tour.js 1.3 KB

  1. (function (global, factory) {
  2. if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
  3. define("/config/tour", ["Config"], factory);
  4. } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
  5. factory(require("Config"));
  6. } else {
  7. var mod = {
  8. exports: {}
  9. };
  10. factory(global.Config);
  11. global.configTour = mod.exports;
  12. }
  13. })(this, function (_Config) {
  14. "use strict";
  15. (0, _Config.set)('tour', {
  16. steps: [{
  17. element: '#toggleMenubar',
  18. position: 'right',
  19. intro: 'Offcanvas Menu <p class=\'content\'>It is nice custom navigation for desktop users and a seek off-canvas menu for tablet and mobile users</p>'
  20. }, {
  21. element: '#toggleFullscreen',
  22. intro: 'Full Screen <p class=\'content\'>Click this button you can view the admin template in full screen</p>'
  23. }, {
  24. element: '#toggleChat',
  25. position: 'left',
  26. intro: 'Quick Conversations <p class=\'content\'>This is a sidebar dialog box for user conversations list, you can even create a quick conversation with other users</p>'
  27. }],
  28. skipLabel: '<i class=\'wb-close\'></i>',
  29. doneLabel: '<i class=\'wb-close\'></i>',
  30. nextLabel: 'Next <i class=\'wb-chevron-right-mini\'></i>',
  31. prevLabel: '<i class=\'wb-chevron-left-mini\'></i>Prev',
  32. showBullets: false
  33. });
  34. });