@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+use App\Models\Config;
+use App\Models\Country;
+use App\Models\EmailFilter;
+use App\Models\Label;
+use App\Models\Level;
+use App\Models\Rule;
+use App\Models\SsConfig;
+use App\Models\User;
+use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
+class PresetData extends Migration {
+ * Run the migrations.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function up() {
+ User::create([
+ 'username' => '管理员',
+ 'email' => 'test@test.com',
+ 'password' => Hash::make('123456'),
+ 'port' => 10000,
+ 'passwd' => Str::random(),
+ 'vmess_id' => Str::uuid(),
+ 'is_admin' => 1
+ ]);
+ Level::insert(['level' => 0, 'name' => 'Free']);
+ for($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++){
+ Level::insert(['level' => $i, 'name' => 'VIP-'.$i]);
+ }
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'none', 'type' => 1, 'is_default' => 1]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'rc4-md5']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-128-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-192-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-256-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-128-ctr']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-192-ctr']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-256-ctr']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-128-gcm']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-192-gcm']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'aes-256-gcm']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'bf-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'cast5-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'des-cfb']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'salsa20']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'chacha20']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'chacha20-ietf']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'chacha20-ietf-poly1305']);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'origin', 'type' => 2, 'is_default' => 1]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_sha1_v4', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_aes128_md5', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_aes128_sha1', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_a', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_b', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_c', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_d', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_e', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'auth_chain_f', 'type' => 2]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'plain', 'type' => 3, 'is_default' => 1]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'http_simple', 'type' => 3]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'http_post', 'type' => 3]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'tls1.2_ticket_auth', 'type' => 3]);
+ SsConfig::insert(['name' => 'tls1.2_ticket_fastauth', 'type' => 3]);
