auth.php 4.0 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'accept_term' => 'I have read and agree to obey',
  4. 'active' => [
  5. 'attribute' => 'Activation',
  6. 'error' => [
  7. 'activated' => 'The account has been activated, no need to activate again',
  8. 'disable' => 'The account activation subsystem has been disabled, you can login directly!',
  9. 'throttle' => 'Anti-bots Shield Active! Please do not send multiple activate from at short amount of times! If you have any questions, please contact :email',
  10. ],
  11. 'promotion' => ['0' => 'Account has not been activated,Please', '1' => 'before login!'],
  12. 'sent' => 'Email has been sent! Please check your mailbox! (Email may be in the Trash)',
  13. ],
  14. 'aup' => 'Acceptable Use Policy',
  15. 'captcha' => [
  16. 'attribute' => 'Captcha',
  17. 'error' => ['failed' => 'Verification failed, please try again', 'timeout' => 'The code is invalid! Please refresh and try again'],
  18. 'required' => 'Please complete the Captcha operation!',
  19. 'sent' => 'Email has been sent! Please check your mailbox! (Email may be in the Trash)',
  20. ],
  21. 'email' => [
  22. 'error' => [
  23. 'banned' => 'Your email service provider was banned by our platform. Please use another valid email',
  24. 'invalid' => 'Your email service provider is not in our supporting list. Please use another email',
  25. ],
  26. ],
  27. 'error' => [
  28. 'account_baned' => 'Your account has been banned!',
  29. 'login_error' => 'Login error, please try again later!',
  30. 'login_failed' => 'Login failed, please check whether the email or password is entered correctly!',
  31. 'repeat_request' => 'Please refresh the page and try again',
  32. 'url_timeout' => 'The link has expired, please try again',
  33. ],
  34. 'invite' => [
  35. 'attribute' => 'Invitation code',
  36. 'error' => ['unavailable' => 'Invitation code is invalid!'],
  37. 'get' => 'Click to get the invitation code',
  38. 'not_required' => 'No invitation code is required, you can register directly!',
  39. ],
  40. 'login' => 'Sign in',
  41. 'logout' => 'Logout',
  42. 'maintenance' => 'Maintain',
  43. 'maintenance_tip' => 'Website under maintenance',
  44. 'optional' => 'Optional',
  45. 'password' => [
  46. 'forget' => 'Forgot password?',
  47. 'new' => 'Enter a new password',
  48. 'original' => 'Original Password',
  49. 'reset' => [
  50. 'attribute' => 'Reset Password',
  51. 'error' => [
  52. 'disabled' => 'The password reset subsystem has been disabled, you can contact :email for help',
  53. 'failed' => 'Password reset failed',
  54. 'throttle' => 'Password can only be reset :time times within 24 hours, Please Do not operate too frequently',
  55. 'same' => 'The new password cannot be the same as the old password, please re-enter',
  56. 'wrong' => 'The password is incorrect, please re-enter',
  57. 'demo' => 'You can not change administrator password under Demo environment',
  58. ],
  59. 'sent' => 'Reset link has been sent to your email, please check the mailbox (the email may be in the Trash)',
  60. 'success' => 'The password has been reset successfully, please go to login',
  61. ],
  62. ],
  63. 'register' => [
  64. 'attribute' => 'Sign up',
  65. 'code' => 'Registration Code',
  66. 'error' => [
  67. 'disable' => 'Sorry, The registration function has been disabled',
  68. 'throttle' => 'Anti-bots shield is active! Please do not send multiple register from at short amount of times!',
  69. ],
  70. 'promotion' => 'Still no account? Please go to ',
  71. 'failed' => 'Registration failed, please try later',
  72. 'success' => 'Registration successfully',
  73. ],
  74. 'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
  75. 'request' => 'Request',
  76. 'tos' => 'Terms of Service',
  77. ];