'User Panel', 'subscribe_help' => 'Interactive Tutorial', 'subscribe_link' => 'Subscription Address', 'copy_subscribe_address' => 'Copy Address', 'exchange_subscribe' => 'Exchange Address', 'subscribe_warning' => 'Warning: This subscription address is for personal use only. Do not propagate the address.', 'reset_password_title' => 'Reset Password', 'email_placeholder' => 'Please Enter Email', 'system_down' => 'The system is being maintained', 'subscribe_baned' => 'Your subscription function has been banned. Please contact the administrator.', 'download' => 'Download', 'sign_in' => 'Sign In', // 菜单 'home' => 'Home', 'nodeList' => 'Servers', 'services' => 'Shop', 'traffic_log' => 'Monitor', 'help' => 'Help', 'invite_code' => 'Invite Code', 'invoices' => 'Invoices', 'tickets' => 'Tickets', 'referrals' => 'Referrals', 'free_invite_codes_title' => 'Free Invite Codes', 'no_need_invite_codes' => 'In the open registration system, no invitation code is required', // 首页 'ratio_tips' => 'Recommends the use of support node subscription function of the client, through subscription function can quickly synchronize node information in the client.', 'subscribe_button' => 'Subscribe', 'account_info' => 'Account Info', 'account_level' => 'Level', 'account_credit' => 'Credit', 'account_score' => 'Score', 'account_status' => 'Status', 'account_expire' => 'Overdue At', 'account_last_usage' => 'Last Usage', 'account_last_login' => 'Last Login', 'account_bandwidth_usage' => 'Data Usage', 'account_total_traffic' => 'Total', 'account_usage_traffic' => 'Usage', 'account_reset_notice' => ':reset_day days unit data renew', 'account_login_log' => 'Login Log', 'article_title' => 'Article List', 'bandwidth' => 'Data Plan', 'recharge' => 'Recharge', 'enabled' => 'Normal', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'limited' => 'Limited', 'never_used' => 'Never Used', 'expired' => 'Expired', 'reason' => 'Reason', 'reason_expired' => 'Your account has expired', 'reason_traffic_exhausted' => 'You have used all of your available data', 'reason_overused' => 'Your hourly data usages :data GB has reached
After :min the limited will be lifted!', 'reason_unknown' => 'Unknown, Please open a ticket and ask a customer service', 'never_loggedin' => 'Never logged in', 'announcement' => 'Announcement', 'recharge_credit' => 'Recharge Credit', 'payment_method' => 'charge method', 'close' => 'Close', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'redeem_score' => 'Redeem for bandwidth', 'redeem' => 'Redeem', 'redeem_info' => 'You have got :score points and can redeem :score M free bandwidth.', 'coupon_code' => 'Coupon Code', 'please_input_coupon' => 'Please input the coupon code', 'scan_qrcode' => 'Scan qrcode with your client', 'setting_info' => 'Setting Information', 'ratio' => 'traffic ratio', 'coupon_not_empty' => 'Coupon code can not be empty', 'recharging' => 'Recharging...', 'error_response' => 'Error reponse, please retry', 'error' => 'Error', 'online_pay' => 'Online Pay', 'pay' => 'Pay Now', // 用户资料 'submit' => 'Submit', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'ssr_setting' => 'Proxy Setting', 'password' => 'Password', 'new_password' => 'New Password', 'current_password' => 'Current Password', 'wechat' => 'Wechat', 'connection_password' => 'Connection Password', 'encrpytion' => 'Encrpytion', 'protocal' => 'Protocal', 'obfs' => 'OBFS', // 购买服务 'service_title' => 'Services', 'service_name' => 'Service', 'service_desc' => 'Description', 'service_type' => 'Type', 'service_price' => 'Sales Price', 'service_quantity' => 'Quantity', 'service_subtotal_price' => 'Subtotal Price', 'service_total_price' => 'Total Price', 'service_pay_button' => 'Pay', 'services_none' => 'None Services', 'service_traffic' => 'Traffic', 'service_days' => 'Term of Validity', 'service_buy_button' => 'Order Now', 'service_unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'service_device' => 'Devices', 'day' => 