+ $configList = [
+ 'is_rand_port',
+ 'is_user_rand_port',
+ 'invite_num',
+ 'is_register',
+ 'is_invite_register',
+ 'website_name',
+ 'is_reset_password',
+ 'reset_password_times',
+ 'website_url',
+ 'referral_type',
+ 'active_times',
+ 'is_checkin',
+ 'min_rand_traffic',
+ 'max_rand_traffic',
+ 'wechat_qrcode',
+ 'alipay_qrcode',
+ 'traffic_limit_time',
+ 'referral_traffic',
+ 'referral_percent',
+ 'referral_money',
+ 'referral_status',
+ 'default_traffic',
+ 'traffic_warning',
+ 'traffic_warning_percent',
+ 'expire_warning',
+ 'expire_days',
+ 'reset_traffic',
+ 'default_days',
+ 'subscribe_max',
+ 'min_port',
+ 'max_port',
+ 'is_captcha',
+ 'is_traffic_ban',
+ 'traffic_ban_value',
+ 'traffic_ban_time',
+ 'is_clear_log',
+ 'is_node_offline',
+ 'webmaster_email',
+ 'is_notification',
+ 'server_chan_key',
+ 'is_subscribe_ban',
+ 'subscribe_ban_times',
+ 'codepay_url',
+ 'codepay_id',
+ 'codepay_key',
+ 'is_free_code',
+ 'is_forbid_robot',
+ 'subscribe_domain',
+ 'auto_release_port',
+ 'website_callback_url',
+ 'web_api_url',
+ 'v2ray_license',
+ 'trojan_license',
+ 'v2ray_tls_provider',
+ 'website_analytics',
+ 'website_customer_service',
+ 'register_ip_limit',
+ 'is_email_filtering',
+ 'is_push_bear',
+ 'push_bear_send_key',
+ 'push_bear_qrcode',
+ 'is_ban_status',
+ 'is_namesilo',
+ 'namesilo_key',
+ 'website_logo',
+ 'website_home_logo',
+ 'nodes_detection',
+ 'detection_check_times',
+ 'is_forbid_china',
+ 'is_forbid_oversea',
+ 'AppStore_id',
+ 'AppStore_password',
+ 'is_activate_account',
+ 'node_daily_report',
+ 'mix_subscribe',
+ 'rand_subscribe',
+ 'is_custom_subscribe',
+ 'is_AliPay',
+ 'is_QQPay',
+ 'is_WeChatPay',
+ 'is_otherPay',
+ 'alipay_private_key',
+ 'alipay_public_key',
+ 'alipay_transport',
+ 'alipay_currency',
+ 'bitpay_secret',
+ 'f2fpay_app_id',
+ 'f2fpay_private_key',
+ 'f2fpay_public_key',
+ 'website_security_code',
+ 'subject_name',
+ 'geetest_id',
+ 'geetest_key',
+ 'google_captcha_sitekey',
+ 'google_captcha_secret',
+ 'user_invite_days',
+ 'admin_invite_days',
+ 'offline_check_times',
+ 'payjs_mch_id',
+ 'payjs_key',
+ 'maintenance_mode',
+ 'maintenance_time',
+ 'maintenance_content',
+ 'bark_key',
+ 'hcaptcha_secret',
+ 'hcaptcha_sitekey',
+ 'paypal_username',
+ 'paypal_password',
+ 'paypal_secret',
+ 'paypal_certificate',
+ 'paypal_app_id',
+ 'redirect_url',
+ 'epay_url',
+ 'epay_mch_id',
+ 'epay_key'
+ ];
+ foreach($configList as $config){
+ Config::insert(['name' => $config]);
+ }
+ Config::whereName('invite_num')->update(['value' => 3]);
+ Config::whereName('is_register')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('is_invite_register')->update(['value' => 2]);
+ Config::whereName('website_name')->update(['value' => 'ProxyPanel']);
+ Config::whereName('is_reset_password')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('reset_password_times')->update(['value' => 3]);
+ Config::whereName('website_url')->update(['value' => 'https://demo.proxypanel.ml']);
+ Config::whereName('active_times')->update(['value' => 3]);
