en-US.js 12 KB

  1. window.settings.i18n['en-US'] = {
  2. '请求失败': 'Request failed',
  3. '月付': 'Monthly',
  4. '季付': 'Quarterly',
  5. '半年付': 'Semi-Annually',
  6. '年付': 'Annually',
  7. '两年付': 'Biennially',
  8. '三年付': 'Triennially',
  9. '一次性': 'One Time',
  10. '重置流量包': 'Data Reset Package',
  11. '待支付': 'Pending Payment',
  12. '开通中': 'Pending Active',
  13. '已取消': 'Cancelled',
  14. '已完成': 'Completed',
  15. '已折抵': 'Converted',
  16. '待确认': 'Pending',
  17. '发放中': 'Confirming',
  18. '已发放': 'Completed',
  19. '无效': 'Invalid',
  20. '个人中心': 'User Center',
  21. '登出': 'Logout',
  22. '搜索': 'Search',
  23. '仪表盘': 'Dashboard',
  24. '订阅': 'Subscription',
  25. '我的订阅': 'My Subscription',
  26. '购买订阅': 'Purchase Subscription',
  27. '财务': 'Billing',
  28. '我的订单': 'My Orders',
  29. '我的邀请': 'My Invitation',
  30. '用户': 'Account',
  31. '我的工单': 'My Tickets',
  32. '流量明细': 'Transfer Data Details',
  33. '使用文档': 'Knowledge Base',
  34. '绑定Telegram获取更多服务': 'Not link to Telegram yet',
  35. '点击这里进行绑定': 'Please click here to link to Telegram',
  36. '公告': 'Announcements',
  37. '总览': 'Overview',
  38. '该订阅长期有效': 'The subscription is valid for an unlimited time',
  39. '已过期': 'Expired',
  40. '已用 {used} / 总计 {total}': '{used} Used / Total {total}',
  41. '查看订阅': 'View Subscription',
  42. '邮箱': 'Email',
  43. '邮箱验证码': 'Email verification code',
  44. '发送': 'Send',
  45. '重置密码': 'Reset Password',
  46. '返回登入': 'Back to Login',
  47. '邀请码': 'Invitation Code',
  48. '复制链接': 'Copy Link',
  49. '完成时间': 'Complete Time',
  50. '佣金': 'Commission',
  51. '已注册用户数': 'Registered users',
  52. '佣金比例': 'Commission rate',
  53. '确认中的佣金': 'Pending commission',
  54. '佣金将会在确认后会到达你的佣金账户。': 'The commission will reach your commission account after review.',
  55. '邀请码管理': 'Invitation Code Management',
  56. '生成邀请码': 'Generate invitation code',
  57. '邀请明细': 'Invitation Details',
  58. '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
  59. '密码': 'Password',
  60. '登入': 'Login',
  61. '注册': 'Register',
  62. '忘记密码': 'Forgot password',
  63. '# 订单号': 'Order Number #',
  64. '周期': 'Type / Cycle',
  65. '订单金额': 'Order Amount',
  66. '订单状态': 'Order Status',
  67. '创建时间': 'Creation Time',
  68. '操作': 'Action',
  69. '查看详情': 'View Details',
  70. '请选择支付方式': 'Please select a payment method',
  71. '请检查信用卡支付信息': 'Please check credit card payment information',
  72. '订单详情': 'Order Details',
  73. '折扣': 'Discount',
  74. '折抵': 'Converted',
  75. '退款': 'Refund',
  76. '支付方式': 'Payment Method',
  77. '填写信用卡支付信息': 'Please fill in credit card payment information',
  78. '您的信用卡信息只会被用作当次扣款,系统并不会保存,这是我们认为最安全的。': 'We will not collect your credit card information, credit card number and other details only use to verify the current transaction.',
  79. '订单总额': 'Order Total',
  80. '总计': 'Total',
  81. '结账': 'Checkout',
  82. '等待支付中': 'Waiting for payment',
  83. '开通中': 'Pending',
  84. '订单系统正在进行处理,请稍等1-3分钟。': 'Order system is being processed, please wait 1 to 3 minutes.',
  85. '已取消': 'Cancelled',
  86. '订单由于超时支付已被取消。': 'The order has been cancelled due to overtime payment.',
  87. '已完成': 'Success',
  88. '订单已支付并开通。': 'The order has been paid and the service is activated.',
  89. '选择订阅': 'Select a Subscription',
  90. '立即订阅': 'Subscribe now',
  91. '配置订阅': 'Configure Subscription',
  92. '折扣': 'Discount',
  93. '付款周期': 'Payment Cycle',
  94. '有优惠券?': 'Have coupons?',
  95. '验证': 'Verify',
  96. '订单总额': 'Order Total',
  97. '下单': 'Order',
  98. '总计': 'Total',
