@@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
-import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
-import { useDispatch } from "react-redux";
+import { Link as RouterLink, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
// material-ui
-import { Button, FormHelperText, Grid, InputLabel, OutlinedInput, Stack, Typography } from "@mui/material";
+import {
+ Box,
+ Button,
+ Checkbox,
+ CircularProgress,
+ FormControl,
+ FormControlLabel,
+ FormHelperText,
+ Grid,
+ InputAdornment,
+ InputLabel,
+ Link,
+ OutlinedInput,
+ Stack,
+ Typography
+} from "@mui/material";
import { useSnackbar } from "notistack";
// third party
@@ -14,17 +28,47 @@ import useScriptRef from "@/hooks/useScriptRef";
import AnimateButton from "@/components/@extended/AnimateButton";
import { useSelector } from "@/store";
import { useResetPasswordMutation } from "@/store/services/api";
+import { Trans, useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
+import SendMailButton from "@/sections/auth/auth-forms/SendMailButton";
+import OtpInput from "react18-input-otp";
+import IconButton from "@/components/@extended/IconButton";
+import { EyeInvisibleOutlined, EyeOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
+import lo from "lodash-es";
+import React, { SyntheticEvent, useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import { StringColorProps } from "@/types/password";
+import { strengthColor, strengthIndicator } from "@/utils/password-strength";
+import { useTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
// ============================|| FIREBASE - FORGOT PASSWORD ||============================ //
const AuthForgotPassword = () => {
+ const theme = useTheme();
+ const { t } = useTranslation("common");
const scriptedRef = useScriptRef();
- const dispatch = useDispatch();
const navigate = useNavigate();
const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
const { isLoggedIn } = useSelector((state) => state.auth);
- const [resetPassword, {}] = useResetPasswordMutation();
+ const [resetPassword] = useResetPasswordMutation();
+ const [level, setLevel] = useState<StringColorProps>();
+ const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = useState(false);
+ const handleClickShowPassword = () => {
+ setShowPassword(!showPassword);
+ };
+ const handleMouseDownPassword = (event: SyntheticEvent) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ };
+ const handlePasswordChange = (value: string) => {
+ const temp = strengthIndicator(value);
+ setLevel(strengthColor(temp));
+ };
+ useEffect(() => {
+ handlePasswordChange("");
+ }, []);
return (
@@ -32,82 +76,230 @@ const AuthForgotPassword = () => {
email: "",
password: "",
+ password_confirm: "",
email_code: "",
submit: null
- email: Yup.string().email("Must be a valid email").max(255).required("Email is required")
+ email: Yup.string()
+ .email(t("forgot_password.email_invalid").toString())
+ .max(255, t("forgot_password.email_max", { count: 255 }).toString())
+ .required(t("forgot_password.email_required").toString()),
+ password: Yup.string()
+ .max(255, t("forgot_password.password_max", { count: 255 }).toString())
+ .required(t("forgot_password.password_required").toString()),
+ password_confirm: Yup.string()
+ .oneOf([Yup.ref("password"), null], t("forgot_password.password_confirm_invalid").toString())
+ .required(t("forgot_password.password_confirm_required").toString()),
+ email_code: Yup.string()
+ .min(6, t("forgot_password.email_code_min", { count: 6 }).toString())
+ .max(6, t("forgot_password.email_code_max", { count: 6 }).toString())
+ .required(t("forgot_password.email_code_required").toString())
onSubmit={async (values, { setErrors, setStatus, setSubmitting }) => {
- try {
- await resetPassword(values)
- .unwrap()
- .then(
- () => {
- setStatus({ success: true });
- setSubmitting(false);
- // TODO: translate
- enqueueSnackbar("Check mail for reset password link", {
- variant: "success"
- });
- setTimeout(() => {
- navigate(isLoggedIn ? "/auth/check-mail" : "/check-mail", { replace: true });
- }, 1500);
- // WARNING: do not set any formik state here as formik might be already destroyed here. You may get following error by doing so.
- // Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.