+ Config::whereName('is_checkin')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('min_rand_traffic')->update(['value' => 10]);
+ Config::whereName('max_rand_traffic')->update(['value' => 500]);
+ Config::whereName('traffic_limit_time')->update(['value' => 1440]);
+ Config::whereName('referral_traffic')->update(['value' => 1024]);
+ Config::whereName('referral_percent')->update(['value' => 0.2]);
+ Config::whereName('referral_money')->update(['value' => 100]);
+ Config::whereName('referral_status')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('default_traffic')->update(['value' => 1024]);
+ Config::whereName('traffic_warning_percent')->update(['value' => 80]);
+ Config::whereName('expire_days')->update(['value' => 15]);
+ Config::whereName('reset_traffic')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('default_days')->update(['value' => 7]);
+ Config::whereName('subscribe_max')->update(['value' => 3]);
+ Config::whereName('min_port')->update(['value' => 10000]);
+ Config::whereName('max_port')->update(['value' => 65535]);
+ Config::whereName('is_traffic_ban')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('traffic_ban_value')->update(['value' => 10]);
+ Config::whereName('traffic_ban_time')->update(['value' => 60]);
+ Config::whereName('is_clear_log')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('is_subscribe_ban')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('subscribe_ban_times')->update(['value' => 20]);
+ Config::whereName('auto_release_port')->update(['value' => 1]);
+ Config::whereName('register_ip_limit')->update(['value' => 5]);
+ Config::whereName('detection_check_times')->update(['value' => 3]);
+ Config::whereName('alipay_transport')->update(['value' => 'http']);
+ Config::whereName('alipay_currency')->update(['value' => 'USD']);
+ Config::whereName('user_invite_days')->update(['value' => 7]);
+ Config::whereName('admin_invite_days')->update(['value' => 7]);
+ $labelList = [
+ 'Netflix',
+ 'Hulu',
+ 'HBO',
+ 'Amazon Video',
+ 'DisneyNow',
+ 'BBC',
+ 'Channel 4',
+ 'Fox+',
+ 'Happyon',
+ 'AbemeTV',
+ 'DMM',
+ 'NicoNico',
+ 'Pixiv',
+ 'TVer',
+ 'TVB',
+ 'HBO Go',
+ 'BiliBili港澳台',
+ '動畫瘋',
+ '四季線上影視',
+ 'LINE TV',
+ 'Youtube Premium',
+ '中国视频网站',
+ '网易云音乐',
+ 'QQ音乐',
+ 'DisneyPlus',
+ 'Pandora',
+ 'SoundCloud',
+ 'Spotify',
+ 'TIDAL',
+ 'TikTok',
+ 'Pornhub',
+ 'Twitch'
+ ];
+ foreach($labelList as $label){
+ Label::insert(['name' => $label]);
+ }
+ $blackEmailSuffixList = [
+ 'chacuo.com',
+ '1766258.com',
+ '3202.com',
+ '4057.com',
+ '4059.com',
+ 'a7996.com',
+ 'bccto.me',
+ 'bnuis.com',
+ 'chaichuang.com',
+ 'cr219.com',
+ 'cuirushi.org',
+ 'dawin.com',
+ 'jiaxin8736.com',
+ 'lakqs.com',
+ 'urltc.com',
+ '027168.com',
+ '10minutemail.net',
+ '11163.com',
+ '1shivom.com',
+ 'auoie.com',
+ 'bareed.ws',
+ 'bit-degree.com',
+ 'cjpeg.com',
+ 'cool.fr.nf',
+ 'courriel.fr.nf',
+ 'disbox.net',
+ 'disbox.org',
+ 'fidelium10.com',
+ 'get365.pw',
+ 'ggr.la',
+ 'grr.la',
+ 'guerrillamail.biz',
+ 'guerrillamail.com',
+ 'guerrillamail.de',
+ 'guerrillamail.net',
+ 'guerrillamail.org',
+ 'guerrillamailblock.com',