  99. '订阅变更须知': 'Attention subscription changes',
  100. '变更订阅会导致当前订阅被新订阅覆盖,请注意。': 'Attention please, change subscription will overwrite your current subscription.',
  101. '该订阅无法续费': 'This subscription cannot be renewed',
  102. '选择其他订阅': 'Choose another subscription',
  103. '我的钱包': 'My Wallet',
  104. '账户余额(仅消费)': 'Account Balance (For billing only)',
  105. '推广佣金(可提现)': 'Invitation Commission (Can be used to withdraw)',
  106. '钱包组成部分': 'Wallet Details',
  107. '划转': 'Transfer',
  108. '推广佣金提现': 'Invitation Commission Withdrawal',
  109. '修改密码': 'Change Password',
  110. '保存': 'Save',
  111. '旧密码': 'Old Password',
  112. '新密码': 'New Password',
  113. '请输入旧密码': 'Please enter the old password',
  114. '请输入新密码': 'Please enter the new password',
  115. '通知': 'Notification',
  116. '到期邮件提醒': 'Subscription expiration email reminder',
  117. '流量邮件提醒': 'Insufficient transfer data email alert',
  118. '绑定Telegram': 'Link to Telegram',
  119. '立即开始': 'Start Now',
  120. '重置订阅信息': 'Reset Subscription',
  121. '重置': 'Reset',
  122. '确定要重置订阅信息?': 'Do you want to reset subscription?',
  123. '如果你的订阅地址或信息泄露可以进行此操作。重置后你的UUID及订阅将会变更,需要重新进行订阅。': 'In case of your account information or subscription leak, this option is for reset. After resetting your UUID and subscription will change, you need to re-subscribe.',
  124. '重置成功': 'Reset successfully',
  125. '两次新密码输入不同': 'Two new passwords entered do not match',
  126. '两次密码输入不同': 'The passwords entered do not match',
  127. '邮箱': 'Email',
  128. '邮箱验证码': 'Email verification code',
  129. '发送': 'Send',
  130. '邀请码': 'Invitation code',
  131. '邀请码(选填)': 'Invitation code (Optional)',
  132. '注册': 'Register',
  133. '返回登入': 'Back to Login',
  134. '我已阅读并同意 <a target="_blank" href="{url}">服务条款</a>': 'I have read and agree to the <a target="_blank" href="{url}">terms of service</a>',
  135. '请同意服务条款': 'Please agree to the terms of service',
  136. '名称': 'Name',
  137. '标签': 'Tags',
  138. '状态': 'Status',
  139. '节点五分钟内节点在线情况': 'Access Point online status in the last 5 minutes',
  140. '倍率': 'Rate',
  141. '使用的流量将乘以倍率进行扣除': 'The transfer data usage will be multiplied by the transfer data rate deducted.',
  142. '更多操作': 'Action',
  143. '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
  144. '复制链接': 'Copy Link',
  145. '该订阅长期有效': 'The subscription is valid for an unlimited time',
  146. '已过期': 'Expired',
  147. '已用 {used} / 总计 {total}': '{used} Used / Total {total}',
  148. '重置订阅信息': 'Reset Subscription',
  149. '没有可用节点,如果您未订阅或已过期请': 'No access points are available. If you have not subscribed or the subscription has expired, please',
  150. '订阅': 'Subscribe',
  151. '确定要重置当月流量?': 'Are you sure to reset your usage for the current month?',
  152. '点击「确定」将会跳转到收银台,支付订单后系统将会清空您当月已使用流量。': 'Click "Confirm" and you will be redirected to the payment page. The system will empty your current month\'s usage after your purchase.',
  153. '确定': 'Confirm',
  154. '确定要重置订阅信息?': 'Are you sure to reset your subscription?',
  155. '如果你的订阅地址或信息泄露可以进行此操作。重置后你的UUID及订阅将会变更,需要重新进行订阅。': 'In case of your account information or subscription leak, this option is for reset. After resetting your UUID and subscription will change, you need to re-subscribe.',
  156. '重置成功': 'Reset successfully',
  157. '低': 'Low',
  158. '中': 'Medium',
  159. '高': 'High',
  160. '主题': 'Subject',
  161. '工单级别': 'Ticket Priority',
  162. '工单状态': 'Ticket Status',
  163. '最后回复': 'Last Reply',
  164. '已关闭': 'Closed',
  165. '待回复': 'Pending Reply',
