(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("/App/Calendar", ["exports", "Site", "Config"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(exports, require("Site"), require("Config")); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod.exports, global.Site, global.Config); global.AppCalendar = mod.exports; } })(this, function (_exports, _Site2, _Config) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); _exports.run = run; _exports.getInstance = getInstance; _exports.default = _exports.AppCalendar = void 0; _Site2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_Site2); var AppCalendar = /*#__PURE__*/ function (_Site) { babelHelpers.inherits(AppCalendar, _Site); function AppCalendar() { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, AppCalendar); return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, babelHelpers.getPrototypeOf(AppCalendar).apply(this, arguments)); } babelHelpers.createClass(AppCalendar, [{ key: "initialize", value: function initialize() { babelHelpers.get(babelHelpers.getPrototypeOf(AppCalendar.prototype), "initialize", this).call(this); this.$actionToggleBtn = $('.site-action-toggle'); this.$addNewCalendarForm = $('#addNewCalendar').modal({ show: false }); } }, { key: "process", value: function process() { babelHelpers.get(babelHelpers.getPrototypeOf(AppCalendar.prototype), "process", this).call(this); this.handleFullcalendar(); this.handleSelective(); this.handleAction(); this.handleListItem(); this.handleEventList(); } }, { key: "handleFullcalendar", value: function handleFullcalendar() { var myEvents = [{ title: 'All Day Event', start: '2016-10-01' }, { title: 'Long Event', start: '2016-10-07', end: '2016-10-10', backgroundColor: (0, _Config.colors)('cyan', 600), borderColor: (0, _Config.colors)('cyan', 600) }, { id: 999, title: 'Repeating Event', start: '2016-10-09T16:00:00', backgroundColor: (0, _Config.colors)('red', 600), borderColor: (0, _Config.colors)('red', 600) }, { title: 'Conference', start: '2016-10-11', end: '2016-10-13' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2016-10-12T10:30:00', end: '2016-10-12T12:30:00' }, { title: 'Lunch', start: '2016-10-12T12:00:00' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2016-10-12T14:30:00' }, { title: 'Happy Hour', start: '2016-10-12T17:30:00' }, { title: 'Dinner', start: '2016-10-12T20:00:00' }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: '2016-10-13T07:00:00' }]; var myOptions = { header: { left: null, center: 'prev,title,next', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, defaultDate: '2016-10-12', selectable: true, selectHelper: true, select: function select() { $('#addNewEvent').modal('show'); }, editable: true, eventLimit: true, windowResize: function windowResize(view) { var width = $(window).outerWidth(); var options = Object.assign({}, myOptions); options.events = view.calendar.clientEvents(); options.aspectRatio = width < 667 ? 0.5 : 1.35; $('#calendar').fullCalendar('destroy'); $('#calendar').fullCalendar(options); }, eventClick: function eventClick(event) { var color = event.backgroundColor ? event.backgroundColor : (0, _Config.colors)('blue', 600); $('#editEname').val(event.title); if (event.start) { $('#editStarts').datepicker('update', event.start._d); } else { $('#editStarts').datepicker('update', ''); } if (event.end) { $('#editEnds').datepicker('update', event.end._d); } else { $('#editEnds').datepicker('update', ''); } $('#editColor [type=radio]').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var _value = $this.data('color').split('|'); var value = (0, _Config.colors)(_value[0], _value[1]); if (value === color) { $this.prop('checked', true); } else { $this.prop('checked', false); } }); $('#editNewEvent').modal('show').one('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { event.title = $('#editEname').val(); var color = $('#editColor [type=radio]:checked').data('color').split('|'); color = (0, _Config.colors)(color[0], color[1]); event.backgroundColor = color; event.borderColor = color; event.start = new Date($('#editStarts').data('datepicker').getDate()); event.end = new Date($('#editEnds').data('datepicker').getDate()); $('#calendar').fullCalendar('updateEvent', event); }); }, eventDragStart: function eventDragStart() { $('.site-action').data('actionBtn').show(); }, eventDragStop: function eventDragStop() { $('.site-action').data('actionBtn').hide(); }, events: myEvents, droppable: true }; var _options; var myOptionsMobile = Object.assign({}, myOptions); myOptionsMobile.aspectRatio = 0.5; _options = $(window).outerWidth() < 667 ? myOptionsMobile : myOptions; $('#editNewEvent').modal(); $('#calendar').fullCalendar(_options); } }, { key: "handleSelective", value: function handleSelective() { var member = [{ id: 'uid_1', name: 'Herman Beck', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/1.jpg' }, { id: 'uid_2', name: 'Mary Adams', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/2.jpg' }, { id: 'uid_3', name: 'Caleb Richards', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/3.jpg' }, { id: 'uid_4', name: 'June Lane', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/4.jpg' }]; var items = [{ id: 'uid_1', name: 'Herman Beck', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/1.jpg' }, { id: 'uid_2', name: 'Caleb Richards', avatar: '../../../../global/portraits/2.jpg' }]; $('.plugin-selective').selective({ namespace: 'addMember', local: member, selected: items, buildFromHtml: false, tpl: { optionValue: function optionValue(data) { return data.id; }, frame: function frame() { return "
\n ").concat(this.options.tpl.items.call(this), "\n
\n ").concat(this.options.tpl.triggerButton.call(this), "\n
\n ").concat(this.options.tpl.list.call(this), "\n
"); }, triggerButton: function triggerButton() { return "
"); }, listItem: function listItem(data) { return "
  • ").concat(data.name, "
  • "); }, item: function item(data) { return "
  • ").concat(this.options.tpl.itemRemove.call(this), "
  • "); }, itemRemove: function itemRemove() { return ""); }, option: function option(data) { return ""); } } }); } }, { key: "handleAction", value: function handleAction() { var _this = this; this.$actionToggleBtn.on('click', function (e) { _this.$addNewCalendarForm.modal('show'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } }, { key: "handleEventList", value: function handleEventList() { $('#addNewEventBtn').on('click', function () { $('#addNewEvent').modal('show'); }); $('.calendar-list .calendar-event').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var color = $this.data('color').split('-'); $this.data('event', { title: $this.data('title'), stick: $this.data('stick'), backgroundColor: (0, _Config.colors)(color[0], color[1]), borderColor: (0, _Config.colors)(color[0], color[1]) }); $this.draggable({ zIndex: 999, revert: true, revertDuration: 0, appendTo: '.page', helper: function helper() { return "\n
    \n ").concat($this.data('title'), "\n
    "); } }); }); } }, { key: "handleListItem", value: function handleListItem() { this.$actionToggleBtn.on('click', function (e) { $('#addNewCalendar').modal('show'); e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on('click', '[data-tag=list-delete]', function (e) { bootbox.dialog({ message: 'Do you want to delete the calendar?', buttons: { success: { label: 'Delete', className: 'btn-danger', callback: function callback() {// $(e.target).closest('.list-group-item').remove(); } } } }); }); } }]); return AppCalendar; }(_Site2.default); _exports.AppCalendar = AppCalendar; var instance = null; function getInstance() { if (!instance) { instance = new AppCalendar(); } return instance; } function run() { var app = getInstance(); app.run(); } var _default = AppCalendar; _exports.default = _default; });