'アカウントを有効にする', 'login_button' => 'ログイン', 'email_placeholder' => 'アカウントを入力してください', 'tips' => 'システムメンテナンス中に、アカウントを有効にする必要がある場合は、管理者に連絡してください', 'back' => '戻る', 'submit' => '有効化', 'email' => 'アカウント', 'password' => 'パスワード', 'captcha' => '認証コード', 'remember' => 'ログイン状態を保持', 'forget_password' => 'パスワードを忘れた', 'login' => 'ログイン', 'register' => '登録する', 'register_tip' => 'まだアカウントはありませんか?してください', 'loading_captcha' => '確認コードを読み込んでいます...', 'required_captcha' => '確認コードの操作を正しく完了してください', 'fail_captcha' => 'サーバーの確認に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください', 'confirm_password' => 'パスワードの確認', 'code' => '招待コード', 'send' => '送 信', 'tnc_button' => '私はすでに読んで守ることに同意した', 'tnc_link' => '私は利用規約を読み、同意した', 'tos' => '利用規約', 'aup' => '許容される使用ポリシー', 'register_alter' => 'システムはメンテナンス中です', 'get_free_code' => 'クリックすると無料の招待状コードが表示されます', 'tnc_title' => '私は読んだことがあります', 'tnc_content' => '現地法令を遵守してください。', 'overtime' => 'リンクは有効期限切れです', 'active' => 'Activate', 'active_account' => 'Activate account', 'active_tip' => 'Account is not active yet, Please ', 'captcha' => '確認コード', 'code' => 'Invite Code', 'login' => 'Sign In', 'register' => 'ログイン', 'email' => 'メール', 'password' => 'パスワード', 'confirm_password' => 'パスワードの確認', 'back' => 'Back', 'close' => 'Close', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'request' => 'Request', 'remember' => 'Remember Me', 'resetPassword' => 'Reset Password', 'new_password' => 'Enter a new password', 'forget_password' => 'Find my Password', 'reset_password' => 'Reset Password', 'get_free_code' => 'Click to get a free invitation code', 'accept_term' => 'I have read and agree to obey', 'tos' => 'Terms of Service', 'aup' => 'Acceptable Use Policy', 'register_tip' => 'Still no account? Please go to', 'system_maintenance' => 'The system is being maintained', 'system_maintenance_tip' => 'System in under maintenance, please email :email if you need an account', 'overtime' => 'The link has expired', 'active_success' => 'Successful activation', 'active_fail' => 'Activation fail', 'active_limit' => 'You have triggered the activation request restriction mechanism, do not operate frequently! If you have any questions, please contact :email', 'active_close' => 'The account activation function has been disabled, please contact :email', 'code_null' => 'Please enter invite code', 'captcha_null' => 'Please enter Verification code', 'captcha_error' => 'The Verification code is incorrect, please input the code again', 'captcha_overtime' => 'The verification code is invalid! Please refresh and try again', 'captcha_loading' => 'Loading Verification code...', 'captcha_required' => 'Please complete the Verification code operation correctly', 'captcha_fail' => 'Server verification failed, please try again', 'captcha_close' => 'Verification code registration is disable', 'captcha_send' => 'Verification code sent', 'code_error' => 'The invitation code is invalid! Please try again', 'email_null' => 'Please enter your email address', 'email_normal' => 'Your account has been activated', 'email_legitimate' => 'Account must be a legitimate email', 'email_banned' => 'The mailbox contains sensitive words. Please use another valid email', 'email_exist' => 'Email have been register! If you forget your password, please use "Find my Password" to reset your password', 'email_notExist' => 'The account does not exist. Please try again', 'login_error' => 'Wrong password or email address', 'login_ban' => 'Your email is banned', 'password_null' => 'Please enter your password', 'password_limit' => 'Password is too short', 'password_same' => 'The passwords you typed do not match', 'register_close' => 'We close the registration for new users, please email :email the administrator', 'register_anti' => 'Anti-robot registration is enabled! Please do not register Multiple accounts', 'register_fail' => 'Registration failed, please try later', 'register_success' => 'Registered successfully', 'register_active_tip' => 'Activation email sent! Please check the mailbox (the email may be in the Trash)', 'repeat_request' => 'Please refresh the page and try again', 'reset_password_close' => '"Find my Password"function is disabled.If you need help, Please email :email', 'reset_password_limit' => 'Password can only be reset :time times within 24 hours!', 'reset_password_success_tip' => 'Reset successfully! Please check the mailbox (the email may be in the Trash)', 'reset_password_same_fail' => 'The new password is the same as the old one. Please renter', 'reset_password_fail' => 'Password reset failed', 'reset_password_new' => 'The new password has been set successfully!', ];