
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-      stroke-width: 4px; }
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-      stroke-width: 4px; }
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-    stroke: #a57afa; }
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-    stroke: #28c0de; }
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-    stroke: #ff5e97; }
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-    stroke: #7d8efa; }
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-    stroke: #5cc99a; }
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-    stroke: #ffdc2e; }
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-    stroke: #589ffc; }
-  #productOptionsData .ct-chart[data-counter-type="productBounceRate"] .ct-series-b .ct-bar {
-    stroke: #eb6709; }
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-  height: 100%;
-  margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
-  #browsersFlowWidget .card-block {
-    padding: 0 15px; }
-    #browsersFlowWidget .card-block:after {
-      content: "";
-      display: block;
-      clear: both; }
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-  margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
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-    padding-bottom: 15px; }
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-    width: auto; }
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-    border: 0 none; }
-.table-analytics > thead > tr > th {
-  padding: 15px 0;
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  color: #37474f; }
-.table-analytics > tbody > tr > td {
-  vertical-align: middle; }
-#browsersFlowWidget tr:nth-of-type(even) {
-  background-color: #fafafa; }
-#browsersFlowWidget td {
-  padding: 20px 0; }
-#weekStackedBarChart {
-  position: relative;
-  max-width: 350px;
-  height: 180px;
-  margin: 24px auto 0; }
-  #weekStackedBarChart .ct-chart-bar .ct-labels .ct-horizontal {
-    display: block;
-    padding-top: 12px;
-    text-align: center;
-    font-size: 14px;
-    color: #76838f; }
-  #weekStackedBarChart .ct-chart-bar .ct-labels .ct-vertical {
-    display: none; }
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-    stroke: none; }
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-    stroke: #3e8ef7; }
-  #weekStackedBarChart .ct-chart-bar .ct-series-b .ct-bar {
-    stroke: #f3f7f9; }
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-  position: relative;
-  height: 250px;
-  margin: 0 auto; }
-  #browersVistsDonut svg path[fill="none"] {
-    opacity: 0 !important; }
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-  padding: 20px 0; }
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-    font-size: 0; }
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-  min-width: 150px; }
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-  min-width: 65px; }
-#countriesVistsWidget .vists-percent {
-  min-width: 210px; }
-#countriesVistsWidget .progress {
-  display: inline-block;
-  width: 80%;
-  vertical-align: middle; }
-#countriesVistsWidget .country-name {
-  margin-left: 20px; }
-#countriesVistsWidget .progress-percent {
-  display: inline-block;
-  width: 20%;
-  font-size: 14px;
-  text-align: right;
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  color: #76838f; }
-@media screen and (max-width: 1400px) {
-  #browsersFlowWidget {
-    margin-bottom: 30px !important; } }
-@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1400px) {
-  .col-lg-7 {
-    width: 100%; }
-  .col-lg-5 {
-    width: 100%; } }
-@media (max-width: 1199.98px) {
-  #productOptionsData {
-    padding-bottom: 20px; }
-    #productOptionsData .counter {
-      margin-bottom: 40px; } }
-@media screen and (min-width: 568px) and (max-width: 768px) {
-  #productOptionsData .col-xs-12 {
-    width: 50%; } }
-@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 567px) {
-  #productOptionsData .ct-chart {
-    width: 250px; } }
-@media (max-width: 479.98px) {
-  .product-filters {
-    float: none !important;
-    padding: 10px 15px; }
-  .product-filters > li > a {
-    width: 50px;
-    height: 30px;
-    padding: 5px 8px;
-    border-radius: 15px;
-    text-align: center;
-    line-height: 20px;
-    font-weight: 400;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    color: #76838f; }
-  #productOverviewWidget .nav-pills .nav-link {
-    padding: 5px 8px; }
-  #productOverviewWidget .card-header-actions {
-    float: none;
-    margin: 10px 0; } }
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-  #productOptionsData .ct-chart {
-    width: 200px; } }
-@media screen and (max-width: 360px) {
-  #productOptionsData .ct-chart {
-    width: 160px; }
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-    width: 44px;
-    padding: 5px 6px;
-    margin-right: 3px;
-    margin-left: 3px; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 170

@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-.info-panel .btn-floating {
-  box-shadow: none; }
-.info-panel .content-text {
-  white-space: nowrap; }
-  .info-panel .content-text > i {
-    top: -10px; }
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-  border: 0; }
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-  float: right; }
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-  stroke-width: 4px; }
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-  opacity: 0;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  tansition: all .3s; }
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-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 4px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
-  pointer-events: none; }
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-  opacity: 0.8; }
-#ecommerceChartView .ct-series:hover .ct-point-content {
-  opacity: 1; }
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-  fill: #ffd9e6;
-  fill-opacity: 0.2; }
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-  stroke: #e6155e; }
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-  stroke-opacity: 0.5; }
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-  stroke: #7231f5; }
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-  stroke-opacity: 0.5; }
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-  fill: #eae1fc;
-  fill-opacity: 0.2; }
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-  border: 0; }
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-  padding: 0 20px; }
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-      white-space: nowrap; }
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-      vertical-align: middle;
-      height: 100px;
-      font-size: 14px;
-      padding: 20px 8px; }
-      #ecommerceRecentOrder .table-row .card-block .table td span {
-        border-radius: 4px;
-        padding: 5px 15px; }
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-  padding: 20px 10px 35px; }
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-    font-size: 14px;
-    font-weight: 400; }
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-    stroke: #926dde; }
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-    stroke: #57c7d4; }
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-  stroke: #f3f7f9;
-  stroke-width: 20px; }
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-  margin-top: 52px; }
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-    display: block;
-    clear: both;
-    content: ""; }
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-    min-width: 120px;
-    max-width: 120px; }
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-    white-space: nowrap; }
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-      margin-bottom: 15px; }
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-    max-width: 200px !important;
-    min-width: 50px !important; } }
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-    min-width: 100px !important;
-    max-width: 100px !important; }
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-    margin-top: 72px; } }
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-    stroke-width: 20px; } }
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-    stroke-width: 15px; }
-  #ecommerceRevenue .barChart .ct-series .ct-bar {
-    stroke-width: 15px; }
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-            transform: translateX(3px); }
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-            transform: translateX(-3px); } }
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-    stroke-width: 20px; } }
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-            transform: translateX(3px); }
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-            transform: translateX(-3px); } }
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-    margin: 10px 0; }
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-    margin-right: 3px;
-    margin-left: 3px; } }

