Browse Source

update: add payment handling fee

tokumeikoi 3 years ago

+ 18 - 14

@@ -51,30 +51,34 @@ class PaymentController extends Controller
         if (!config('v2board.app_url')) {
             abort(500, '请在站点配置中配置站点地址');
-        if ($request->input('id')) {
-            $payment = Payment::find($request->input('id'));
-            if (!$payment) abort(500, '支付方式不存在');
-            try {
-                $payment->update($request->input());
-            } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                abort(500, '更新失败');
-            }
-            return response([
-                'data' => true
-            ]);
-        }
         $params = $request->validate([
             'name' => 'required',
             'icon' => 'nullable',
             'payment' => 'required',
             'config' => 'required',
-            'notify_domain' => 'nullable|url'
+            'notify_domain' => 'nullable|url',
+            'handling_fee_fixed' => 'nullable|integer',
+            'handling_fee_percent' => 'nullable|numeric|between:0.1,100'
         ], [
             'name.required' => '显示名称不能为空',
             'payment.required' => '网关参数不能为空',
             'config.required' => '配置参数不能为空',
-            'notify_domain.url' => '自定义通知域名格式有误'
+            'notify_domain.url' => '自定义通知域名格式有误',
+            'handling_fee_fixed.integer' => '固定手续费格式有误',
+            'handling_fee_percent.between' => '百分比手续费范围须在0.1-100之间'
+        if ($request->input('id')) {
+            $payment = Payment::find($request->input('id'));
+            if (!$payment) abort(500, '支付方式不存在');
+            try {
+                $payment->update($params);
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                abort(500, $e->getMessage());
+            }
+            return response([
+                'data' => true
+            ]);
+        }
         $params['uuid'] = Helper::randomChar(8);
         if (!Payment::create($params)) {
             abort(500, '保存失败');

+ 9 - 3

@@ -184,13 +184,17 @@ class OrderController extends Controller
         $payment = Payment::find($method);
         if (!$payment || $payment->enable !== 1) abort(500, __('Payment method is not available'));
         $paymentService = new PaymentService($payment->payment, $payment->id);
+        if ($order->total_amount > 0 && ($payment->handling_fee_fixed || $payment->handling_fee_percent)) {
+            $order->handling_amount = ($order->total_amount * ($payment->handling_fee_percent / 100)) + $payment->handling_fee_fixed;
+        }
+        $order->payment_id = $method;
+        if (!$order->save()) abort(500, __('Request failed, please try again later'));
         $result = $paymentService->pay([
             'trade_no' => $tradeNo,
-            'total_amount' => $order->total_amount,
+            'total_amount' => isset($order->handling_amount) ? ($order->total_amount + $order->handling_amount) : $order->total_amount,
             'user_id' => $order->user_id,
             'stripe_token' => $request->input('token')
-        $order->update(['payment_id' => $method]);
         return response([
             'type' => $result['type'],
             'data' => $result['data']
@@ -217,7 +221,9 @@ class OrderController extends Controller
-            'icon'
+            'icon',
+            'handling_fee_fixed',
+            'handling_fee_percent'
             ->where('enable', 1)->get();

+ 4 - 1

@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `v2_order` (
                             `trade_no` varchar(36) NOT NULL,
                             `callback_no` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
                             `total_amount` int(11) NOT NULL,
+                            `handling_amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
                             `discount_amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
                             `surplus_amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '剩余价值',
                             `refund_amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '退款金额',
@@ -145,6 +146,8 @@ CREATE TABLE `v2_payment` (
                               `icon` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
                               `config` text NOT NULL,
                               `notify_domain` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
+                              `handling_fee_fixed` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+                              `handling_fee_percent` decimal(5,2) DEFAULT NULL,
                               `enable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                               `sort` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
                               `created_at` int(11) NOT NULL,
@@ -374,4 +377,4 @@ CREATE TABLE `v2_user` (
--- 2022-03-10 15:45:02
+-- 2022-03-17 05:35:39

+ 7 - 0

@@ -517,3 +517,10 @@ ADD INDEX `record_at` (`record_at`);
 ALTER TABLE `v2_stat_server`
     CHANGE `u` `u` bigint NOT NULL AFTER `server_type`,
     CHANGE `d` `d` bigint NOT NULL AFTER `u`;
+ALTER TABLE `v2_payment`
+    ADD `handling_fee_fixed` int(11) NULL AFTER `notify_domain`,
+ADD `handling_fee_percent` decimal(5,2) NULL AFTER `handling_fee_fixed`;
+ALTER TABLE `v2_order`
+    ADD `handling_amount` int(11) NULL AFTER `total_amount`;

