(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("/advanced/treeview", ["jquery", "Site"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(require("jquery"), require("Site")); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(global.jQuery, global.Site); global.advancedTreeview = mod.exports; } })(this, function (_jquery, _Site) { "use strict"; _jquery = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_jquery); (0, _jquery.default)(document).ready(function ($$$1) { (0, _Site.run)(); }); window.getExampleTreeview = function () { return [{ text: 'Parent 1', href: '#parent1', tags: ['4'], nodes: [{ text: 'Child 1', href: '#child1', tags: ['2'], nodes: [{ text: 'Grandchild 1', href: '#grandchild1', tags: ['0'] }, { text: 'Grandchild 2', href: '#grandchild2', tags: ['0'] }] }, { text: 'Child 2', href: '#child2', tags: ['0'] }] }, { text: 'Parent 2', href: '#parent2', tags: ['0'] }, { text: 'Parent 3', href: '#parent3', tags: ['0'] }, { text: 'Parent 4', href: '#parent4', tags: ['0'] }, { text: 'Parent 5', href: '#parent5', tags: ['0'] }]; }; var defaults = Plugin.getDefaults("treeview"); // Example TreeView Json Data // -------------------------- (function () { var json = '[' + '{' + '"text": "Parent 1",' + '"nodes": [' + '{' + '"text": "Child 1",' + '"nodes": [' + '{' + '"text": "Grandchild 1"' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Grandchild 2"' + '}' + ']' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Child 2"' + '}' + ']' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Parent 2"' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Parent 3"' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Parent 4"' + '},' + '{' + '"text": "Parent 5"' + '}' + ']'; var json_options = _jquery.default.extend({}, defaults, { data: json }); (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleJsonData').treeview(json_options); })(); // Example TreeView Searchable // --------------------------- (function () { var options = _jquery.default.extend({}, defaults, { data: getExampleTreeview() }); var $searchableTree = (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleSearchableTree').treeview(options); (0, _jquery.default)('#inputSearchable').on('keyup', function (e) { var pattern = (0, _jquery.default)(e.target).val(); var results = $searchableTree.treeview('search', [pattern, { 'ignoreCase': true, 'exactMatch': false }]); }); })(); // Example TreeView Expandible // --------------------------- (function () { var options = _jquery.default.extend({}, defaults, { data: getExampleTreeview() }); // Expandible var $expandibleTree = (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleExpandibleTree').treeview(options); // Expand/collapse all (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleExpandAll').on('click', function (e) { $expandibleTree.treeview('expandAll', { levels: '99' }); }); (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleCollapseAll').on('click', function (e) { $expandibleTree.treeview('collapseAll'); }); })(); // Example TreeView Events // ----------------------- (function () { // Events var events_toastr = function events_toastr(msg) { toastr.info(msg, '', { iconClass: 'toast-just-text toast-info', positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right', containertId: 'toast-bottom-right' }); }; var options = _jquery.default.extend({}, defaults, { data: getExampleTreeview(), onNodeCollapsed: function onNodeCollapsed(event, node) { events_toastr(node.text + ' was collapsed'); }, onNodeExpanded: function onNodeExpanded(event, node) { events_toastr(node.text + ' was expanded'); }, onNodeSelected: function onNodeSelected(event, node) { events_toastr(node.text + ' was selected'); }, onNodeUnselected: function onNodeUnselected(event, node) { events_toastr(node.text + ' was unselected'); } }); (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleEvents').treeview(options); })(); // Example jstree use JSON format // ------------------------ (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_3').jstree({ 'core': { 'data': [{ 'text': 'Simple root node', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Root node 2', "icon": "wb-folder", 'state': { 'opened': false, 'selected': true }, 'children': [{ 'text': 'Child 1', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Child 2', "icon": "wb-folder" }] }] } }); })(); // Example jstree use AJAX // ------------------------ (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_4').jstree({ 'core': { 'data': { "url": "../../assets/data/treeview_jstree.json", "dataType": "json" } } }); })(); // Example jstree use checkbox Plugin // ------------------------------------ (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_5').jstree({ 'core': { 'data': [{ 'text': 'Simple root node', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Root node 2', "icon": "wb-folder", 'state': { 'opened': true, 'selected': true }, 'children': [{ 'text': 'Child 1', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Child 2', "icon": "wb-folder" }] }] }, 'plugins': ['checkbox'] }); })(); // Example jstree use Contextmenu Plugin // ------------------------------------ (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_6').jstree({ 'core': { "check_callback": true, 'data': [{ 'text': 'Simple root node', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Root node 2', "icon": "wb-folder", 'state': { 'opened': true, 'selected': true }, 'children': [{ 'text': 'Child 1', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Child 2', "icon": "wb-folder" }] }] }, 'plugins': ['contextmenu'] }); })(); // Example jstree use Search Plugin // -------------------------------- (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_7').jstree({ 'core': { 'data': [{ 'text': 'Simple root node', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Root node 2', "icon": "wb-folder", 'state': { 'opened': true, 'selected': true }, 'children': [{ 'text': 'Child 1', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Child 2', "icon": "wb-folder" }] }] }, 'plugins': ['search'] }); var to = false; (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeSearch').keyup(function () { if (to) { clearTimeout(to); } to = setTimeout(function () { var v = (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeSearch').val(); (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_7').jstree(true).search(v); }, 250); }); })(); // Example jstree use Drag & drop Plugin // ------------------------------------- (function () { (0, _jquery.default)('#jstreeExample_8').jstree({ 'core': { "check_callback": true, 'data': [{ 'text': 'Simple root node', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Root node 2', "icon": "wb-folder", 'state': { 'opened': true, 'selected': true }, 'children': [{ 'text': 'Child 1', "icon": "wb-folder" }, { 'text': 'Child 2', "icon": "wb-folder" }] }] }, 'plugins': ['dnd'] }); })(); });