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 375

@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-.card-completed-options .pie-progress {
-  max-width: 120px;
-  min-width: 120px;
-  margin: 10px 0; }
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-  margin: 0;
-  font-weight: 300;
-  color: #37474f; }
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-  display: inline;
-  line-height: 32px; }
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-  margin-top: 12px;
-  margin-bottom: 21px; }
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-  font-size: 26px;
-  color: #37474f; }
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-  color: #ff4c52;
-  font-size: 48px; }
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-  margin-left: 30px;
-  font-size: 30px;
-  color: #37474f; }
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-  margin-bottom: 20px; }
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-    padding: 0; }
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-        display: inline-block;
-        position: absolute;
-        bottom: 5px;
-        left: -22px;
-        content: "";
-        width: 10px;
-        height: 10px; }
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-      margin-right: 60px;
-      color: #a3afb7; }
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-      color: #526069; }
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-  stroke: none; }
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-  display: block;
-  padding-top: 10px;
-  margin-left: -28px;
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-  color: #76838f; }
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-  margin-top: 5px; }
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-  fill-opacity: 0.8; }
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-  opacity: 0;
-  transition: all .3s; }
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-  opacity: 1; }
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-  fill: #a57afa; }
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-  stroke: #a57afa;
-  stroke-width: 1px; }
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-  stroke: #9463f7;
-  stroke-width: 12px;
-  cursor: pointer; }
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-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 6px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
-  pointer-events: none; }
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-  fill: #28c0de; }
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-  stroke: #28c0de;
-  stroke-width: 1px; }
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-  stroke: #0bb2d4;
-  stroke-width: 12px;
-  cursor: pointer; }
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-  stroke: #fff;
-  stroke-width: 6px;
-  stroke-linecap: round;
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-  height: calc(100% - 30px); }
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-    display: inline-block;
-    position: relative;
-    height: 270px;
-    width: 100%;
-    text-align: center; }
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-      height: 100%; }
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-      width: 120px; }
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-    background: rgba(109, 69, 188, 0.8); }
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-    padding: 48px 30px 0; }
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-    margin-top: 10px;
-    font-size: 40px; }
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-    border: none;
-    margin-bottom: 0; }
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-    padding-bottom: 10px;
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-    font-weight: 400; }
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-      padding: 20px 0 19px;
-      width: 40%; }
-      #personalCompletedWidget .table td:last-child {
-        width: 20%;
-        text-align: right; }
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-    display: inline-block;
-    width: 100%;
-    vertical-align: middle; }
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-  height: calc(100% - 30px); }
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-    width: 30px; }
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-      display: block;
-      clear: both;
-      content: ""; }
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-    margin-top: 12px;
-    margin-right: 14px; }
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-    color: #76838f; }
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-    margin: 0 30px; }
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-    padding: 20px 0;
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-    border: none;
-    border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
-    cursor: pointer; }
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-      display: block;
-      clear: both;
-      content: ""; }
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-      margin: 0; }
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-        padding-left: 20px;
-        padding-bottom: 2px; }
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-        text-decoration: line-through; }
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-    float: left; }
-    #toDoListWidget .item-due-date span {
-      line-height: 34px;
-      margin-left: 44px; }
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-    float: right;
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-    margin-top: 4px;
-    text-align: right;
-    white-space: normal;
-    list-style-type: none; }
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-      display: block;
-      clear: both;
-      content: ""; }
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-      float: left;
-      position: relative;
-      margin-left: 10px; }
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-        position: absolute;
-        left: 0;
-        top: 0;
-        opacity: 0; }
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-        display: none; }
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-        opacity: 1; }
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-        width: 30px;
-        height: 30px;
-        padding: 7px; }
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-  height: calc(100% - 30px); }
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-    display: block;
-    clear: both;
-    content: ""; }
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-    padding: 3px 21px;
-    line-height: 26px;
-    font-size: 14px;
-    font-weight: 400;
-    color: #76838f;
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 204

@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 27

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+ 0 - 1

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+ 0 - 1

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+ 0 - 3

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+ 0 - 1

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+ 0 - 14

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+ 0 - 1

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+ 0 - 1

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Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 71

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Някои файлове не бяха показани, защото твърде много файлове са промени