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 3 - 2

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ window.settings.i18n['en-US'] = {
   '佣金将会在确认后会到达你的佣金账户。': 'The commission will reach your commission account after review.',
   '邀请码管理': 'Invitation Code Management',
   '生成邀请码': 'Generate invitation code',
-  '佣金发放记录': '佣金发放记录',
+  '佣金发放记录': 'Commission Income Record',
   '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
   '密码': 'Password',
   '登入': 'Login',
@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['en-US'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': 'This subscription cannot be renewed and is only available to new users.',
   '重置当月流量': 'Reset current month usage',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': 'Only keep the most recent month\'s usage for checking the transfer data details.',
-  '扣费倍率': 'Fee deduction rate'
+  '扣费倍率': 'Fee deduction rate',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

+ 4 - 3

@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ window.settings.i18n['ja-JP'] = {
   '佣金将会在确认后会到达你的佣金账户。': 'コミッションは承認処理完了後にカウントされます',
   '邀请码管理': '招待コードの管理',
   '生成邀请码': '招待コードを生成',
-  '佣金发放记录': '佣金发放记录',
+  '佣金发放记录': 'コミッション履歴',
   '复制成功': 'クリップボードにコピーされました',
   '密码': 'パスワード',
   '登入': 'ログイン',
   '注册': '新規登録',
-  '忘记密码': 'パスワードをお忘れの方は[こちら]',
+  '忘记密码': 'パスワードをお忘れの方',
   '# 订单号': '受注番号',
   '周期': 'サイクル',
   '订单金额': 'ご注文金額',
@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['ja-JP'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': '該当プランは継続利用できません、新規ユーザーのみが購入可能です',
   '重置当月流量': '使用済みデータ量のカウントリセット',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': 'データ通信明細は当月分のみ表示されます',
-  '扣费倍率': '適応レート'
+  '扣费倍率': '適応レート',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['ko-KR'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': '이 구독은 갱신할 수 없습니다. 신규 사용자만 구매할 수 있습니다.',
   '重置当月流量': '이번 달 트래픽 초기화',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': '귀하의 트래픽 세부 정보는 최근 몇 달 동안만 유지됩니다',
-  '扣费倍率': '수수료 공제율'
+  '扣费倍率': '수수료 공제율',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

+ 3 - 2

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ window.settings.i18n['vi-VN'] = {
   '佣金将会在确认后会到达你的佣金账户。': 'Sau khi xác nhận tiền hoa hồng sẽ gửi đến tài khoản hoa hồng của bạn.',
   '邀请码管理': 'Quản lý mã mời',
   '生成邀请码': 'Tạo mã mời',
-  '佣金发放记录': '佣金发放记录',
+  '佣金发放记录': 'Hồ sơ hoa hồng',
   '复制成功': 'Sao chép thành công',
   '密码': 'Mật khẩu',
   '登入': 'Đăng nhập',
@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['vi-VN'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': 'Đăng ký này không thể gia hạn, chỉ người dùng mới được phép mua',
   '重置当月流量': 'Đặt lại dung lượng tháng hiện tại',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': 'Chi tiết dung lượng chỉ lưu dữ liệu của những tháng gần đây để truy vấn.',
-  '扣费倍率': 'Tỷ lệ khấu trừ'
+  '扣费倍率': 'Tỷ lệ khấu trừ',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['zh-CN'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买',
   '重置当月流量': '重置当月流量',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': '流量明细仅保留近一个月数据以供查询。',
-  '扣费倍率': '扣费倍率'
+  '扣费倍率': '扣费倍率',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

+ 2 - 1

@@ -244,5 +244,6 @@ window.settings.i18n['zh-TW'] = {
   '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买',
   '重置当月流量': '重置当月流量',
   '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。',
-  '扣费倍率': '扣费倍率'
+  '扣费倍率': '扣费倍率',
+  '支付手续费': '支付手续费'

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 2 - 1

@@ -86,5 +86,6 @@
     "The traffic usage in :app_name has reached 80%": "The traffic usage in :app_name has reached 80%",
     "The service in :app_name is about to expire": "The service in :app_name is about to expire",
     "The coupon can only be used :limit_use_with_user per person": "The coupon can only be used :limit_use_with_user per person",
-    "The coupon code cannot be used for this period": "The coupon code cannot be used for this period"
+    "The coupon code cannot be used for this period": "The coupon code cannot be used for this period",
+    "Request failed, please try again later": "Request failed, please try again later"

+ 2 - 1

@@ -86,5 +86,6 @@
     "The traffic usage in :app_name has reached 80%": "在 :app_name 的已用流量已达到 80%",
     "The service in :app_name is about to expire": "在 :app_name 的服务即将到期",
     "The coupon can only be used :limit_use_with_user per person": "该优惠券每人只能用 :limit_use_with_user 次",
-    "The coupon code cannot be used for this period": "此优惠券无法用于该付款周期"
+    "The coupon code cannot be used for this period": "此优惠券无法用于该付款周期",
+    "Request failed, please try again later": "请求失败,请稍后再试"

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff