123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293 |
- (function (global, factory) {
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define("/tables/datatable", ["jquery", "Site"], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
- factory(require("jquery"), require("Site"));
- } else {
- var mod = {
- exports: {}
- };
- factory(global.jQuery, global.Site);
- global.tablesDatatable = mod.exports;
- }
- })(this, function (_jquery, _Site) {
- "use strict";
- _jquery = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_jquery);
- (0, _jquery.default)(document).ready(function ($$$1) {
- (0, _Site.run)();
- }); // Fixed Header Example
- // --------------------
- (function () {
- var offsetTop = 0;
- if ((0, _jquery.default)('.site-navbar').length > 0) {
- offsetTop = (0, _jquery.default)('.site-navbar').eq(0).innerHeight();
- } // initialize datatable
- var table = (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleFixedHeader').DataTable({
- responsive: true,
- fixedHeader: {
- header: true,
- headerOffset: offsetTop
- },
- "paging": false,
- "dom": "t" // just show table, no other controls
- }); // redraw fixedHeaders as necessary
- // $(window).resize(function() {
- // fixedHeader._fnUpdateClones(true);
- // fixedHeader._fnUpdatePositions();
- // });
- })(); // Individual column searching
- // ---------------------------
- (function () {
- (0, _jquery.default)(document).ready(function () {
- var defaults = Plugin.getDefaults("dataTable");
- var options = _jquery.default.extend(true, {}, defaults, {
- initComplete: function initComplete() {
- this.api().columns().every(function () {
- var column = this;
- var select = (0, _jquery.default)('<select class="form-control w-full"><option value=""></option></select>').appendTo((0, _jquery.default)(column.footer()).empty()).on('change', function () {
- var val = _jquery.default.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex((0, _jquery.default)(this).val());
- column.search(val ? '^' + val + '$' : '', true, false).draw();
- });
- column.data().unique().sort().each(function (d, j) {
- select.append('<option value="' + d + '">' + d + '</option>');
- });
- });
- }
- });
- (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleTableSearch').DataTable(options);
- });
- })(); // Table Tools
- // -----------
- (function () {
- (0, _jquery.default)(document).ready(function () {
- var defaults = Plugin.getDefaults("dataTable");
- var options = _jquery.default.extend(true, {}, defaults, {
- "aoColumnDefs": [{
- 'bSortable': false,
- 'aTargets': [-1]
- }],
- "iDisplayLength": 5,
- "aLengthMenu": [[5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"]],
- "sDom": '<"dt-panelmenu clearfix"Bfr>t<"dt-panelfooter clearfix"ip>',
- "buttons": ['copy', 'excel', 'csv', 'pdf', 'print']
- });
- (0, _jquery.default)('#exampleTableTools').dataTable(options);
- });
- })(); // Table Add Row
- // -------------
- (function ($$$1) {
- var EditableTable = {
- options: {
- addButton: '#addToTable',
- table: '#exampleAddRow',
- dialog: {
- wrapper: '#dialog',
- cancelButton: '#dialogCancel',
- confirmButton: '#dialogConfirm'
- }
- },
- initialize: function initialize() {
- this.setVars().build().events();
- },
- setVars: function setVars() {
- this.$table = $$$1(this.options.table);
- this.$addButton = $$$1(this.options.addButton); // dialog
- this.dialog = {};
- this.dialog.$wrapper = $$$1(this.options.dialog.wrapper);
- this.dialog.$cancel = $$$1(this.options.dialog.cancelButton);
- this.dialog.$confirm = $$$1(this.options.dialog.confirmButton);
- return this;
- },
- build: function build() {
- this.datatable = this.$table.DataTable({
- aoColumns: [null, null, null, {
- "bSortable": false
- }],
- language: {
- "sSearchPlaceholder": "Search..",
- "lengthMenu": "_MENU_",
- "search": "_INPUT_"
- }
- });
- window.dt = this.datatable;
- return this;
- },
- events: function events() {
- var _self = this;
- this.$table.on('click', 'a.save-row', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- _self.rowSave($$$1(this).closest('tr'));
- }).on('click', 'a.cancel-row', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- _self.rowCancel($$$1(this).closest('tr'));
- }).on('click', 'a.edit-row', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- _self.rowEdit($$$1(this).closest('tr'));
- }).on('click', 'a.remove-row', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var $row = $$$1(this).closest('tr');