+ 'hubii-network.com',
+ 'hurify1.com',
+ 'itoup.com',
+ 'jetable.fr.nf',
+ 'jnpayy.com',
+ 'juyouxi.com',
+ 'mail.bccto.me',
+ 'www.bccto.me',
+ 'mega.zik.dj',
+ 'moakt.co',
+ 'moakt.ws',
+ 'molms.com',
+ 'moncourrier.fr.nf',
+ 'monemail.fr.nf',
+ 'monmail.fr.nf',
+ 'nomail.xl.cx',
+ 'nospam.ze.tc',
+ 'pay-mon.com',
+ 'poly-swarm.com',
+ 'sgmh.online',
+ 'sharklasers.com',
+ 'shiftrpg.com',
+ 'spam4.me',
+ 'speed.1s.fr',
+ 'tmail.ws',
+ 'tmails.net',
+ 'tmpmail.net',
+ 'tmpmail.org',
+ 'travala10.com',
+ 'yopmail.com',
+ 'yopmail.fr',
+ 'yopmail.net',
+ 'yuoia.com',
+ 'zep-hyr.com',
+ 'zippiex.com',
+ 'lrc8.com',
+ '1otc.com',
+ 'emailna.co',
+ 'mailinator.com',
+ 'nbzmr.com',
+ 'awsoo.com',
+ 'zhcne.com',
+ '0box.eu',
+ 'contbay.com',
+ 'damnthespam.com',
+ 'kurzepost.de',
+ 'objectmail.com',
+ 'proxymail.eu',
+ 'rcpt.at',
+ 'trash-mail.at',
+ 'trashmail.at',
+ 'trashmail.com',
+ 'trashmail.io',
+ 'trashmail.me',
+ 'trashmail.net',
+ 'wegwerfmail.de',
+ 'wegwerfmail.net',
+ 'wegwerfmail.org',
+ 'nwytg.net',
+ 'despam.it',
+ 'spambox.us',
+ 'spam.la',
+ 'mytrashmail.com',
+ 'mt2014.com',
+ 'mt2015.com',
+ 'thankyou2010.com',
+ 'trash2009.com',
+ 'mt2009.com',
+ 'trashymail.com',
+ 'tempemail.net',
+ 'slopsbox.com',
+ 'mailnesia.com',
+ 'ezehe.com',
+ 'tempail.com',
+ 'newairmail.com',
+ 'temp-mail.org',
+ 'linshiyouxiang.net',
+ 'zwoho.com',
+ 'mailboxy.fun',
+ 'crypto-net.club',
+ 'guerrillamail.info',
+ 'pokemail.net',
+ 'odmail.cn',
+ 'hlooy.com',
+ 'ozlaq.com',
+ '666email.com',
+ 'linshiyou.com',
+ 'linshiyou.pl',
+ 'woyao.pl',
+ 'yaowo.pl'
+ ];
+ foreach($blackEmailSuffixList as $emailSuffix){
+ EmailFilter::insert(['type' => 1, 'words' => $emailSuffix]);
+ }
+ $whiteEmailSuffixList = [
+ 'qq.com',
+ '163.com',
+ '126.com',
+ '189.com',
+ 'sohu.com',
+ 'gmail.com',
+ 'outlook.com',
+ 'icloud.com'
+ ];
+ foreach($whiteEmailSuffixList as $emailSuffix){
+ EmailFilter::insert(['type' => 2, 'words' => $emailSuffix]);
+ }
+ $countryList = [
+ 'au' => '澳大利亚',
+ 'br' => '巴西',
+ 'ca' => '加拿大',
+ 'ch' => '瑞士',
+ 'cn' => '中国',
+ 'de' => '德国',
+ 'dk' => '丹麦',
+ 'eg' => '埃及',
+ 'fr' => '法国',
+ 'gr' => '希腊',
+ 'hk' => '香港',
+ 'id' => '印度尼西亚',
+ 'ie' => '爱尔兰',
+ 'il' => '以色列',
+ 'in' => '印度',
+ 'iq' => '伊拉克',
+ 'ir' => '伊朗',
+ 'it' => '意大利',
+ 'jp' => '日本',
+ 'kr' => '韩国',
+ 'mx' => '墨西哥',
+ 'my' => '马来西亚',
+ 'nl' => '荷兰',
+ 'no' => '挪威',
+ 'nz' => '纽西兰',
+ 'ph' => '菲律宾',
+ 'ru' => '俄罗斯',
+ 'se' => '瑞典',
+ 'sg' => '新加坡',
+ 'th' => '泰国',
+ 'tr' => '土耳其',
+ 'tw' => '台湾',
+ 'uk' => '英国',
+ 'us' => '美国',
+ 'vn' => '越南',
+ 'pl' => '波兰',
+ 'kz' => '哈萨克斯坦',
+ 'ua' => '乌克兰',
+ 'ro' => '罗马尼亚',
+ 'ae' => '阿联酋',
+ 'za' => '南非',
+ 'mm' => '缅甸',
+ 'is' => '冰岛',
+ 'fi' => '芬兰',
+ 'lu' => '卢森堡',
+ 'be' => '比利时',
+ 'bg' => '保加利亚',
+ 'lt' => '立陶宛',
+ 'co' => '哥伦比亚',
+ 'mo' => '澳门',
+ 'ke' => '肯尼亚',
+ 'cz' => '捷克',
+ 'md' => '摩尔多瓦',
+ 'es' => '西班牙',
+ 'pk' => '巴基斯坦',
+ 'pt' => '葡萄牙',
+ 'hu' => '匈牙利',
+ 'ar' => '阿根廷'
+ ];
+ foreach($countryList as $code => $name){
+ Country::insert(['code' => $code, 'name' => $name]);
+ }
+ $ruleList = [
