
use Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable;

return [
     * Determines what type of files to use when updating language files.
     * `true` means inline files will be used.
     * `false` means that default files will be used.
     * The difference between them can be seen here:
     * @see https://github.com/Laravel-Lang/lang/blob/master/script/en/validation.php
     * @see https://github.com/Laravel-Lang/lang/blob/master/script/en/validation-inline.php
     * By default, `false`.

    'inline' => false,

     * Do arrays need to be aligned by keys before processing arrays?
     * By default, true

    'alignment' => true,

     * Key exclusion when combining.

    'exclude' => [
        // 'auth' => ['throttle'],
        // 'pagination' => ['previous'],
        // 'passwords' => ['reset', 'throttled', 'user'],
        // 'Confirm Password',

     * List of ignored localizations.

    'ignore' => [
        // 'en',
        // Helldar\LaravelLangPublisher\Constants\Locales::ALBANIAN,

     * Change key case.
     * Available values:
     *   Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable::NO_CASE      - Case does not change
     *   Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable::CAMEL_CASE   - camelCase
     *   Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable::KEBAB_CASE   - kebab-case
     *   Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable::PASCAL_CASE  - PascalCase
     *   Helldar\PrettyArray\Contracts\Caseable::SNAKE_CASE   - snake_case
     * By default, Caseable::NO_CASE
    'case' => interface_exists(Caseable::class) ? Caseable::NO_CASE : 0,