
Protocols: add Passwall & SSRPlus subscription support
add &flag=passwall at the end of subscription link for OpenWRT Passwall Luci Plugin
add &flag=ssrplus at the end of subscription link for OpenWRT ShadowsocksR Plus+ Luci Plugin

Beta Soft 3 年 前

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+namespace App\Http\Controllers\Client\Protocols;
+class Passwall
+    public $flag = 'passwall';
+    private $servers;
+    private $user;
+    public function __construct($user, $servers)
+    {
+        $this->user = $user;
+        $this->servers = $servers;
+    }
+    public function handle()
+    {
+        $servers = $this->servers;
+        $user = $this->user;
+        $uri = '';
+        foreach ($servers as $item) {
+            if ($item['type'] === 'shadowsocks') {
+                $uri .= self::buildShadowsocks($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+            if ($item['type'] === 'v2ray') {
+                $uri .= self::buildVmess($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+            if ($item['type'] === 'trojan') {
+                $uri .= self::buildTrojan($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+        }
+        return base64_encode($uri);
+    }
+    public static function buildShadowsocks($password, $server)
+    {
+        $name = rawurlencode($server['name']);
+        $str = str_replace(
+            ['+', '/', '='],
+            ['-', '_', ''],
+            base64_encode("{$server['cipher']}:{$password}")
+        );
+        return "ss://{$str}@{$server['host']}:{$server['port']}#{$name}\r\n";
+    }
+    public static function buildVmess($uuid, $server)
+    {
+        $config = [
+            "v" => "2",
+            "ps" => $server['name'],
+            "add" => $server['host'],
+            "port" => (string)$server['port'],
+            "id" => $uuid,
+            "aid" => (string)$server['alter_id'],
+            "net" => $server['network'],
+            "type" => "none",
+            "host" => "",
+            "path" => "",
+            "tls" => $server['tls'] ? "tls" : "",
+            "sni" => $server['tls'] ? isset(json_decode($server['tlsSettings'], true)['serverName']) : ""
+        ];
+        if ((string)$server['network'] === 'ws') {
+            $wsSettings = json_decode($server['networkSettings'], true);
+            if (isset($wsSettings['path'])) $config['path'] = $wsSettings['path'];
+            if (isset($wsSettings['headers']['Host'])) $config['host'] = $wsSettings['headers']['Host'];
+        }
+        if ((string)$server['network'] === 'grpc') {
+            $grpcSettings = json_decode($server['networkSettings'], true);
+            if (isset($grpcSettings['path'])) $config['path'] = $grpcSettings['serviceName'];
+        }
+        return "vmess://" . base64_encode(json_encode($config)) . "\r\n";
+    }
+    public static function buildTrojan($password, $server)
+    {
+        $name = rawurlencode($server['name']);
+        $query = http_build_query([
+            'allowInsecure' => $server['allow_insecure'],
+            'peer' => $server['server_name'],
+            'sni' => $server['server_name']
+        ]);
+        $uri = "trojan://{$password}@{$server['host']}:{$server['port']}?{$query}#{$name}";
+        $uri .= "\r\n";
+        return $uri;
+    }

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+namespace App\Http\Controllers\Client\Protocols;
+class SSRPlus
+    public $flag = 'ssrplus';
+    private $servers;
+    private $user;
+    public function __construct($user, $servers)
+    {
+        $this->user = $user;
+        $this->servers = $servers;
+    }
+    public function handle()
+    {
+        $servers = $this->servers;
+        $user = $this->user;
+        $uri = '';
+        foreach ($servers as $item) {
+            if ($item['type'] === 'shadowsocks') {
+                $uri .= self::buildShadowsocks($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+            if ($item['type'] === 'v2ray') {
+                $uri .= self::buildVmess($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+            if ($item['type'] === 'trojan') {
+                $uri .= self::buildTrojan($user['uuid'], $item);
+            }
+        }
+        return base64_encode($uri);
+    }
+    public static function buildShadowsocks($password, $server)
+    {
+        $name = rawurlencode($server['name']);
+        $str = str_replace(
+            ['+', '/', '='],
+            ['-', '_', ''],
+            base64_encode("{$server['cipher']}:{$password}")
+        );
+        return "ss://{$str}@{$server['host']}:{$server['port']}#{$name}\r\n";
+    }
+    public static function buildVmess($uuid, $server)
+    {
+        $config = [
+            "v" => "2",
+            "ps" => $server['name'],
+            "add" => $server['host'],
+            "port" => (string)$server['port'],
+            "id" => $uuid,
+            "aid" => (string)$server['alter_id'],
+            "net" => $server['network'],
+            "type" => "none",
+            "host" => "",
+            "path" => "",
+            "tls" => $server['tls'] ? "tls" : "",
+            "sni" => $server['tls'] ? isset(json_decode($server['tlsSettings'], true)['serverName']) : ""
+        ];
+        if ((string)$server['network'] === 'ws') {
+            $wsSettings = json_decode($server['networkSettings'], true);
+            if (isset($wsSettings['path'])) $config['path'] = $wsSettings['path'];
+            if (isset($wsSettings['headers']['Host'])) $config['host'] = $wsSettings['headers']['Host'];
+        }
+        if ((string)$server['network'] === 'grpc') {
+            $grpcSettings = json_decode($server['networkSettings'], true);
+            if (isset($grpcSettings['path'])) $config['path'] = $grpcSettings['serviceName'];
+        }
+        return "vmess://" . base64_encode(json_encode($config)) . "\r\n";
+    }
+    public static function buildTrojan($password, $server)
+    {
+        $name = rawurlencode($server['name']);
+        $query = http_build_query([
+            'allowInsecure' => $server['allow_insecure'],
+            'peer' => $server['server_name'],
+            'sni' => $server['server_name']
+        ]);
+        $uri = "trojan://{$password}@{$server['host']}:{$server['port']}?{$query}#{$name}";
+        $uri .= "\r\n";
+        return $uri;
+    }