+ '360' => '(.*.||)(^360|0360|1360|3600|360safe|^so|qhimg|qhmsg|^yunpan|qihoo|qhcdn|qhupdate|360totalsecurity|360shouji|qihucdn|360kan|secmp).(cn|com|net)',
+ '腾讯管家' => '(.guanjia.qq.com|qqpcmgr|QQPCMGR)',
+ '金山毒霸' => '(.*.||)(rising|kingsoft|duba|xindubawukong|jinshanduba).(com|net|org)',
+ '暗网相关' => '(.*.||)(netvigator|torproject).(cn|com|net|org)',
+ '百度定位' => '(api|ps|sv|offnavi|newvector|ulog.imap|newloc|tracknavi)(.map|).(baidu|n.shifen).com',
+ '法轮功类' => '(.*.||)(dafahao|minghui|dongtaiwang|dajiyuan|falundata|shenyun|tuidang|epochweekly|epochtimes|ntdtv|falundafa|wujieliulan|zhengjian).(org|com|net)',
+ 'BT扩展名' => '(torrent|.torrent|peer_id=|info_hash|get_peers|find_node|BitTorrent|announce_peer|announce.php?passkey=)',
+ '邮件滥发' => '((^.*@)(guerrillamail|guerrillamailblock|sharklasers|grr|pokemail|spam4|bccto|chacuo|027168).(info|biz|com|de|net|org|me|la)|Subject|HELO|SMTP)',
+ '迅雷下载' => '(.?)(xunlei|sandai|Thunder|XLLiveUD)(.)',
+ '大陆应用' => '(.*.||)(baidu|qq|163|189|10000|10010|10086|sohu|sogoucdn|sogou|uc|58|taobao|qpic|bilibili|hdslb|acgvideo|sina|douban|doubanio|xiaohongshu|sinaimg|weibo|xiaomi|youzanyun|meituan|dianping|biliapi|huawei|pinduoduo|cnzz).(org|com|net|cn)',
+ '大陆银行' => '(.*.||)(icbc|ccb|boc|bankcomm|abchina|cmbchina|psbc|cebbank|cmbc|pingan|spdb|citicbank|cib|hxb|bankofbeijing|hsbank|tccb|4001961200|bosc|hkbchina|njcb|nbcb|lj-bank|bjrcb|jsbchina|gzcb|cqcbank|czbank|hzbank|srcb|cbhb|cqrcb|grcbank|qdccb|bocd|hrbcb|jlbank|bankofdl|qlbchina|dongguanbank|cscb|hebbank|drcbank|zzbank|bsb|xmccb|hljrcc|jxnxs|gsrcu|fjnx|sxnxs|gx966888|gx966888|zj96596|hnnxs|ahrcu|shanxinj|hainanbank|scrcu|gdrcu|hbxh|ynrcc|lnrcc|nmgnxs|hebnx|jlnls|js96008|hnnx|sdnxs).(org|com|net|cn)',
+ '台湾银行' => '(.*.||)(firstbank|bot|cotabank|megabank|tcb-bank|landbank|hncb|bankchb|tbb|ktb|tcbbank|scsb|bop|sunnybank|kgibank|fubon|ctbcbank|cathaybk|eximbank|bok|ubot|feib|yuantabank|sinopac|esunbank|taishinbank|jihsunbank|entiebank|hwataibank|csc|skbank).(org|com|net|tw)',
+ '大陆第三方支付' => '(.*.||)(alipay|baifubao|yeepay|99bill|95516|51credit|cmpay|tenpay|lakala|jdpay).(org|com|net|cn)',
+ '台湾特供' => '(.*.||)(visa|mycard|mastercard|gov|gash|beanfun|bank|line).(org|com|net|cn|tw|jp|kr)',
+ '涉政治类' => '(.*.||)(shenzhoufilm|secretchina|renminbao|aboluowang|mhradio|guangming|zhengwunet|soundofhope|yuanming|zhuichaguoji|fgmtv|xinsheng|shenyunperformingarts|epochweekly|tuidang|shenyun|falundata|bannedbook|pincong|rfi|mingjingnews|boxun|rfa|scmp|ogate|voachinese).(org|com|net|rocks|fr)',
+ '流媒体' => '(.*.||)(youtube|googlevideo|hulu|netflix|nflxvideo|akamai|nflximg|hbo|mtv|bbc|tvb).(org|club|com|net|tv)',
+ '测速类' => '(.*.||)(fast|speedtest).(org|com|net|cn)',
+ '外汇交易类' => '(.*.||)(metatrader4|metatrader5|mql5).(org|com|net)'
+ ];
+ foreach($ruleList as $name => $pattern){
+ Rule::insert(['type' => 1, 'name' => $name, 'pattern' => $pattern]);
+ }
+ }
+ * Reverse the migrations.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function down() {
+ echo 'plz run php artisan migrate:fresh'.PHP_EOL;
+ echo '请运行 php artisan migrate:fresh'.PHP_EOL;
+ }