- // To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
- // github issue: https://github.com/formium/formik/issues/2430
- },
- (err: any) => {
- setStatus({ success: false });
- setErrors({ submit: err.message });
- setSubmitting(false);
- }
- );
- } catch (err: any) {
- console.error(err);
- if (scriptedRef.current) {
- setStatus({ success: false });
- setErrors({ submit: err.message });
- setSubmitting(false);
- }
+ if (values.email_code.length !== 6) {
+ setStatus({ success: false });
+ setErrors({ email_code: t("forgot_password.email_code_invalid").toString() });
+ return;
+ await resetPassword({
+ email: values.email,
+ password: values.password,
+ email_code: values.email_code
+ })
+ .unwrap()
+ .then(() => {
+ if (scriptedRef.current) {
+ setStatus({ success: true });
+ setSubmitting(false);
+ enqueueSnackbar(t("notice::forgot_password.reset_success"), {
+ variant: "success"
+ });
+ navigate("/login", { replace: true });
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((err: any) => {
+ console.error("Error in reset password", err);
+ if (scriptedRef.current) {
+ setStatus({ success: false });
+ setErrors(err.errors || { submit: err.message });
+ setSubmitting(false);
+ }
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ if (scriptedRef.current) {
+ setSubmitting(false);
+ }
+ });
- {({ errors, handleBlur, handleChange, handleSubmit, isSubmitting, touched, values }) => (
+ {({ errors, handleBlur, handleChange, handleSubmit, isSubmitting, touched, values, setValues }) => (
<form noValidate onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
+ {/* Email */}
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Stack spacing={1}>
- <InputLabel htmlFor="email-forgot">Email Address</InputLabel>
+ <InputLabel htmlFor="email">
+ <Trans>{"forgot_password.email"}</Trans>
+ </InputLabel>
error={Boolean(touched.email && errors.email)}
- id="email-forgot"
+ id="email"
- placeholder="Enter email address"
+ placeholder="user@example.com"
+ endAdornment={<SendMailButton email={values.email} />}
{touched.email && errors.email && (
- <FormHelperText error id="helper-text-email-forgot">
+ <FormHelperText error id="helper-text-email-signup">
+ {/* Email Code */}
+ <Grid item xs={12}>
+ <Stack spacing={1}>
+ <InputLabel htmlFor="email-code-signup">
+ <Trans>{"forgot_password.email_code"}</Trans>
+ </InputLabel>
+ <OtpInput
+ value={values.email_code}
+ onChange={(otp: string) => {
+ setValues((prev) => ({
+ ...prev,
+ email_code: otp
+ }));
+ }}
+ numInputs={6}
+ containerStyle={{ justifyContent: "space-between" }}
+ inputProps={{
+ name: "email_code",
+ id: "email-code-signup",
+ onBlur: handleBlur
+ }}
+ inputStyle={{
+ width: "100%",
+ margin: "8px",
+ padding: "10px",
+ border: `1px solid ${
+ theme.palette.mode === "dark" ? theme.palette.grey[200] : theme.palette.grey[300]
+ }`,
+ borderRadius: 4,
+ ":hover": {
+ borderColor: theme.palette.primary.main
+ }
+ }}
+ focusStyle={{
+ outline: "none",
+ boxShadow: theme.customShadows.primary,
+ border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.primary.main}`
+ }}
+ />
+ {touched.email_code && errors.email_code && (
+ <FormHelperText error id="helper-text-email-signup">
+ {errors.email_code}
+ </FormHelperText>
+ )}
+ </Stack>
+ </Grid>
+ {/* Password */}
+ <Grid item xs={12}>
+ <Stack spacing={1}>
+ <InputLabel htmlFor="password-signup">
+ <Trans>{"forgot_password.password"}</Trans>
+ </InputLabel>
+ <OutlinedInput
+ fullWidth
+ error={Boolean(touched.password && errors.password)}
+ id="password-signup"
+ type={showPassword ? "text" : "password"}
+ value={values.password}
+ name="password"
+ onBlur={handleBlur}
+ onChange={(e) => {
+ handleChange(e);
+ handlePasswordChange(e.target.value);
+ }}
+ autoComplete={"new-password"}
+ endAdornment={
+ <InputAdornment position="end">
+ <IconButton
+ aria-label="toggle password visibility"
+ onClick={handleClickShowPassword}
+ onMouseDown={handleMouseDownPassword}
+ edge="end"
+ color="secondary"
+ >
+ {showPassword ? <EyeOutlined /> : <EyeInvisibleOutlined />}
+ </IconButton>
+ </InputAdornment>
+ }
+ placeholder="******"
+ inputProps={{}}
+ />
+ {touched.password && errors.password && (
+ <FormHelperText error id="helper-text-password-signup">
+ {errors.password}
+ </FormHelperText>
+ )}
+ </Stack>
+ <FormControl fullWidth sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
+ <Grid container spacing={2} alignItems="center">
+ <Grid item>
+ <Box sx={{ bgcolor: level?.color, width: 85, height: 8, borderRadius: "7px" }} />
+ </Grid>
+ <Grid item>
+ <Typography variant="subtitle1" fontSize="0.75rem">
+ {t("forgot_password.password_strength", {
+ context: lo.lowerCase(level?.label)
+ }).toString()}
+ </Typography>
+ </Grid>
+ </Grid>
+ </FormControl>
+ </Grid>
+ {/* Password Confirm */}
+ <Grid item xs={12}>
+ <Stack spacing={1}>
+ <InputLabel htmlFor="password-confirm">
+ <Trans>{"forgot_password.password_confirm"}</Trans>
+ </InputLabel>
+ <OutlinedInput
+ fullWidth
+ error={Boolean(touched.password_confirm && errors.password_confirm)}
+ id="password-confirm"
+ type={showPassword ? "text" : "password"}
+ value={values.password_confirm}
+ name="password_confirm"
+ onBlur={handleBlur}
+ onChange={(e) => {
+ handleChange(e);
+ handlePasswordChange(e.target.value);
+ }}
+ autoComplete={"new-password"}
+ placeholder="******"
+ inputProps={{}}
+ />
+ {touched.password_confirm && errors.password_confirm && (
+ <FormHelperText error id="helper-text-password-confirm">
+ {errors.password_confirm}
+ </FormHelperText>
+ )}
+ </Stack>
+ </Grid>
{errors.submit && (
<Grid item xs={12}>
<FormHelperText error>{errors.submit}</FormHelperText>
- <Grid item xs={12} sx={{ mb: -2 }}>
- <Typography variant="caption">Do not forgot to check SPAM box.</Typography>
- </Grid>
<Grid item xs={12}>
@@ -119,7 +311,11 @@ const AuthForgotPassword = () => {
- Send Password Reset Email
+ {isSubmitting ? (
+ <CircularProgress size={24} />
+ ) : (
+ <Trans i18nKey={"forgot_password.submit"}>重置密码</Trans>
+ )}