  166. '已回复': 'Replied',
  167. '查看': 'View',
  168. '关闭': 'Cancel',
  169. '新的工单': 'My Tickets',
  170. '新的工单': 'New Ticket',
  171. '确认': 'Confirm',
  172. '主题': 'Subject',
  173. '请输入工单主题': 'Please enter a subject',
  174. '工单等级': 'Ticket Priority',
  175. '请选择工单等级': 'Please select the ticket priority',
  176. '消息': 'Message',
  177. '请描述你遇到的问题': 'Please describe the problem you encountered',
  178. '记录时间': 'Record Time',
  179. '实际上行': 'Actual Upload',
  180. '实际下行': 'Actual Download',
  181. '合计': 'Total',
  182. '公式:(实际上行 + 实际下行) x 扣费倍率 = 扣除流量': 'Formula: (Actual Upload + Actual Download) x Deduction Rate = Deduct Transfer Data',
  183. '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
  184. '复制订阅地址': 'Copy Subscription URL',
  185. '导入到': 'Export to',
  186. '一键订阅': 'Quick Subscription',
  187. '复制订阅': 'Copy Subscription URL',
  188. '推广佣金划转至余额': 'Transfer Invitation Commission to Account Balance',
  189. '确认': 'Confirm',
  190. '划转后的余额仅用于{title}消费使用': 'The transferred balance will be used for {title} payments only',
  191. '当前推广佣金余额': 'Current invitation balance',
  192. '划转金额': 'Transfer amount',
  193. '请输入需要划转到余额的金额': 'Please enter the amount to be transferred to the balance',
  194. '输入内容回复工单...': 'Please enter to reply to the ticket...',
  195. '申请提现': 'Apply For Withdrawal',
  196. '确认': 'Confirm',
  197. '取消': 'Cancel',
  198. '提现方式': 'Withdrawal Method',
  199. '请选择提现方式': 'Please select a withdrawal method',
  200. '提现账号': 'Withdrawal Account',
  201. '请输入提现账号': 'Please enter the withdrawal account',
  202. '我知道了': 'I got it',
  203. '绑定Telegram': 'Link to Telegram',
  204. '第一步': 'First Step',
  205. '第二步': 'Second Step',
  206. '打开Telegram搜索': 'Open Telegram and Search ',
  207. '向机器人发送你的': 'Send the following command to bot',
  208. '使用文档': 'Knowledge Base',
  209. '最后更新: {date}': 'Last Updated: {date}',
  210. '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
  211. '我的订阅': 'My Subscription',
  212. '还有没支付的订单': 'There are still unpaid orders',
  213. '立即支付': 'Pay Now',
  214. '条工单正在处理中': 'tickets are in process',
  215. '立即查看': 'View Now',
  216. '购买订阅': 'Purchase Subscription',
  217. '使用文档': 'Knowledge Base',
  218. '我的订单': 'My Orders',
  219. '流量明细': 'Transfer Data Details',
  220. '配置订阅': 'Configure Subscription',
  221. '我的邀请': 'My Invitation',
  222. '节点状态': 'Access Point Status',
  223. '复制成功': 'Copied successfully',
  224. '商品信息': 'Product Information',
  225. '产品名称': 'Product Name',
  226. '类型/周期': 'Type / Cycle',
  227. '产品流量': 'Product Transfer Data',
  228. '订单信息': 'Order Details',
  229. '关闭订单': 'Close order',
  230. '订单号': 'Order Number',
  231. '优惠金额': 'Discount amount',
  232. '旧订阅折抵金额': 'Old subscription converted amount',
  233. '退款金额': 'Refunded amount',
  234. '余额支付': 'Balance payment',
  235. '我的工单': 'My Tickets',
  236. '工单历史': 'Ticket History',
  237. '{reset_day} 日后重置流量': 'after {reset_day} days reset usage',
  238. '节点名称': 'Access Point Name',
  239. '于 {date} 到期,距离到期还有 {day} 天。': 'Will expire on {date}, {day} days before expiration, ',
  240. 'Telegram 讨论组': 'Telegram Discussion Group',
  241. '立即加入': 'Join Now',
  242. '续费': 'Renewal',
  243. '购买': 'Purchase',
  244. '该订阅无法续费,仅允许新用户购买': 'This subscription cannot be renewed and is only available to new users.',
  245. '重置当月流量': 'Reset current month usage',
  246. '流量明细仅保留近月数据以供查询。': 'Only keep the most recent month\'s usage for checking the transfer data details.',
  247. '扣费倍率': 'Fee deduction rate'
  248. };