'days', 'month' => 'month', 'coupon' => 'Coupon', 'redeem_coupon' => 'Redeem', 'service_type_1' => 'Flow Packet', 'service_type_2' => 'Flow Plans', // 流量日志 'traffic_log_tips' => 'Tips: The update of the flow chart will be delayed.', 'traffic_log_30days' => '30 Days Statistics', 'traffic_log_24hours' => '24 Hours Statistics', 'traffic_log_keywords' => 'Bandwidth', 'traffic_log_unit' => 'Unit: G', 'traffic_log_max' => 'Max', // 邀请码 'invite_code_make' => 'Generate Invite Code', 'invite_code_button' => 'Create', 'invite_code_tips' => 'You can generate :num invite codes, effective within :days days', 'invite_code_my_codes' => 'My Invite Codes', 'invite_code_table_name' => 'Codes', 'invite_code_table_date' => 'Overdue Date', 'invite_code_table_user' => 'Usage User', 'invite_code_table_status' => 'Status', 'invite_code_table_none_codes' => 'None available information', 'invite_code_table_status_un' => 'Active', 'invite_code_table_status_yes' => 'Already Used', 'invite_code_table_status_expire' => 'Overdue', 'invite_code_summary' => 'Total of :total invite codes', // 单据 'invoice_title' => 'My Invoices', 'invoice_table_id' => 'No.', 'invoice_table_name' => 'Service', 'invoice_table_pay_way' => 'Pay Method', 'invoice_table_price' => 'Amount', 'invoice_table_create_date' => 'Created On', 'invoice_table_expired_at' => 'Expire Time', 'invoice_table_status' => 'Status', 'invoice_table_none' => 'None Data', 'invoice_table_closed' => 'Closed', 'invoice_table_wait_payment' => 'Wait Payment', 'invoice_table_wait_confirm' => 'Wait Confirm', 'invoice_table_wait_active' => 'Active', 'invoice_table_expired' => 'Overdue', 'invoice_table_goods_deleted' => '[Deleted]', // 工单 'ticket_title' => 'Support Tickets', 'ticket_open' => 'Open', 'ticket_close' => 'Close', 'ticket_cancel' => 'Cancel', 'ticket_confirm' => 'Confirm', 'ticket_table_title' => 'Title', 'ticket_table_status' => 'Status', 'ticket_table_none' => 'No Data', 'ticket_table_status_wait' => 'Wait Reply', 'ticket_table_status_reply' => 'Wait Reply', 'ticket_table_status_close' => 'Closed', 'ticket_table_new_button' => 'Open New Support Ticket', 'ticket_table_new_title' => 'Title: (Financial Support, Account Support, Technical Support, Pre-sale Support, etc)', 'ticket_table_content' => 'Please fill in your questions with detail information', 'ticket_table_view' => 'View', 'ticket_reply' => 'Send', 'ticket_reply_me' => 'Me', 'ticket_reply_master' => 'Master', 'ticket_reply_placeholder' => 'Say something...', 'ticket_close_title' => 'Close Ticket', 'ticket_close_content' => 'You are going to close the support tickets, are you sure?', // 推广返利 'referral_title' => 'Commissions', 'referral_button' => 'Copy Link', 'referral_my_link' => 'My Referral Link', 'referral_table_user' => 'Who', 'referral_table_amount' => 'Amount', 'referral_table_commission' => 'Commission', 'referral_table_status' => 'Status', 'referral_table_date' => 'Date', 'referral_table_none' => 'None Data', 'referral_table_apply' => 'Apply', 'referral_summary' => 'Total rebate :amount RMB (:total times), full :money RMB can apply for withdrawals.', 'referral_apply_title' => 'Present Record', 'referral_apply_table_amount' => 'Amount', 'referral_apply_table_status' => 'Status', 'referral_apply_table_date' => 'Date', 'console' => 'Console', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'logout' => 'Log Out', 'promote_link' => 'With your promotion link registration and activation, both of you will receive :traffic traffic awards; when they are consumed, you will receive :referral_percent% of their consumption amount as a reward.', 'promote_invite_code' => 'With your invite code registration and activation, both of you will receive :traffic traffic awards; when they are consumed, you will receive :referral_percent% of their consumption amount as a reward.', 'invite_user_title' => 'Invitation record', 'invite_user_email' => 'email', 'invite_user_created_at' => 'Registration time', ];