- bootbox.dialog({
- message: "Are you sure that you want to delete this row?",
- title: "ARE YOU SURE?",
- buttons: {
- danger: {
- label: "Confirm",
- className: "btn-danger",
- callback: function callback() {
- _self.rowRemove($row);
- }
- },
- main: {
- label: "Cancel",
- className: "btn-primary",
- callback: function callback() {}
- }
- }
- });
- });
- this.$addButton.on('click', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- _self.rowAdd();
- });
- this.dialog.$cancel.on('click', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $$$1.magnificPopup.close();
- });
- return this;
- },
- // =============
- // =============
- rowAdd: function rowAdd() {
- this.$addButton.attr({
- 'disabled': 'disabled'
- });
- var actions, data, $row;
- actions = ['<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-icon btn-pure btn-default on-editing save-row" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Save" hidden><i class="icon wb-check" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>', '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-icon btn-pure btn-default on-editing cancel-row" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Delete" hidden><i class="icon wb-close" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>', '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-icon btn-pure btn-default on-default edit-row" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Edit"><i class="icon wb-edit" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>', '<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-icon btn-pure btn-default on-default remove-row" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Remove"><i class="icon wb-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>'].join(' ');
- data = this.datatable.row.add(['', '', '', actions]);
- $row = this.datatable.row(data[0]).nodes().to$();
- $row.addClass('adding').find('td:last').addClass('actions');
- this.rowEdit($row);
- this.datatable.order([0, 'asc']).draw(); // always show fields
- },
- rowCancel: function rowCancel($row) {
- var _self = this,
- $actions,
- i,
- data,
- $cancel;
- if ($row.hasClass('adding')) {
- this.rowRemove($row);
- } else {
- $actions = $row.find('td.actions');
- $cancel = $actions.find('.cancel-row');
- $cancel.tooltip('hide');
- if ($actions.get(0)) {
- this.rowSetActionsDefault($row);
- }
- data = this.datatable.row($row.get(0)).data();
- this.datatable.row($row.get(0)).data(data);
- this.handleTooltip($row);
- this.datatable.draw();
- }
- },
- rowEdit: function rowEdit($row) {
- var _self = this,
- data;
- data = this.datatable.row($row.get(0)).data();
- $row.children('td').each(function (i) {
- var $this = $$$1(this);
- if ($this.hasClass('actions')) {
- _self.rowSetActionsEditing($row);
- } else {
- $this.html('<input type="text" class="form-control input-block" value="' + data[i] + '"/>');
- }
- });
- },
- rowSave: function rowSave($row) {
- var _self = this,
- $actions,
- values = [],
- $save;
- if ($row.hasClass('adding')) {
- this.$addButton.removeAttr('disabled');
- $row.removeClass('adding');
- }
- values = $row.find('td').map(function () {
- var $this = $$$1(this);
- if ($this.hasClass('actions')) {
- _self.rowSetActionsDefault($row);
- return _self.datatable.cell(this).data();
- } else {
- return $$$1.trim($this.find('input').val());
- }
- });
- $actions = $row.find('td.actions');
- $save = $actions.find('.save-row');
- $save.tooltip('hide');
- if ($actions.get(0)) {
- this.rowSetActionsDefault($row);
- }
- this.datatable.row($row.get(0)).data(values);
- this.handleTooltip($row);
- this.datatable.draw();
- },
- rowRemove: function rowRemove($row) {
- if ($row.hasClass('adding')) {
- this.$addButton.removeAttr('disabled');
- }
- this.datatable.row($row.get(0)).remove().draw();
- },
- rowSetActionsEditing: function rowSetActionsEditing($row) {
- $row.find('.on-editing').removeAttr('hidden');
- $row.find('.on-default').attr('hidden', true);
- },
- rowSetActionsDefault: function rowSetActionsDefault($row) {
- $row.find('.on-editing').attr('hidden', true);
- $row.find('.on-default').removeAttr('hidden');
- },
- handleTooltip: function handleTooltip($row) {
- var $tooltip = $row.find('[data-toggle="tooltip"]');
- $tooltip.tooltip();
- }
- };
- $$$1(function () {
- EditableTable.initialize();
- });
- }).apply(undefined, [jQuery]);
- });