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remove: old code

tokumeikoi 3 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 153 deletions
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+ 0 - 153

@@ -243,157 +243,4 @@ class OrderController extends Controller
             'data' => true
-    private function alipayF2F($tradeNo, $totalAmount)
-    {
-        $gateway = Omnipay::create('Alipay_AopF2F');
-        $gateway->setSignType('RSA2'); //RSA/RSA2
-        $gateway->setAppId(config('v2board.alipay_appid'));
-        $gateway->setPrivateKey(config('v2board.alipay_privkey')); // 可以是路径,也可以是密钥内容
-        $gateway->setAlipayPublicKey(config('v2board.alipay_pubkey')); // 可以是路径,也可以是密钥内容
-        $gateway->setNotifyUrl(url('/api/v1/guest/order/alipayNotify'));
-        $request = $gateway->purchase();
-        $request->setBizContent([
-            'subject' => config('v2board.app_name', 'V2Board') . ' - 订阅',
-            'out_trade_no' => $tradeNo,
-            'total_amount' => $totalAmount / 100
-        ]);
-        /** @var \Omnipay\Alipay\Responses\AopTradePreCreateResponse $response */
-        $response = $request->send();
-        $result = $response->getAlipayResponse();
-        if ($result['code'] !== '10000') {
-            abort(500, $result['sub_msg']);
-        }
-        // 获取收款二维码内容
-        return $response->getQrCode();
-    }
-    private function stripeAlipay($order)
-    {
-        $currency = config('v2board.stripe_currency', 'hkd');
-        $exchange = Helper::exchange('CNY', strtoupper($currency));
-        if (!$exchange) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeAlipay.currency_convert_timeout'));
-        }
-        Stripe::setApiKey(config('v2board.stripe_sk_live'));
-        $source = Source::create([
-            'amount' => floor($order->total_amount * $exchange),
-            'currency' => $currency,
-            'type' => 'alipay',
-            'statement_descriptor' => $order->trade_no,
-            'metadata' => [
-                'user_id' => $order->user_id,
-                'out_trade_no' => $order->trade_no,
-                'identifier' => ''
-            ],
-            'redirect' => [
-                'return_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order'
-            ]
-        ]);
-        if (!$source['redirect']['url']) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeAlipay.gateway_request_failed'));
-        }
-        return $source['redirect']['url'];
-    }
-    private function stripeWepay($order)
-    {
-        $currency = config('v2board.stripe_currency', 'hkd');
-        $exchange = Helper::exchange('CNY', strtoupper($currency));
-        if (!$exchange) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeWepay.currency_convert_timeout'));
-        }
-        Stripe::setApiKey(config('v2board.stripe_sk_live'));
-        $source = Source::create([
-            'amount' => floor($order->total_amount * $exchange),
-            'currency' => $currency,
-            'type' => 'wechat',
-            'metadata' => [
-                'user_id' => $order->user_id,
-                'out_trade_no' => $order->trade_no,
-                'identifier' => ''
-            ],
-            'redirect' => [
-                'return_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order'
-            ]
-        ]);
-        if (!$source['wechat']['qr_code_url']) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeWepay.gateway_request_failed'));
-        }
-        return $source['wechat']['qr_code_url'];
-    }
-    private function stripeCard($order, string $token)
-    {
-        $currency = config('v2board.stripe_currency', 'hkd');
-        $exchange = Helper::exchange('CNY', strtoupper($currency));
-        if (!$exchange) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeCard.currency_convert_timeout'));
-        }
-        Stripe::setApiKey(config('v2board.stripe_sk_live'));
-        try {
-            $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create([
-                'amount' => floor($order->total_amount * $exchange),
-                'currency' => $currency,
-                'source' => $token,
-                'metadata' => [
-                    'user_id' => $order->user_id,
-                    'out_trade_no' => $order->trade_no,
-                    'identifier' => ''
-                ]
-            ]);
-        } catch (\Exception $e) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeCard.was_problem'));
-        }
-        info($charge);
-        if (!$charge->paid) {
-            abort(500, __('user.order.stripeCard.deduction_failed'));
-        }
-        return $charge->paid;
-    }
-    private function bitpayX($order)
-    {
-        $bitpayX = new BitpayX(config('v2board.bitpayx_appsecret'));
-        $params = [
-            'merchant_order_id' => $order->trade_no,
-            'price_amount' => $order->total_amount / 100,
-            'price_currency' => 'CNY',
-            'title' => '支付单号:' . $order->trade_no,
-            'description' => '充值:' . $order->total_amount / 100 . ' 元',
-            'callback_url' => url('/api/v1/guest/order/bitpayXNotify'),
-            'success_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order',
-            'cancel_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order'
-        ];
-        $strToSign = $bitpayX->prepareSignId($params['merchant_order_id']);
-        $params['token'] = $bitpayX->sign($strToSign);
-        $result = $bitpayX->mprequest($params);
-        // Log::info('bitpayXSubmit: ' . json_encode($result));
-        return isset($result['payment_url']) ? $result['payment_url'] : false;
-    }
-    private function mgate($order)
-    {
-        $mgate = new MGate(config('v2board.mgate_url'), config('v2board.mgate_app_id'), config('v2board.mgate_app_secret'));
-        $result = $mgate->pay([
-            'app_id' => config('v2board.mgate_app_id'),
-            'out_trade_no' => $order->trade_no,
-            'total_amount' => $order->total_amount,
-            'notify_url' => url('/api/v1/guest/order/mgateNotify'),
-            'return_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order'
-        ]);
-        return $result;
-    }
-    private function epay($order)
-    {
-        $epay = new Epay(config('v2board.epay_url'), config('v2board.epay_pid'), config('v2board.epay_key'));
-        return $epay->pay([
-            'money' => $order->total_amount / 100,
-            'name' => $order->trade_no,
-            'notify_url' => url('/api/v1/guest/order/epayNotify'),
-            'return_url' => config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')) . '/#/order',
-            'out_trade_no' => $order->trade_no
-        ]);
-    }